Read the story and answer the questions.

The Right Pet

It took my friend Adam a long time before he found the right pet.

He really wanted a pet but each time he got one something happened to it.

The first pet he tried was a goldfish. He named it Goldy and it lived for two days. He bought another goldfish but he overfed it and it also died. He decided to try another pet.

The second pet he tried was a hamster. He named it Al. Adam soon found that Al the hamster was pregnant בְּהֵרָיוֹןso he renamed her Alice.

Unfortunately, his parents didn't want more than one hamster in the house and told him to give Alice away.

Adam found the third pet, a small garden snake, in the park. The snake didn't stay very long in Adam's house. When Adam's parents came home and saw the snake, they were very happy. They made their feelings about the snake very clear to Adam.

He gave the snake to his biology teacher at school.

Adam finally found the right pet on the fourth try. Actuallyלְמַעֲשֶׂהthe pet found him. A small, black and white dog followed Adam all the way home from school one day. When Adam went to play football, the dog followed him to the park. When Adam went to the supermarket, the dog waited for him outside the shop. When Adam went home, the dog walked a few meters behind him. When Adam arrived home, he invited the dog inside.Adam’s pet was there to stay.

  • Find the verbs in the past and match them to the correct group.Translate the verbs in Hebrew.

Irregular Verbs / Regular Verbs
הלךgo- went- / הגיע- arrive- arrived

I.The sentences are about the story. Are they true or not true?

1.Adam found the right pet for himself quickly. ______

2.Adam named the second goldfish Goldy. ______

3.Adam gave the second goldfish too much food. ______

4.Adam's parents liked the garden snake. ______

5.Adam's biology teacher gave Adam the garden snake. ______

  1. The little black and white dog followed Adam everywhere.______
  2. 7. The little black and white dog became Adam's pet. ______

8.Adam got a new pet. ______

9.Adam's hamster was pregnant. ______

10.Adam's parents wanted to keep Alice the hamster. ______

II.Fill in the blanks using the words in the box.

invited, pet, followed, stayed, named, clear

1.A ______is an animal that you keep at home.

2.Adam ______his goldfish Goldy because of its color.

3.The little dog did not leave Adam's side. It ______with Adam.

4.The dog ______Adam from the park to the supermarket. He

walked behind Adam all the way.

5.Adam liked the little dog. He opened the door and ______him inside.

Find the numbers in the text: Example: 4th– fourth

1st-…………………………………. . 2nd-……………………………………… 3rd-......