I want to know your feelings on Genocide and what you learned about it during the film. For this assignment you will write a 1-2 page reflection paper. Consider the questions below in your response. Use specific examples from the film to back up your opinion. You should also use the guiding questions and our class discussions to help you with your essay

-What scene in the film impacted you the most?

-Genocide is all about Choices – Killers, Participants, Innocents – ifpeople are free to make choices, why is genocide inevitable?

-In your opinion why are leaders allowed to get away with genocide? Why do the killers kill so freely?

-Do you agree with Daniel Goldhagen that genocide is “Worse than War?”

-In your opinion should the Untied States do more to stop genocide around the world (Syria, Ukraine, etc.) Explain.

If you miss part of the video, here is the link.

Genocide: Worse than War guiding questions.


Beginning – 8:36

  1. Why doesGoldhagen think that genocide is “worse than war”?

Why do killers kill? Genocide and human behavior

8:36 – 14:35

  1. Take a moment to write down lines or phrases from the film that stood out for you the most.
  1. The film excerpt you watched explores the question, Doperpetrators act willingly? After watching the clip, does itseem to youthat the perpetratorsbelieved their victims deserved to die?

What is the role of leaders in Genocide?

34:23 – 50:56

  1. What roles do leaders play in genocide?
  1. Goldhagen argues that there is “nothing spontaneousabout genocide.” What does he mean by this statement?What evidence does the film present to support it?
  1. How do you think leaders prepare a society for genocide?

Why does the international community fail to intervene and stop genocide when it happens?

59:11 – 1:10:42

  1. What, according to the film, could be the reasons for theUnited Nations’ inaction against genocide?
  1. How would you interpret the decision of the UN towithdraw its forces during the genocide in Rwanda?

How can we change the choices genocidal leaders make?

1:34:34 – 1:40:05

  1. What suggestions doesGoldhagen make to prevent genocide leaders from acting?

Stopping Genocide” What moves us to act?

1:40:05 – end

  1. What does it take to move people from empathy to action?