Meeting MinutesMarch 18, 2013
This meeting of the Presidential Advisory Council on Disability and Accessibility Planning was called to order at 9:35 a.m. on March 18, 2013, in Baker University Center 237 by Darrell Purdy.
Carey Busch, Jim Fonseca, Judi Haberkorn, Lacey Hawk, Tracy Kelly, Greg Kremer, Linda Lonsinger, John McCarthy, Dick Planisek, Darrell Purdy, Paige Stretton, and Harry Wyatt
Carolyn Bailey Lewis, Jenny Hall-Jones, Leisha Lininger, Laura Myers, and JW Smith
I. The agenda for today’s meeting was reviewed by Darrell Purdy. In preparation for today’s meeting, Darrell emailed the Change Team Chairs with three questions. The purpose of the email was to receive an update on each Change Team.
II. The Council was asked to review the Mission of Council, Vision of Council, and Core Values of Council that were provided on the agenda. After reviewing, the Council members did not have questions or points for discussion.
III. Change Team Reports
Leadership Change Team – Darrel Purdy Reporting
1. The Leadership Change Team has had one meeting.
2. Five objectives identified.
3. Presently working on two of the objectives:
a. Macro picture of what is going on with students living with disabilities.
b. Identify leadership model needed to embrace and move forward to Inclusion and Accessibility at Ohio University.
4. Accomplishments:
a. Reviewed and discussed research and did not find much leadership such as (Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., etc.) for persons with disabilities.
` b. Team is now more aware of the opportunity to “blaze a trail.”
c. Have more people involved on Change Teams from student organizations such as American Psychological Association Student Division and the student rehabilitation organization.
5. One person was suggested, Dr. Fred Frese, for advising on issues of leadership within the work of inclusion and accessibility:
a. The chief lobbyist for Americans with Mental Illness who will be teaching next fall in the Psychology department.
b. A potential Glidden Visiting Professor for the 2013-14 academic year.
6. Identified the leadership model to be used: Sufficient Leadership Model
7. The work of leadership as it relates to inclusion and accessibility for those who live with disabilities is messy and ambiguous at times in that there are no benchmarks or role models critical to the work that we‘re doing.
8. Desired Outcomes:
a. When all of the pieces are together, recommendations will be made to the President and the Board of Trustees.
b. Role model how diversity/disability should look.
c. Understand disability impact and all that it brings to the table. Find a way for it to be accepted so it doesn’t get in the way of the work.
9. Will pursue having more students involved. It was suggested that the Leadership Change Team identify a process to recruit students that all of the Change Teams can use.
Universal Design and Assistive Technology Change Team – Dick Planisek Reporting
1. Accomplishments:
a. The Universal Design and Assistive Technology Change Team has had two meetings.
b. Discussion about the Universal Design idea and understanding what it means.
c. Drop Box created which contains information on Universal Design and is available to all members of the Change Team.
d. The Universal Design and Assistive Technology Change Team has accepted the following as their working definition of Universal Design: “Universal design is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaption or specialized design"
2. Concerns:
a. We need to get pass the “wheelchair entrance” concerns and deal with physical facilities and assistive technology.
b. Total faculty, staff, and student concerns need to be addressed.
3. Desired Outcomes:
a. Become familiar with universal design principles.
b. Create an action plan.
c. Assess the degree of current universal design implementation at Ohio University.
d. Implement principles.
e. What can we do in a reasonable amount of time?
4. Darrell Purdy has contacted a leader in Universal Design from the University of Washington. This person wants to support us as an adjunct person for resources.
5. The definition of Universal Design being used by the Change Team was already available and wasn’t created by the Change Team.
6. A current concern is the change in accessible signage regulations and where to post this signage on campus.
Communication Change Team – Linda Lonsinger Reporting
1. The Communication Change Team has had one meeting
2. Who is our audience?
a. Besides the OU community should the City of Athens be included?
1. Ohio University is first then expand out to the Athens community.
3. Joan Butcher invited Laura Myers, Darrell Purdy, and Lacey Hall to discuss the work of “Accessibility and Inclusion at Ohio University” on her WOUB radio show: Conversations from Studio B. This discussion aired on Sunday, February 24, 2013. Here’s the radio show link:
4. Discussed the possibility of having a slogan for the Change Team as well as PACDAP.
a. “Revolution” (Beatles) was chosen as a possibility.
b. Visual image to go with slogan.
5. How to communicate to various abilities.
a. Develop structure to work with other Change Teams.
6. Need a representative from The Post or The New Political on the Change Team.
7. Carey Busch met with a University Communication and Marketing representative to develop a marketing plan for her office. She will forward the names of people she worked with to someone on the Communication Change Team.
8. Raise awareness by communicating in order to create a more aware, kinder and gentler culture. This will help everyone.
Inclusion Change Team – Carey Busch Reporting
1. The Inclusion Change Team has had two meetings.
2. What have they learned so far? They have a lot to learn.
a. What’s happening on campus with students and employees?
b. Are individual departments or individuals doing well?
c. What are the experiences of students and employees?
d. What is the prospective student experience when visiting campus?
1. What information are they receiving?
3. Accomplishments:
a. Approach
1. What are the experiences and viewpoints of students and employees concerning faculty and staff?
2. What are the barriers?
b. Balance of Action
1. Set priorities.
2. Involve guest experts.
3. Identify people to follow through with specific actions
c. Future Planning
1. Training video for managers about implementing accommodations for employees with disabilities.
A. Identify campus experts.
2. Product or goal accomplished within a semester.
3. Video for faculty on how to accommodate students with disabilities.
4. Visual Communication students can produce the videos as part of their class assignments.
5. Create focus groups made up of students to exchange information helpful to the Change Teams.
A. Student frustrations?
B. What good things are going on?
Assessment Change Team – Jim Fonseca Reporting
1. The Assessment Change Team has met once.
2. Measure of Outcomes
a. How do we portray ourselves to students who come to campus?
b. Number of people that apply for positions that have disabilities?
1. Employees with disabilities should feel comfortable being here.
3. Measuring facilities when it comes to making improvements.
a. Use the map presently showing accessible places and show improvements.
4. Survey – more complicated.
a. There is an existing measure for measuring attitudes, quantitative and qualitative, which might serve as a basis.
1. Attitude towards people with disabilities.
b. Will research additional surveys.
5. How would you assess your Change Team?
6. The big picture task the Assessment Change Team will be engaged in is developing a way to implement a campus wide (Athens and regionals) accessibility/inclusion ADA Self Evaluation using the measurement resources from The Change Team will develop the process (not the tool) to implement the assessment using the resources Darrell Purdy will provide. This is to formally record what we don’t know that we don’t know. has templates that will help with assessment.
IV. Darrell Purdy gave an update on his position as Assistant Director for Employee
Accommodation and Campus Accessibility:
1. Currently serving 60 people with accommodation needs.
2. Formal partnership with Marty Dagostino, Ergonomist, in helping assess work stations and facilities as the need occurs.
V. Darrell Purdy suggested a book lunch to discuss the significance of “A Disability History of the United States,” by Kim E. Nielsen.
1. Meet once or twice a month.
2. He will send a follow up email to the Council.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Minutes submitted by: Ruth Blickle
Approved by: Darrell Purdy and Harry Wyatt
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