Buna Ziua, Copii din Romania
Activity Report on 2014
In 2014, BZRO implemented the following projects:
- Parents and Children Counseling Center „Casuta cu jocuri”- founded in 2006, it operated until june 2014, offering day services for 59 child in difficulty between ages of 3 and 1. (the received help for making their homework, socialization, a meal, speech therapy, individual and group counseling and parent’s school).
Center’s Team: 1/ 2 center coordinators, 1 social worker, 1/ 2 psychologist, 1 speech therapist and 15 volunteers.
- Disabled Teens Community Center „Noi si Voi”[1]- In 2014, BZRO overtaook the services of „Noi si Voi” Foundation, set the priorites and the courses of action and held talks concerning the „Noi si Voi” from Netherland and DGASPC Vaslui service’s sustainability strategy. The beneficiaries of this project are 12 disabled teens which are living in the sheltered housing from Gagesti and Giurcani, and the center’s team was: 5 employees and 1 volunteer.
- Consultancy Contract for Casa Betania by which Buna Ziua Copii ensures Casa Betania’s management and counseling services. By this contract, there were ensured the executive director salary and ½ of the psychologist time. In 2014, under the collaboration agreement, BZRO received office material donations and space for the team meetings, because starting with november 2014 DGASPC Vaslui ceased supplying gas to the BZRO Center.
- Consultancy Contract with Banca Townhall by which BZRO offered social services and counseling for the Day Center children, 2 days a week. By this contract, we disseminated the BZRO working model for chindren and families in difficulty and ensured the fees for the state, and a fee for the social worker and the psychologist until the end of the year.
- Volunteer projects:
- Different School – organizing the course for volunteers and volunteering activities for 120 children coming from local schools and highshools.
- The integration project for children in difficulty for 40 children. There were organized summer activities within a project sponsored by LIBRA Foundation, UK, and Buna Ziua selected, instructed and coordinated the Romanian volunteers activity which took part in this project with British volunteers. The project lasted 2 weeks and had as partners The Barlad Townhall, Mihai Eminescu Highschool, DGASPC Vaslui.
- Sherborne Course
Four Dutch trainers came in romania, as a response to Romanian and Duthc Buna Ziua Copii’s initiative and formed 42 specialists in Sherborne Therapy. After the I and the II level, the students were assessed between 1 and 3 April 2014, and received internationally recognized certificates, elaborated by Sherborne Netherland Association, member of International Sherborne Developmental Movement.
On 3 April 2013, The Initiative Group Romania Sherborne was formed by representatives of UAIC iasi, DGASPC Vaslui, Psiterra Iasi and Buna Ziua, Copii din Romania, having as a first support group Sherborne Netherland’s representatives (Ellen van der Gruiter, Nici Ummels, Ine Tiel Groenestege, Wil Moonen), Freerk Hoeksema si Christel Visser.
Other activities:
1.Buna Ziua Copii din Romania registered at The National Gala of Excellence in Social Work, which took place in Bucharest, March 2014, and was one of the finalists at the „Insitution of the Year” contest, competing with 27 local and central public institutions and NGOs.
2. WWSF Prize – The Innovation Prize awarded to the „19 days of Activism for Preventing Child and Teens Abuse and Violence” Campaign, in 2013, prize offered by Women’s World Summit Foundation, with headquarters at Geneva.
On 19 November 2014 „Buna Ziua, Copii din Romania” obtained one of the 5 prizes (Prize for Innovative Prevention Activities) awared by Women’s World Summit Foundation to „19 days of Activism for Preventing Child and Teens Abuse and Violence” Campaign, in 2013.
240 organisations, from 89 countries all over the world, subscribed at this Campaign. Within the Campaign, „Buna Ziua, Copii” organised, with the help of 18 volunteers, debates that concerned children and teens abuse and violence; the debates were attended by students coming from 2 elementary schools („Episcop Iacob Antonovici” Shool and „Manolache Costache Epureanu”) and 3 higschools from Barlad („Mihai Eminescu” Highschool, „Ioan Popescu” Highschool and „Al. I. Cuza” Highschool).
3. – Supporting Service concerning the correction of early school dropout, financed by Buna Ziua Netherlands and County Council was selected and reckoned as being a example of good practice in terms of preventing and reducing school dropout. Following a national selection process, the project was selected by the The Advisory Board and promoted by The National Platform for Education. (
4.Video Promotion – BMTV Dutch Television
On 7 december 2014 BMTV Online, from Netherlands, released a video in which we talk about „Buna Ziua, Copii din Romania”, in order to give information about our organisation’s activity and increase the number of project supporters.
5. Visiting the Netherlands
27-29 May 2014 -Exchanging Experience
- "Erve Meyerinksbroek" Haaksbergen-Farmers as entrepreneurs in care
- Jarabee- Meetings with the specialists in the prevention services ( ambulant service, interactive platform for foster parents, E-help for youngster with addiction problems)
- Entrepreneurship and the possibilitie of social media ( BMTV)- They will make a film with BZ members. We will share you soon...
- Buitenhoff- outdoor activities for youngster and teambuilding
6. Organizational Assessment – FONPC Evaluators
- a diagnostic report will be sent by the evaluators until 15 February 2015
- recommendations will be included in BZRO’s strategic plan/ BZRO’s strategy will be revised
- BZRO’s Initiative Group will schedule an one day appointment in order to discuss and elaborate the strategic plan
[1] Check the activity report for Noi si Voi, 2014