Committees of the Board are governance committees that are led and populated by Executive Councilors. APsaA members elect officers and Councilors-at-Large. Societies elect Councilors. Councilors vote on who will serve on Council committees. Non-Councilor members may be invited to join a Council committee when particular expertise is needed. The current Committees of the Board (of Executive Council) are the following:
1. Executive Committee
2. Administrative Liaison
3. Audit
4. Budgetary Advisory Committee
5. Compensation
6. Committee on Council
7. Honorary Membership and Awards
8. Membership Requirements and Review
9. Nominations Advisory (Council)
10. Policies and Procedure
11. Subcommittee to advise the President on appointment of DPE Head and Associate Head
Committees of the Corporation are those committees of APsaA which carry out its mission and carry out the policies established by the Executive Council. These committees are chaired and populated by APsaA members who volunteer their time. The committee chairs are appointed by the President and the committee members are appointed by the President-elect. All appointments are made collaboratively with new or former chairs of committees. Non-APsaA members may be invited to participate when their expertise is helpful to carrying out a committee’s mission. Committees of the Corporation are organized for administrative purposes into Departments. The President appoints a Head of each Department. That volunteer member oversees the goals, outcomes and needs of the set of committees within his/her department and is the primary person responsible for bringing policy questions to the Executive Council regarding the work of the committees. Current APsaA committees are listed below.
APsaA DEPARTMENTS (September 2016 Update):
Psychoanalytic Education (Erik Gann, Interim Head)
Proposed committee structure is available in the Members Section of the APsaA website; recruitment of DPE leadership is underway.
Academic and Professional Affairs (Peter Rudnytsky, Head)
1. Artist/Scholar in Residence
2. Educator Associates
3. Edith Sabshin Teaching Award
4. Graduate Education in Psychology
5. Graduate Education in Social Work
6. Medical Student Education
7. Psychoanalysis and the Academy
8. Psychoanalysis and Undergraduate Education
9. Psychiatric Resident Education
10. Schools Committee
11. Student/Resident Associates
12. Teachers Academy
13. Corporate and Organizational Consultants
14. Fellowship Committee
15. History, Archives and Library
16. Psychoanalysis and the Arts
Membership Services and Programs (Bill Myerson, Head)
1. Continuing Education
2. Program Committee
3. American Psychoanalytic Foundation
4. Confidentiality
5. Membership
6. Practice Building Today
7. Colleague Assistance
8. Candidate Assistance Fund
Public Advocacy (Brenda Bauer, Herb Gross, Co-Heads)
I. Governmental Relations and Insurance Division
II. Social Issues Division
1. Advocacy Relations
2. Child Advocacy
3. Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis
4. Diversity
5. Gender and Sexuality
6. Psychoanalysis and the Community
7. Racial and Ethnic Diversity
8. Service Members and Veterans Initiative
9. Status of Women and Girls
10. Task Force on Income Inequality and Class
Communications (Michael Donner, Head)
1. Public Information
2. TAP
Psychotherapy (Ralph Beaumont, Head)
1. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Training Programs
2. Psychotherapist Associates
Science (Mark Solms, Head)
1. Fund for Psychoanalytic Research
2. Science Communication
3. Scientific Posters and Prizes
a. Scientific Paper Prize
b. Poster Session
4. Research Associates
5. Scientific/Educational Liaison
Administrative Governance
1. Bylaws
2. Ethics
3. Finance
4. Investment Subcommittee
5. Nominations Advisory
Candidates’ Council