A.C.E.Membership Monthly Meeting

Date: Monday, June 13, 2016

Time:4:15 pm

Location: 715 Main Street


Present: Shane Bostrom, Alison Cox,Renée McGurry, Angela FeyDeborahClark

Regrets: Stephanie Miller, Dino Altieri,Val Noseworthy


2)Call to Order:The Meeting was called to order at 5:08 pm byAlison Cox

3)Adoption of Agenda:

Motion: To accept the Agenda as amended to include Aboriginal Education updates in New Business

Moved By: Angela Fey

Seconded By: Shane Bostrom


4)Approval of Minutes:

Motion: To accept the Minutes as amended for spelling

Moved By: Shane Bostrom

Seconded By: Angela Fey


5)Sharing Circle: Thanks to everyone who was able to make it today.

6)Executive Director’s Report

a)The Conference surveys are in and will be distributed to the Conference committee at the next meeting. Nominations are open and the Call for Presenters has gone out. The theme is “Relationships and Reconciliation”

b)I have been working with CCEPAC to ensure Indigenous perspectives in ECE curriculum

c)I have been working on Sponsorships for the Conference, Banquet and Retreat

d)I am updating the website, the social media and have sent out the Winter newsletter and am working on the Summer Newsletter

e)The grant reports for the Winnipeg Foundation and United Way of Winnipeg have been submitted and final cheques received

f)The “Walking the Truth” land-based retreat with Myra Laramee has been finalized. It will be at Windy Hills, August 14-19, 2016

g)The Indspire nominations have been completed and submitted

h)I am working to fulfill the requests made by the Executive to move forward

i)I have been researching the steps need to more A.C.E. to reflect indigenous perspectives

j)I represented A.C.E. at the Community Schools Working Group. The Gathering is in the fall.

k)A.C.E was asked to sit on the Very READ-y Project in the North End as an Aboriginal organization.

l)I attended the Indigenous Evaluation and Manitoba Indigenous Foresight workshops

m)I attended the Employer Advisory Meeting at the Urban Circle Training Centre

n)I met with the ECSP grant contact. We have not completed the exact workshops but I will file a progress report

Motion: To accept the Executive Director Report as presented

Moved By: Deborah Clark

Seconded By: Renée McGurry


7)Financial Report

a)Monthly Report—No Report

8)Business Arising

a)United Way of Winnipeg Indigenous Development Grant—the 2016 grants are now available

Motion: To apply for the United Way of Winnipeg Indigenous Development Grant

Moved By: Angela Fey

Seconded By: Shane Bostrom


9)New Business

a)Calls to Action—It is recommended that A.C.E. review and incorporate the Calls to Action, as appropriate. This would be good to include in organization development and governance


i)Keep the Fires Burning—Request to attend

ii)Manitoba Moon Voices—Membership renewal notice

iii)Ministry of Indigenous and Northern Affairs—Acknowledgment of letter of support

c)Aboriginal Education Directorate

i)We have been requested to appoint an Executive member to the Provincial Policy Committee. Alison and Shane decided that Alison with take the two-year position. Deborah will draft and submit the letter

ii)A.C.E. has been asked to provide advocacy for Community Schools programming, to assist in capacity buildingand provide workshops for the parent groups. Deborah will contact AB Ed for more information.

iii)Gerri Crilly, AAA Support, asked for a workshop to train facilitators for Blanket Teaching workshops

iv)Proposals for the above mentioned workshop programming is to be submitted to the Deputy Minister. Deborah will follow up with the appropriate contacts











a)Conference—Renée has emailed a package with all the information for Nominations. She would like to see the Board step up, nominate and circulatethe information

d)Executive—The Executive Committee met and appointed Shane Bostrom as Co-Chair. The discussion regarding Cultural and Workshops resulted in a list of names and a meeting date.

e)Workshop—Deborah was the only one to attend the meeting that was created at the Executive meeting. She is waiting for additional contact information to create a Doodle for another meeting

11)The Meeting was adjourned at 5:57 pm.