Chapter 21 Study Guide
Reaction, Revolution, and Romanticism 1815-1850
The Conservative Order (1815-1830), 620--530
- What group met in Vienna, Austria to arrange a peace settlement to the Napoleonic Wars?
- What else did they plan to accomplish?
- Who led the Congress of Vienna?
- Explain the principle of legitimacy.
- Give examples of the restoration of legitimate monarchs. Why was this issue overshadowed?
- What happened to Poland?
D Who controlled Poland’s foreign policy?
- What types of compensation were created for lost lands?
- Define “balance of power” (refer to pg G-1 in back of textbook).
Which two countries was Metternich most worried about?
- Why was France still considered a threat? What steps were taken to prevent French aggression in the future?
- What happened to the Confederation of the Rhine?
- Why was France ultimately punished for their previous aggression?
Treaty Terms:
- What was the long-term result of the Congress of Vienna?
Ideology of Conservatism
- How did Edmund Burke’s view of a conservative social contract differ from the social contracts of the Enlightenment, John Locke, and the Declaration of Independence (You will have to infer this yourself)?
Why would Burke support gradual change instead of sudden change (not in the book)?
- Define conservatism.
Conservative Domination: The Concert of Europe
- Identify the purpose of the Concept of Europe?
- Identify the four congresses of the Concert of Europe (Where, When, Goal)?
B. 624 624
- Define the policy of intervention.
- Why did Britain disagree with the policy of intervention? Where did they prevent European intervention?
- Who were the various leaders of independence in Latin America? Where? Outcome?
- What was the Monroe Doctrine? Why was it issued? (FYI-This will be a reason why the US will enter WWI in 1917)
- Map 21.2 How many South American countries are sources of rivers that feed the Amazon, and roughly what percentage of the continent is contained within the Amazon’s watershed?
- What inspired Greek independence?
- What role did the Concert of Europe play in Greece from 1827-1830? Why?
Conservative Domination: The European States
- Who dominated both house of Britain’s Parliament following the Napoleonic Wars? How was this possible?
- Identify the difference between political factions in Parliament.
- Define the Corn Laws, their result, and the Tory government reaction.
- What caused the Peterloo Massacres? Results?
- Describe Louis XVIII’s reign.
- Who were the ultra-royalists?
- Charles X was a reactionary-someone who wants to return to the way things were in the past. Give three examples of reaction policies from his reign.
- Who were the Carbonari and why did secret societies develop in Italy?
- Why was liberalism and nationalism initially weak in Central Europe?
- What was the Burschenschaften? What were some of their activities? What eventually happened to them and why?
- Why was the Austrian Empire precariously fragile? What nation was Austria’s biggest problem?
Russia will be covered in a later unit.
The Ideologies of Change, 630-634
- Explain the idea of liberalism?
Economic/Classical Liberalism
- Define Laissez-faire.
- What are the 3 responsibilities of the government?
- What happens when people are allowed economic liberty?
- How did Thomas Malthus, in Essay on the Principles of Population, argue against government economic interference?
- What is misery and poverty a result of and why is it necessary?
- Explain David Ricardo’s “iron law of wages”.
- What would arbitrarily raising wages do?
- What were the common beliefs among political liberals?
- How should liberties be guaranteed?
- What were desired forms of governments according to liberals?
- What was ministerial responsibility?
- According to liberals, who should have the right to vote?
- In John Sturt Mill’s On Liberty, how did he argue for liberalism?
- How did Mill encourage women’s rights?
- Explain nationalism.
- How did nationalism threaten the existing political order?
- How did nationalism and liberalism compliment one-another?
- What did early socialists believe?
- What were early socialists referred to as utopian socialists?
- Describe Charles Fourier’s ideas.
- By creating New Lanark, how did Robert Owen try to show the natural goodness of man?
- What were Louis Blanc’s national workshops?
- What was the importance of Flora Tristan a utopian socialist?
Revolution and Reform, 634-641
- Identify the July Ordinances.
- What was the result of the Revolution of 1830 in France?
- Explain the monarchy of Louis Philippe. What issues led to revolution in 1848?
- Describe the revolutionary outbursts in the following areas in 1830:
- Why did the new leaders in Britain, the Whigs, enact reforms in Britain during the 1830s?
- Identify the various aspects of the Reform Bill of 1832.
- What group was responsible for the legislation against industrial abuse?
- What was the goal of the Poor Law of 1834?
- How did repeal of the Corn Laws aid liberals?
The Revolutions of 1848
- What were the underlying and immediate causes of the Revolution of 1848 in France?
- Explain the provisional government of Louis Blanc and the national workshops.
- What did the new constitution of 1848 create? What were some characteristics? Who was elected president?
- Fill in the table for the other Revolutions of 1848
Location and/or Movement / Causes / Actions / Important People / Results and Impact
Frankfurt Assembly
Austrian Empire
Italian States / Risorgimento?
- Why were the Revolutions of 1848 such overall failures?
- What was the impact of the Revolutions of 1848 in general?
The Emergence of an Ordered Society, 642-645
- What was the purpose of civilian police forces across Europe?
- Who were the “Bobbies” and what was their primary goal? How were they also effective?
- Why did some reformers feel the poor laws were a failure?
- How did organized religion attempt to address issues of crime?
- What was the purpose of reforming the prison system in many countries?
- What aspects of American prisons were appealing?
- Ultimately what was the primary end for prison reform and police forces?
Culture in the Age of Reaction and Revolution: The Mood of Romanticism, 645-649
- How did Romantics challenge the Enlightenment?
- Identify characteristics of Romanticism.
- How did Goethe’s character, Werther, in The Sorrows of the Young Werther, reflect Romanticism?
- How did Romanticism address individualism?
- Describe the Romantic hero.
- How did Romantics express interest in the past?
- Describe the following artists.
Artist (including nationality) / Characteristics of Art / Examples (include Dates)
Caspar David Friedrich
Joseph Malford William Turner
Eugene Delacroix
- How did Beethoven reflect a bridge between Classicism and Romanticism?
- In what ways did Christianity experience a revival in the 19th century?
- Who were famous Romantic poets? Why?
- How did nature play a part in Romanticism?
- How did Romanticism criticize science?