Leadership Team meeting on January 31st, 2018

Present: Carol Fields, Vickie Golobic, Sandy Calkins, Brian LeMaire, Chris Gilmore, Lanny Dick

Recap of Annual meeting and listing of suggestions made:

  1. LT members help with announcements in weeks before, links in weekly email to documents
  2. Keep food option but advertise better
  3. Separate mailing with meeting date and link to documents. Discussion about date was that we should keep it in middle January. Sunday, Jan 27, 2019. Sunday, Jan 26, 2020
  4. No notes this time,
  5. Lanny Dick, added to slate, voted, approved
  6. Budget discussed only in brief, voted, approved
  7. “Open” discussion recollection:
  8. Record worship
  9. Quarterly budget and pledge reports
  10. Graph pledges
  11. 3 projects for building. Floors, lights, hearing loop
  12. Grant for windows
  13. Pulpit removal
  14. LaForet retreat
  15. What does Chris need to enhance worship, dance, arts, banners
  16. Interfaith activities and notices
  17. Community organizing
  18. Lights for sanctuary
  19. Organ
  20. Publish LT meeting dates
  21. Screens in front

Other Business:

Financial - Budget – First month of the year isn’t complete yet, no news.

“Pledge statements” need to go to each person, including people that have not pledged. Some pledge statements did not seem to match, we will follow up on this next month.

Other items:

Web “gift”

  1. Announcement about volunteers for web improvement
  2. Change web provider? Look at other church websites to see which ones we like so we can recommend a possible company. Is it easy? Is it up to date? Does it grab your attention? What stays private or member only. Calendar?


  1. Restroom floor bid: $1000 approx, LT approved based on approved budget, get bids on painting stalls, doors and walls.
  2. Windows will be scheduled between Music Together sessions, Carol will discuss date with Curtis
  3. March 24 cleanup day
  4. Floor proposal is still being worked on, looking at floor replacement, floor surfacing, other options. Looking at architect consultation for many options.
  5. $5380 VanCamp fir replacement, refinish $4880, we move the pews
  6. $11510, fire replacement, Rock Solid Hardwood, move/reset pews
  7. Will get bid for total floor replacement with oak
  8. Leak by downspout, could the leak be caulked or something?

Wider Church:

  1. Meeting on Feb 11, invited people after church to just talk about what the group does and what their ideas are.

Inner Church:

  1. Ideas for once a month activity, offer some ideas to the team to coordinate

Pastoral Report:

New baby June for Tim and Sarah, other babies are doing ok.

Next Meetings are schedules for the 3rd Weds

Feb 21 5:30PM

March 21 5:30PM (changed to March 22nd)

April 18 5:30PM