AS2 Name:______

Reading 19-1: Origins of the Cold War (pp. 636-643)

Define key terms & concepts.

Satellite Nation / Iron Curtain
Cold War / Containment / Truman Doctrine

Soviet Actions in Eastern Europe and the U.S. Responses: Describe the specific U.S. response to each Soviet action identified below.

Soviet Actions
Stalin refuses to allow free elections in Poland.
Soviets Establish satellite nations & the “iron curtain.”
Soviets form Cominform to promote the ultimate world-wide triumph of communism.
Soviets support Communist revolutions in Greece and Turkey. /

Review/Focus Questions:

·  What were the postwar goals of the United States and the Soviet Union?

·  How did the Iron Curtain tighten the Soviet Unions hold over Eastern Europe?

·  How did the Truman doctrine complement the policy of containment?

AS2 Name:______

Reading 19-2: The Cold War Heats Up (pp. 644-651)

Define key terms & concepts.

Marshall Plan / Berlin Airlift / NATO
Collective Security / Warsaw Pact / McCarran-Walter Act

The U.S. responds to the Cold War: Complete the table by identifying the U.S.’ responses to the Cold war “in Europe,” “Regarding Nuclear Weapons” and “At Home.”

Europe / Regarding Nuclear Weapons / At
Ø  / Ø 
Ø  / Ø 

Review/Focus Questions:

·  How did Communist advances affect American foreign policy?

·  How did NATO demonstrate the principle of Collective Security?

·  How did the Cold War affect American life at home?

AS2 Name:______

Reading 19-3: The Korean War (pp. 652-656)

Define key terms & concepts.

38th parallel / Korean War / military-industrial complex

Causes & Effects of North Korea’s Invasion: As you read, complete the chart.

Ø  China falls to Communism.
Ø  North Korea surrenders—
Ø  South Korea surrenders—
Ø  38th parallel— / North
Invades South
Ø  Truman is determined to end Communist expansion.

Review/Focus Questions:

·  What was the importance of the 38th parallel and how did the Korean War begin?

·  Why did President Truman fire General MacArthur?

·  Considering the policy of containment and the Truman doctrine, do you think the Korean War was a success or a failure? Why?

Reading 19-4: The Continuing Cold War (pp. 657-661)

Define key terms & concepts.

McCarthyism / Deterrence
Arms Race / Brinksmanship
ICBM / Sputnik / U-2 Incident

The McCarthy Era-A Modern Day Witch-Hunt: As you read, complete the outline.

I.  McCarthy’s Rise to Power

A. 1953 Election: Senator McCarthy needed a popular issue to win

1. Issue—

2.  reelection—

B. McCarthyism: impact on accused—

C. Other Senators—

D. Senator Margaret Chase Smith

II.  McCarthy’s Fall

A. McCarthy targeted the army—

B. Army/McCarthy gearings televised—

C. Senate condemned McCarthy—

The Cold War in the 1950’s & The Arms Race: As you read, fill-in the web-diagrams.

Southeast Asia -- the Middle East-- Nuclear Arsenals-- brinkmanship

Latin America 1950’s Arm’s Race in the Skies—

Review/focus Question.

·  How did the policy of Deterrence influence U.S. actions during the Cold War?

·  How did Sputnik and the U-2 incident affect American public opinion and policy?