Name ______(ELL 3/4)
Study Guide Human Influence on the Environment Final 2015
Review you vocab terms and notes from Units 4-7
Information in parentheses to tell you where you can find that set of notes and what date we covered them in class and on Moodle or website
Unit 4: Farm to Table (tan notes)
Directions: Answer the questions for each topic
(Questions 1- 9 are from Farm to Table Notes 1/15)
- Define Food and Fiber system
- Define yield (in terms of crops)
- Soil is very valuable (important) to farmers and ranchers, for this reason
- It is sometimes referred to as “black gold”
- Sometime famers fight over it
- Good soil is saved from year to year
Match the following parts of the Food and Fiber system to the proper description
- Production
- Retail
- Consumption
- Farmers and ranchers raise crops and animals
- Consumers eat the food produced
- Stores sell items
- Processing
- Distribution
- Research and Development
- Factories produced different products from primary food source. Ex: Applesauce from apples
- Consists of companies that buy products from processing factories and then sell to retailers
- Using science and technology to come up with new varieties and flavors of food
- Why is a healthy soil ecosystemimportant for agriculture? (Food and ecosystem notes 1/28)
- Living organisms in the soil assist in decomposition, nutrient storage and cycling which is necessary for plant growth
- Abiotic factors such as water levels, pH and nutrients help plants grow
- Both A and B
- How does poverty lead to obesity (people being overweight)? (Food Security Prezi 1/21)
Matching: Match the correct term about agricultural problems to its definition below (Food and Ecosystem Notes 1/28)
A. nitrogen and phosphorousB.wild biodiversity lossC. dead zones
- ______Essential nutrients needed in soil for crops to grow
- ______The use of pesticides kill bees which leads to
- ______Areas of less oxygen so not many organisms can survive
- List 2 benefits and 2 risks of Genetically Modified Organisms. (GMO prezi 2/9)
- Crops that are farmed organically (Alternative Farming notes 1/29)
- Are not sprayed with synthetic fertilizers and pesticides
- Can have small amounts of man-made fertilizers
- Can be sprayed with pesticides but not have excess man-made fertilizers
- Compost is defined as (Alternative Farming notes 1/29)
- Decayed organic matter that is used to make a natural fertilizer
- A mixture of natural and man-made materials to be used a fertilizers
- Are natural pesticides for organic farms
- Properly identifying and controlling apest is referred to as (IPM foldables, 2/9)
- Exterminator
- Integrated Pest Management
- Organic Farming
Short Answer
19a. List the Pros organic farming (2 points) (Alternative farming notes 1/29)
19b. List the Cons of organic farming (2 points) (Alternative farming notes 1/29)
Unit 5: Waste Management
- Define Biodegradable(Throwaway society 2/12))
- List 2 items that are biodegradable(Composting notes 2/18)
- What is the best way to managehazardouswaste produced? (Hazardous Materials 2/23)
- Incineration (burn it)
- Reduce the amount being produced
- Convert to non-hazardous materials
- Why do non-biodegradable materials cause waste management problems? (Throw away society 2/12)
- They cannot be recycled
- They do not break down
- They cause overflow in landfills
- Define hazardous waste(Hazardous Waste 2/23)
- Look at the diagram of a sanitary landfill. What safetymeasures are there to protect the environment? (Throw away society 2/12)
Short Answer:
- List 3 conditions necessary for items to degrade in a landfill. (How long trash lasts activity 2/13)
- Fill in the Venn Diagram below comparing and contrastingLandfills and Composting ((Throw away society 2/12 Composting notes 2/18)
Unit 6: Municipal Water Use (blue notes)
Word Bank for #28-31: Use vocab definitions
A. confluenceB. riparian zoneC. tributaries
D. watershedE. Chesapeake
- A _____ or drainage basin is an area of land where all of the water that is under it or drains off of it goes into the same place.
- In Harrisburg, all of the smaller bodies of water or ______flow into the ______bay in Maryland.
- When two or more bodies of water meet, a ______is created.
- Where water meets the land a special ecosystem or ______is found.
Match the following examples as point source or non-point source pollution.
Use A for point source; Use B for non-point source (Water pollution prezi 3/18)
- ______Oil spill from a tanker at the dock
- ______Municipalrunoff entering a storm drain
- ______Hot water from a factory causing thermal pollution
- ______A stream showing signs of eutrophication
- _____pollution is caused by warm water being put into a river system, usually from a factory(Water pollution prezi, 3/18)
- Eutrophication
- Thermal
- Non-point source
- How can we treatgroundwater pollution? (Groundwater Pollution discussion 3/23)
- A ______occurs when you have a higher than average number of people experiencing similar symptoms in an area. (Groundwater pollution discussion 3/23)
- Epidemic
- Pathogen
- Disease cluster
- What agency sets standards for water safety levels? (Groundwater pollution discussion 3/23)
- If a bottled water label states it is from a “municipal water source” it is coming from where? (Bottled water notes, 3/27)
- Any organism that can cause harm is called a (Water pollution prezi, 3/18 and vocab term)
- Pathogen
- Bacteria
- Mold
- When you conserve water, what are you actually doing? (Water conservation 4/9)
- What happens to the sludge from waste water treatment? (Water safety 3/31)
- It sits in tanks where bacteria break it down, then sent to landfill
- It is used to produce energy for the facility
- It is dumped into the nearest river to be cleaned by natural processes
- Harrisburg is located in the _____ watershed. (Watershed notes 3/11)
- Potomac
- Ohio
- Chesapeake Bay
- The most significantpollutant in our oceans is ____ (water pollution prezi, 3/18)
- Oil
- Toxic waste
- Plastics
- Where does the majority of oceanpollution come from? (water pollution prezi, 3/18)
- Land use activities
- Boating activities
- Coastal pollution
Unit 7: Aquatic Ecosystems (Gold notes)
- What conditions do coral reefs need to survive? (Aquatic ecosystems prezi 4/14)
- Areas where fresh water from land mixes with salt water from the ocean are called ______(aquatic ecosystems prezi 4/14)
- Wetlands are characterized by _____ soils(aquatic ecosystems prezi 4/14)
- Hydric (wet)
- Salty
- Alkaline
- The biggest threat to ALLaquatic ecosystems is what?(aquatic ecosystems prezi 4/14)
- Trash in the ocean
- Land use activities leading to pollution
- Air pollution
- Dams cause water to slow down very quickly; this leads to sediment dropping near the dam and increases _____ of the water. (Water flow notes 4/23)
- Salinity
- Turbidity
- Acidity
Unit 8: Energy (green notes)
53. List and explain the 3 Non-renewablefossil fuels(Nonrenewable resources notes, 5/7)
54. List and explain the Renewable resources (Renewable resources notes, 5/11)
55. What criteria needs to be met to be classified as a green building? ( Green buildings, 5/20)
56. Define radioactivity. (vocab term)
57. Define half-life (vocab term)
58. What happens in a nuclear power plant? (Nuclear Power, 5/21)
Open Ended
Unit 6: Watershed Notes 3/11
59. On the stream diagram. Label the following: (Watershed notes 3/11)
a. 1st,2nd, 3rd order streams (everywhere they occur)
b. mark areas of confluence with an X
/c. label the headwaters and mouth of the main body of water
d. outline a watershed associated with this stream diagram
Unit 6: Water Safety Notes 3/31
60. Explain what occurs during each step of the water treatment process. Refer to the diagram when necessary (Water Safety notes 3/31)
Removing Sludge-
Killing bacteria-
Unit 4 : Farm to Table Notes 1/15
61. You bought a pack of frozen chicken nuggets from the grocery store. Explain the path this food took to get from the farm as a full chicken to your freezer at home using the steps of the food and fiber system listed below. (Farm to Table notes 1/15)