Reading Intervention Resources

The following links provide a list of resources that you might be interested in regarding interventions for struggling readers. This list was compiled by soliciting ideas and resources from a variety of sources, including but not limited to the Illinois Flexible Services Delivery System Consortium: Research-Based Interventions Committee and the Michigan Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MiBLSi). Thus, these interventions or resources are not being officially endorsed or recommended in any official way. Rather, they are there as potential resources that others have found useful.

Finally, it is strongly recommended that systematic, reliable, and valid progress monitoring be conducted if any of the listed interventions are utilized with students. As always, it is crucial to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions and to use data to make instructional decisions!

Program /
Description/ Critical
Component of Reading / Cost/Training / Review or Endorsement
Read Well / Core Reading Program for K-3
Read Well is designed as a core program for grade 1 and for students in grades 2-3 who are not fluent readers. It incorporates all 5of thecritical areas of reading instruction. It is systematic and explicit. / www.sopriswest.com
This is a whole class curriculum including many components. See website for costs. / Florida Center for Reading Research
Language! / Core/Supplemental Reading Program K-12
Language! Is a comprehensive literacy program that addresses all of the 5 basic areas of reading. It was designed as a curriculum for ELL, special education and at risk students. It was designed for students who were more than 2 grade levels below their current placement level and needed explicit instruction. / See Sopris West Website for costs - many components.
This is a whole group curriculum. Training is highly recommended and requires6 days of initial training for best use of the program. / Florida Center for Reading Research
Michael Heggerty
Phonemic Awareness Curriculum / Phonemic Awareness
Teaches all the components of phonemic awareness in a systematic and explicit manner.
PA Original Curriculum-1st Gr.
PA Kindergarten Curriculum- K / www.literacyresources.com
$64.99 / See testimonials on website:
Program /
Description/ Critical
Component of Reading / Cost/Training / Review or Endorsement
P.Mathes, J.Torgesen et. al. / Phonemic Awareness/Phonics
Materials also available through Sopris West:
KPALS- emphasizes letter sound fluency, phonemic segmentation. Whole class or small group instruction.
1st GRADE PALS- emphasizes phonemic awareness and alphabetic principle. / $49.95
$49.95 / Florida Center for Reading Research
Road to the Code: A Phonological Awareness Program for Young Children,
Blachman, Wynne, Black, & Tangel / Phonemic Awareness/Phonics
1 book- K to 1st.The emphasis of this program is on developing phonological awareness in students early on.
It consists of 44 lessons to be taught in small groups of 4-5 4 x per week over 11 weeks. Skills included are phoneme segmentation, letter sound learning and phonological awareness skills. Tier 1 or 2. / $49.95 on Brookes Publishing Website / Florida Center for Reading Research
Phonemic Awareness in Young Children
Adams, Foorman, Lundberg & Beeler / Phonemic Awareness
Provides a classroom curriculum for scaffolded phonemic awareness games and activities for the early elementary teacher. Includes a suggested schedule of activities for K and 1st grade. / $ 26.95 on Brookes Publishing Website
Also available on Amazon.com
Great Leaps,
Kenneth Campbell / PhonemicAwareness/Phonics
4 levels (K-2), (3-5), (6-8), (9-12) This program is designed to be taught in a one on one tutoring session for 10 minutes at least 3x per week. The early 2 versions focus on phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency.
Components include practice with individual sounds and words, high frequency phrases, and repeated reading of decodable passages / $110.00 each level $66.00 for administrator program (for evaluation)
Training can be accomplished with manual review / Florida Center for Reading Research
Program /
Description/ Critical
Component of Reading / Cost/Training / Review or Endorsement
Cognitive Concepts / Phonemic Awareness/Phonics.
Step 1(age 4-7) Step 2 (age 7-10)
A computerized program that teaches phonemic awareness (Step 1) and alphabetic principle (Step 2)
Excellent graphics. / $299.00 each step Clinician guide is $29.95 / Research reported at the Florida Center for Reading Research is for Earobics, Literacy Launch, a complete literacy program. The one mentioned here is software that addresses Phonemic Awareness and alphabetic Principle only.
Lexia Software / Phonemic Awareness/Phonics
Lexica Software includes Lexia Early Reading - for ages 4-6 focusing on phonological awareness and letter awareness; Lexia Phonics Based Reading- Now called Primary Reading focusing on
• Beginning and ending sounds
• Syllables and segmenting
• Sight words
• Decoding skills
• Vocabulary and Comprehension skills
Lexia Strategies for Older Students:
• Levels 1, 2 and 3: Word-attack and contextual strategies necessary for automatic word recognition (practice with one- to two-syllable words, sentences and paragraphs)
• Level 4: Word-attack strategies for multi-syllable words containing open and
consonant -le syllables as well as hard and soft "c" and "g"
• Level 5: Word-attack strategies for refining Anglo-Saxon prefixes and suffixes, recognition of Latin prefixes and suffixes, division of words into prefix, root and suffix, advanced decoding and comprehension skills (practice with two- to four-syllable words containing special accent patterns), vocabulary and word / Home and School Versions Available
Home versions are $119 per license for up to 3 students at home. School versions area available – must contact reseller for pricing. / Reviewed at the Oregon Reading First Website
Lexia website research reports
Program /
Description/ Critical
Component of Reading / Cost/Training / Review or Endorsement
Tutoring with the Lindamood Phonemic Sequencing reading curriculum, / Phonemic Awareness/Phonics
Intervention for at-risk readers in grades K-2
Intense instruction in word level skills including phonemic awareness and letter/sound association Four 20 minute sessions a week for 2.5 years starting second semester Kindergarten
Tier 3 (1 to 1 tutoring) / LIPS program – Manual $98, Clinicla Kit $249, Classroom Kit $498.00 Gander Educational Publisher / Evidence Based Programs
Jolly Phonics, Sue Lloyd
Jolly Learning LTD / Phonics
1 level- ages 3 to 7. The program is designed to teach 5 basic skills in reading and writing for beginning readers. These are letter sounds, letter formation, blending, identification of sounds in words and spelling tricky words.
The instruction is multisensory and sequential. It is designed for use in classrooms or at home tutoring. / $78.25 for video/book $264.00 classroom set / Nat'l Institute of Child Health and Development
Jolly Phonics website – click on research
Wilson Language Training / Phonics
The Wilson Reading System is a decoding and encoding program beginning with phoneme segmentation. WRS directly teaches the structure of words in the English language so that students master the coding system for reading and spelling. The program is designed to be an intensive level intervention for grades 3 and up. / The complete Wilson set of materials is available for $459.00 ( Deluxe Kit) Training is highly recommended beginning with a 2 day overview and continuing for certification in the program. Certification requires a year long process which includes online learning ,direct tutoring and observation from a Wilson Certified Trainer. / Florida Center for Reading Research
Program /
Description/ Critical
Component of Reading / Cost/Training / Review or Endorsement
Phonics for Reading
Anita Archer et al / Phonics/Fluency
Direct instruction in phonics for grades 1-3. Focuses on word recognition, story reading, spelling and independent activities.
Level 1: Short vowel, consonants, consonant blends, and diagraphs
Level 2: Progresses with vowel combinations, r-controlled vowel sounds, common endings, and CVCe words
Level 3: Expands concepts further with vowel/letter combinations, common prefixes and suffixes, minor consonant sounds for c and g and minor vowel sound combinations. / Teacher Guide
30 lessons
Student workbooks – 5 pack $34.95 / Florida Center for Reading Research
Anita Archer et al / Phonics/ Fluency
Includes 4 versions:
Rewards Intermediate- Gr. 4 and higher
Rewards Secondary- Gr. 5 and higher
Rewards Plus Social Studies and Science- assistance with difficult content area passages
Focus of this program is on teaching a decoding strategy for multisyllabic words and increasing fluency. The program also includes a content level beyond the basic program that focuses on Social Studies vocabulary. Cost are similar for this additional program / Teacher Guide $69.95, set of ten student workbooks - $79.95
Training is recommended / Florida Center for Reading Research
Fuchs and Fuchs / Fluency and Comprehension4 levels- K, 1, 2-6, High School. Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) is a 25- to 35- minute math or reading activity implemented two to four times a week and is designed to complement, not replace, existing reading and math curricula. PALS combines peer tutoring with instructional principles and practices. / $35.00 each manual $15.00 each video $15.00 each DVD / Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Research, U.S. Dep't of Education, and Numerous peer-reviewed journals
Promising Practices
Sharing Success
Program /
Description/ Critical
Component of Reading / Cost/Training / Review or Endorsement
Six-Minute Solution / FluencyThis program incorporates the principles of repeated readings, peer assisted learning strategies (PALS) and progress monitoring to build fluency. Students practice with partners and give each other feedback. Easy to implement, inexpensive, and brings wonderful results.
4 versions available: K-9, Interm. 3-6, Secondary- 6-9, and Primary K-3. / $99.95 for each version / This program uses peer partnering , charting of results and repeated readings at the student’s instructional level. See PALS info for research.
Read Naturally / FluencyA fluency program designed to develop in readers the skills necessary for fluent and effortless reading: speed, accuracy and proper expression. 3 strategies incorporated are reading along with a fluent model, individual repeated readings of the same passage, and progress monitoring. This program may be used to provide extra practice for young readers, ELL students, and/or struggling readers. / Each of 13 levels costs approx. $105 for cassette or audio CD / Florida Center for Reading Research
Definition Plus; Keyword Strategy / Vocabulary
In this mnemonic (memorization) technique, students select the central idea of a passage and summarize it as a 'keyword'. Next, they recode the keyword as a mental picture and use additional mental imagery to relate other important facts to the keyword. They can then recall the keyword when needed, retrieving the related information
. / No cost / See website info at Intervention Central
Elements of Reading-Vocabulary
Look for Steck-Vaughn programs on the site; –This one developed by IBeck and MMcKeown / Vocabulary
This is an oral vocabulary instruction program, designed for kindergarten through third grade students. It is based on the research from Bringing Words to Life by Beck and McKeown. / See website for costs. / See Scientific Research Base:
Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction
Bear, Invernizzi, Templeton, Johnston / Vocabulary
Practical manual designed to study words with students. Multiple games and activities explore phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, spelling, and vocabulary. Text covers five stages and instructional levels. CD with blackline masters included. / $28.62 on Amazon.com
Pearson Education, Inc.
Soar to Success
Developed by Houghton Mifflin Co. / Comprehension, Fluency, Vocabulary
This program for grades 3-8 is designed to be taught in small group instruction as a supplement to classroom instruction. Reciprocal Teaching isa component of this comprehension building strategy. / See website for costs. / Florida Center for Reading Research
From Click or Clunk – Collaborative Strategic Reading
Author: J. Klingner, S.Vaughn et. al. / Comprehension Strategy for Grades 3-12 is designed to assist students in self-monitoring their comprehension level.
Provides excellent suggestions/strategies for helping students become more metacognitive as they read. Emphasizes teaching metacognitive strategies to improve reading comprehension.
When students must make regular summary judgments about how well they comprehend at the sentence level, they are more likely to recognize-and to resolve-comprehension errors as these mistakes arise. / $31.95 / Intervention Central
A Sopris West material
SIM – the Strategic Instruction Model
KU-CRL / Comprehension
The Strategic Instruction Model includes the Content Enhancement Routines which are designed to help teachers design , implement and teach critical content and Learning Strategies which are routines that are taught to students to impact their ability to learn in many areas. The reading strategies include a Self –Questioning Strategy, Word Identification Strategy, Visual Imagery Strategy and Paraphrasing Strategy. The strategies are designed for students grades 4-12.
Tier 1 and 2 supports / Each Content Enhancement and Learning Strategy is contained in a manual. All require training by a certified trainer. Manual range from $15- 35.00. See KUCRL Website / Florida Center for Reading Research
Read 180 / Comprehension, Decoding, Fluency
A comprehensive reading intervention program for struggling readers in grades 4-12. The goals of the program are to increase students’ decoding, fluency, and comprehension. A typical 90 session includes whole and small group instruction, and a computer and library station. / See price
list on website.
Comprehensive program is expensive. / A Scholastic material.
Research on Read 180 provided by publisher
www.texasreading.org, click on materials
Includes a number of downloadable materials and student center activity ideas, including “Reading Strategies and Activities Resource Book for Students at risk for Reading Difficulties, including dyslexia
Intervention ideas on a wide variety of topics.
www.fcrr.org, click on “teachers”
Student center-based skill activities written in lesson plan format based on the five big ideas.
www.hisd.org, click on “literacy”
Find downloadable versions of curriculum maps based on University of Oregon and Michigan GLECs. Also flashcards from the Dolch high frequency word list ready to print by grade level.
Reading: University of Oregon’s website / Core – K-3 Programs reviewed in addition to
Supplemental & Intervention programs – Each review includes information on the program and the extent to which each of the components of effective reading instruction are addressed at each level. These are very detailed reports. Each component is rated on how well it is addressed. / No cost - information / Tier 1, 2, & 3
Curr & Instruction Admin, Curr Committees, SpEd Admin, Principals, GenEd and SpEd teachers, Psychs