Summary ICCPR
Article 1
Self-determination – including political status and economic and cultural development.
Article 2
Ensure rights without discrimination.
Article 3
Ensure equal enjoyment of treaty rights between men and women.
Article 4
Derogation of rights to be limited to specific circumstances, certain rights may not be derogated from and derogation must be consistent with certain rules.
Article 5
Covenant may not be interpreted in a way that destroys rights ensured in the covenant.
Article 6
The right to life, which shall be protected in law.
Article 7
The right to be free from inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 8
The freedom from slavery and servitude.
Article 9
The right to liberty and freedom from arbitrary arrest or detention.
Article 10
People deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity.
Article 11
Freedom from being imprisoned over a debt.
Article 12
The right to liberty and freedom of movement
Article 13
An alien lawfully in the territory of a state party may only be expelled in accordance with the law, be allowed to argue against expulsion, have case reviewed and be represented before a competent authority.
Article 14
The right to equality before the law; the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty and to have a fair and public hearing.
Article 15
No one can be held for an offence that was not a crime at the time it was committed.
Article 16
The right to be recognised as a person before the law.
Article 17
The right privacy and its protection by the law.
Article 18
The freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
Article 19
The freedom of opinion and expression.
Article 20
Prohibition on propaganda advocating war or national, racial or religious hatred.
Article 21
The right to peaceful assembly.
Article 22
The right to freedom of association and to join a trade union.
Article 23
The right to marry and found a family and equal rights between men and women within the marriage at its dissolution.
Article 24
The rights for children (status as minors, nationality, registration and name).
Article 25
The right to participate in public affairs, to vote and to be elected and access to public service.
Article 26
Everyone is equal before the law and has a right to legal protection “of the law” without discrimination.
Article 27
The right, for members of religious, ethnic or linguistic minorities, to enjoy their culture, practice their religion and use their language.