Ready Player OneNarrative Elements

I: Characterization

Using the following definitions and evidence from your novel, complete the following graphic organizer:

Direct characterization: specific information about a character provided the narrator or author

Indirect characterization: a narrator or author’s development of character through the character’s interaction with others, thoughts about circumstances, or speaking his or her thoughts aloud.

Round character: a character who shows many different traits—faults as well as virtues

Flat character: a character who shows only one trait

Dynamic character: a character who changes and grows during the course of the story

Static character:a character who does not change

Character / Direct characterization—provide 1 piece of textual evidence / Indirect characterization—provide 1 piece of textual evidence / Static/Dynamic—indicate which and explain your choice / Flat/Round—indicate which and explain your choice
Art3mis / (see ch. 0039)
Sorrento / (see ch. 0014)
Aech / (see ch. 0033)

Protagonist: the main character of a literary work

Antagonist: the character or force in conflict with a main character, or protagonist.

II. Label the protagonist/antagonist of Ready Player One on the graphic organizer in the “Character” column.

III. Narrative Structure

Label the following narrative arc:

IV: Setting

In 5-7 sentences, describe the setting of Ready Player One and explain how the setting functions within the text.

Setting—the time and place of the action. A setting may serve any number of functions. It may provide a background for the action. It may be a crucial element in the plot or central conflict. It may also create a certain emotional atmosphere or mood.





V: Conflict

Choose and paraphrase three conflicts explored in Ready Player One and explain whether each conflict is internal or external. If it is external, explain which type of external conflict it is and provide textual evidence. Fill in the following graphic organizer.

Conflict is a struggle between opposing forces. Sometimes this struggle is internal, or within a character (man vs. self). At other times this struggle is external, or between a character and an outside force (man vs. man, man vs. society, man vs. machine, man vs. fate).

Paraphrase / Type of Conflict / Textual Evidence (with page #)
Conflict #1
(from Level 1) / Man versus ______.
Conflict #2
(from Level 2) / Man versus ______.
Conflict #3
(from Level 3) / Man versus ______.