Flanagan Parent Update
September 27, 2013
· Reading Log-due next Friday (extra logs on my web site if misplaced)
· Writing Assignment- Week #4-due next Friday (extra writing assignments on my web site if misplaced)
· Spelling Homework- activities are due on Friday and are stapled to their test paper before the teat begins..
· Math Study Links (as assigned-check daily agenda)
· Fastt Math- 3 times a week
· Social Studies- ask to view their Social Studies Progress Report. Theme school maps are due if they were not finished in class.
· Community Member Interview due October 18th.
Room Parents- Mrs. Loper, Mrs. Sables and Mrs. Roux have volunteered. I will meet with them soon and map out some classroom activities.
Parent Volunteers- I am organizing the volunteer lists this weekend. I will send something hoe to volunteers next week. We will probably need the typists and copiers first.
Key Players- Our class key players (showing excellent respect and responsibility) for the first three weeks have been: Mitchell Mills, Elle Sables and Alexis DiSera.
Student Council Reps- Sarah Lawlis and Sean Mammen (12 kids tried out and did fine speeches. We will try to find other ways for those students to demonstrate leadership abilities).
Wearing Blue- 100% of our kids wore blue today in support of Team Blake (a kdg. student who has cancer and is being spotlighted at a special fundraising walk on Saturday night). We created a special card with our photo and 2 donations were sent in (unsolicited) that we forwarded to the KDG. Teachers
Play performances are being set for next Friday. The play takes about 15 minutes including lines, song and introductions. Please do not feel the need to attend. We will present to K-3 and I have told the kids that many parents prefer to save personal days for whole day events. I will also take pictures and make a photo show. That being said, if you are available and want to stop by, you are welcome…please don’t be late though...there is nothing sadder than a parent who has raced to school and missed their kid’s one line. Times are 9-9:15; 9:50-10:05 and 10:15-10:30.
Green Team notes due October 1st. First Green Team meeting October 3rd at lunchtime.
Curriculum Notes
Daily Oral Language – Editing Quiz #3 was taken this week and will come home soon.
Language Arts- We are working on our play and will let you know when it will be ready for viewing.
Reading Workshop- Reading MEAP Prep continues next week. I will also have all the Fountas and Pinnell testing done by the end of Monday. A note will come home mid-week with your child’s individual information.
Math- Fastt Math should be up and running. The kids will be assigned 3 times a week to start. You can choose what days to do it. They can always do more.
Spelling- We are on List 2 for next week. 3 weeks of 100% can move a child up a level if they feel the need. However, if a child studies hard to get that 100%, they can stay at that level all year...For example, Level F is 6th grade and gets increasingly difficult so someone might stay there all year.
Writing- We are interviewing each other and our first grade buddies. Next week we will also be doing Writing MEAP prep. 4th grade is the only elementary grade that takes a Writing MEAP. Lucky us!
Social Studies- Working on maps and informational reading using Time for Kids.
Testing Information
· Fountas and Pinell testing continues
Here is where we stand: 25 done, 2 to go!
11:35-12:10 / GIA
3:45-4:25 / PARKER
4:30-5:50 / Evan
5:15-5:50 / Malachi
Evan and Malachi are being canceled. Mrs. Foust tested you in school and I will use her results.