Theme: Divine Delay

Goal: The goal of this discussion is to share with each other where God has us in a place of waiting upon him, and ministering to one another in the fight for faith.

Resource: From a sermon by Jared Mellinger on March 17, 2013, called Divine Delay

Read John 11:1-16, noting in verse 6 the delay of Jesus to come and help.

Listen to the sermon clip together.

Questions for Discussion:

  1. Where are you currently experiencing Jesus’ delay in helping you, bringing relief to you, or answering your prayers? (This could be a desire for healing, guidance, fruitfulness, the removal of a particular trial, etc.)
  2. How are you responding to the divine delays you are experiencing in life?
  3. Consider sharing encouragements and praying for those who are in a season of waiting upon the Lord and fighting for faith.

The following J.C. Ryle quote is shared in the video/audio clip:

“When Christ delays coming to help us, it is for some wise reason. The hand that was nailed to the cross is too wise and loving to smite without a purpose, or to keep us waiting for relief without a cause. …Christ knows best at what time to do anything for his people. …Nothing so helps us to bear patiently the trials of life as an abiding conviction of the perfect wisdom by which everything around us is managed. Let us try to believe not only that all that happens to us is well done, but that it is done in the best manner, by the right instrument, and at the right time. It is the duty of faith to say “My times are in your hand. Do with me as you will, how you will, what you will, and when you will. Not my will, but yours be done.”