Grade Level Expectations

For Entering Kindergarten

Grade / Phonemic Awareness / Phonics / Oral Language / Comprehension / Fluency / Spelling
Written Language /



/ Identifies environmental then animals sounds and can indicate if they are the same or different.
Identifies CVC words that are the same and different.
Begins to match beginning and ending sound patterns.
Distinguishes between some consonants and some vowels.
Recognizes and creates nonsense rhymes in play activities. / Understands different uses of print in the environment.
Understands that letters represent sounds.
Recognizes letters in name.
Identifies more than 10 letters in the alphabet.
Understands how we read a book. (Left to right, etc.)
Recognizes a word as a unit of print that represents the object.
Knows a sentence is a group of words that tells us something.
Knows words in a sentence, are separated by spaces. / Vocabulary includes labels for objects, actions, people, places
and events.
Understands concept of same and different
Can categorize by one characteristic and identify what does not belong in a category.
Understands color, shape, size, spatial, temporal, sequential, quantity and quality concepts.
Uses wh questions: what, where, when, how many and how much; personal and indefinite pronouns, negation, possession (‘s) plurals (s/es) verb tense marked by ing, ed, and early infinitives.
Conjoins simple sentences with “and”;
begins to use “if/ then” to explain cause and effect.
Sentence length at 5--7 words with noun and verb phrases. / Follows a two to three step directions with visual support.
Knows first and last name and recognizes in print.
Can repeat an 8-10 word sentences
Can retell a short 2-3-sequence story using a comprehension strategy such as story grammar or beginning, middle and end.
Uses pictures cues to tell what is happening in a story.
Predicts based on prior knowledge, what may happen next in a story.
Makes guesses about why things change or happen in a story.
(Begins to use if/then thinking to problem solve.) / Identifies several words/logos in the environment.
Identifies familiar pictures, colors, shapes, numbers and letters. / Understands that writing is a way to communicate.
Represents experiences through pictures.
Draws, scribbles, then makes some letter like forms.
Can copy some letter shapes.
Can write first name first with a model then independently. / Identifies numbers up to 10
Understands that numbers tell us “how much or how many”.
Demonstrates basic knowledge of one to one correspondence in counting.
Identifies basic shapes
Duplicates simple patterns.
Understands spatial, temporal, sequential and quantity concepts, which support early math operations.