Unit Title



Conduct covert mobile surveillance


This unit is about performing mobile surveillance using vehicles in order to gather information, intelligence and/or evidence. To be competent in this unit you will need to drive safely during surveillance operations, positioning the vehicle appropriately and exploiting advantages. You will need to use topographical clues to assist positioning, communicating with others and carrying out stop and plot procedures.
You are expected to identify and deal with anti-surveillance techniques effectively. During the surveillance you must demonstrate your ability to use mobile surveillance tactics effectively to counteract exposure to anti-surveillance techniques. In addition, you are expected to operate communications equipment, commentate on the progress of the surveillance, and give and receive accurate references from appropriate maps and town plans.
The purpose of conducting surveillance operations is to gather information, intelligence or evidence and therefore this unit links to unit 2A1 ‘Gather and submit information that has the potential to assist policing objectives’.

There are two elements:

CH102.1 / Drive vehicles for covert mobile surveillance
CH102.2 / Conduct covert mobile surveillance

This unit was developed by theSkills for Justice.

Skills for Justice / Page 1
National Occupational Standards for Policing & Law Enforcement / Final Version Approved May 2009




Drive vehicles for covert mobile surveillance

Performance Criteria

To meet the standard, you

1 / drive covertly during the surveillance operation in line with your organisation's safe driving standards
2 / maintain control of the subject(s) by effective positioning of the vehicle during the surveillance operation
3 / make use of, and exploit, advantages for concealment to remain covert
4 / recognise and use topographical clues to assist progress
5 / maintain safe driving whilst communicating with others
6 / apply stop and plot procedures effectively and efficiently
7 / drive, manoeuvre and park the vehicle in a manner that minimises the risk of compromise and is consistent with the locality of operations
8 / be aware of the likely impact of audible and visual emergency warning devices on others and the effect on the covert nature of the vehicle


1 / advantages for concealment
a / other vehicles
b / other team members
c / topography
d / other road users
e / use of props
f / vehicle profile
2 / communicating
a / by radio
b / within the vehicle




Conduct covert mobile surveillance

Performance Criteria

To meet the standard, you

1 / identify, assess and continually review potential risks in relation to surveillance operations and react appropriately
2 / identify when anti-surveillance techniques are being used and apply approved techniques to deal with them effectively
3 / use approved and recognised mobile surveillance tactics during surveillance operations to combat exposure
4 / employ appropriate surveillance techniques as necessary to gather information, intelligence and evidence covertly
5 / maintain effective communication with other team members using approved techniques and terminology
6 / operate, maintain and deal with malfunctions of equipment in accordance with training and manufacturer’s instructions in a way that maintains covert operation
7 / give and receive accurate references covertly, using recognised terminology, from appropriate maps and plans under operational conditions
8 / recognise the limits of the authority for the surveillance operation and take the appropriate action in respect of changing circumstances or any compromise of the surveillance activity
9 / appropriately document all actions, information, intelligence and evidence in accordance with current policy and legislation


1 / communication
a / radio
b / within vehicle
2 / operational conditions
a / rural
b / urban
c / daylight
d / night time
e / busy
f / quiet
g / in adverse weather conditions




Conduct covert mobile surveillance

Knowledge and Understanding

To meet the standard, you need to know and understand

Legal and organisational requirements

1 / current, relevant legislation, policies, procedures, codes of practice and guidelines in relation to covert mobile surveillance operations
2 / current, relevant legislation and organisational requirements in relation to race, diversity and human rights
3 / current, relevant legislation and organisational requirements in relation to health and safety
4 / the relevant aspects of organisational and policing objectives e.g. control strategy and intelligence requirements, and local, regional and national objectives
5 / the purpose and importance of risk assessments and how to conduct them
6 / current restrictions that apply to surveillance of individuals

Driving vehicles for covert mobile surveillance operations

7 / how to drive vehicles safely and within the limitations of the vehicle, yourself and legislation
8 / how to drive in a manner which maintains the safety of yourself others
9 / how to communicate with others appropriately whilst driving
10 / how to apply stop and plot procedures
11 / how to recognise and make use of advantages, especially those conceded by other road users
12 / how to maintain the covert nature of the operation when driving, manoeuvring and positioning and when deploying or collecting foot operatives

Conducting covert mobile surveillance operations

13 / the approved tactics which may be employed on mobile surveillance operations
14 / how to recognise overt and covert anti-surveillance techniques
15 / techniques that can be used to combat anti-surveillance by subjects and how to apply them
16 / how to use equipment correctly and carry out basic fault finding and fault rectification
17 / the approved methods of communication between team members and how to apply them correctly
18 / the various types of information, intelligence and evidence which may be collected during mobile surveillance and the limitations of these
19 / how to use maps of various types and scales in order to plot and follow a route


20 / the documentation which must be completed and how to complete it accurately

Evidence Requirements

1Where simulations are used for performance evidence, these should properly reflect the requirements of real working situations.

2You must practically demonstrate in your work that you have met the standard for conducting covert mobile surveillance operations.

3Element CH102.1 Drive vehicles for covert mobile surveillance

From the range in element 1 you must show that you:

- have made use of four types of advantages for concealment*

- have used both methods of communicating

4Element CH102.2 Conduct covert mobile surveillance

From the range in element 2 you must show that you:

- have dealt with five types of operational conditions*

- have used all methods of communication

* Items from the range not covered by performance evidence should be supported by knowledge evidence.

5In order to achieve this unit, you must have successfully completed the appropriate parts of a nationally recognised surveillance training programme.

Skills for Justice / Page 1
National Occupational Standards for Policing & Law Enforcement / Final Version Approved May 2009