REA 0001C, College Prep Reading I
Spring Term 2010
Winter Park Campus
January 11 - May 28
CRN 23518 - Monday and Wednesday (Class starts Jan. 11)
Class: 5:05 PM – 6:20 PM in room 112
Lab : 6:20 PM – 7:10 PM in room 132
* Final Exam:Wed., April28: 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Instructor:Nicole Bronga
Office:Room 126
Phone:407-582-6870 leave message
Office hours:By appointment only
*E-mail is the best way to contact me
Text & Materials:
- 10 steps to ImprovingCollege Reading Skills, 5th Edition, by John Langan.
- Imroving Vocabulary Skills, 3rd Edition, by Sherrie L. Nist and Carole Mohr. This is also a workbook, so be sure to purchase only an unmarked copy.
- Access to an online dictionary at or
- A folder with pockets and prongs
- Pencils for Scantron Tests and blue or black ink pens- no felt-tip pens, please.
Please read this syllabus carefully. It is an agreement; by accepting it, you agree to the following requirements.
REA 0001 Description for the Catalog:
• Prerequisite: Appropriate score on CPT or other approvedassessment
• Corequisite: REA 0001L
Study of literal and inferential comprehension skills with emphasis on
literal skills and organization patterns of information. Includes
strategies for vocabulary development. Minimum grade of C required
for successful completion. Upon successful completion, degree-seeking
students must take both REA 0002 and REA 0002L or REA 0002C. REA
0001 credit does not apply toward any associate degree.
REA 0001L
• Corequisite: REA 0001
Lab component of REA 0001. (Special Fee: $36.00)
How people Learn:
Practice, practice, practice. Take your time learning new vocabulary and it is important to do the Lab assignments.
Assignment Policy:
- All assignments are due at the beginning of class. They will not be accepted any other time.
- Please come to class with your assignments already organized.
Skills Tests and Vocabulary Exams:
- Students are responsible for being prepared for exams. In other words, students must bring pens and pencils.Cell phones and beepers must be turned off, and personal needs must have been attended to before class. (You cannot leave class in the middle of an exam.)
Grading Policy:
Points awarded for assignments, tests, quizzes, lab work, writing assignments, study skills assignments, as well as participation will determine final grades. Midterm grades and Final grades will be posted on ATLAS.
A=90 - 100%
C=70 – 79.9%
D=60 – 69.9%
F= 0 - 59.9%
Make-up Policy:
All tests must be taken on or before dates assigned. No makeup tests are available without explicit consent of instructor which will not only be granted in case of documented extreme emergency. The final exam must be taken on the date published for final exams.
Exiting Requirements:
- You must receive a grade of “C” or better in this class to take REA 0002
Classroom protocol:
- As per Valencia policy for prep classes, class attendance is required in prep classes. Students can miss no more then three (3) classes in Prep Reading I course in any fall, spring, or full-summer semester. Two or more absences may initiate the college warning-letter through ATLAS; however, students are expected to keep track of their own attendance notwithstanding. Progress reports will often have days of attendance listed, and this will also serve as a track record/warning. Note: Missing and entire Learning Module will constitute a class absence.
- Because some students choose to routinely arrive late, students will be marked absent if they enter class ten minutes or more after the period has begun, or if they leave class early. The same applies to the lab.
- As per State requirements, lab attendance is mandatory. You cannot pass this class if you do not attend the lab that goes with the class; the minimum lab requirement is 100 minutes per week. TO ensure this State policy is met and to reduce teacher-anxiety, all missed labs must be made up within two weeks in the Communications Student Support Center (CSSC). Otherwise, the missed lab will translate into a reduction of the course grade by ½ a letter grade.
Final Class Exam:
Exam week – Don’t skip this exam!
Special Requirements:
If you have any disabilities or special requirements, please let me know as soon as possible. All requests will be kept in confidence. Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. OSD determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities (Winter Park Campus, #203, 407-582-6887).
Cell Phone Policy:
Cellular phones, pagers, and gizmos must be turned of and not heard at all during class and lab. This includes answering calls, answering and sending texts. If this becomes a problem, the student will be dropped a half letter grade for the course.
More Information:
- Food or drink is NOT permissible in any computer lab. Students are responsible for being prepared for class and, if absent, for finding out what was missed from other classmates. In other words, do not call or e-mail the professor and ask what you missed! Other classmates are your lifeline and are the best source for this information, so exchange phone numbers/e-mails.
- Please note any evacuation routes form our classroom in case of an emergency.
- Valencia asks that the students follow college policy relating to children on campus. Please make arrangements for childcare outside of the classrooms and labs.
- Study time: The Winter Park Campus library, the Communication Center (CSSC), or any local bookstore make great study environments.
Withdrawal Information:Deadline is November 20th
- It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw him- or herself after four class absences unless directed otherwise by the instructor. (Talk to me first!)
- After the withdrawal deadline, your transcripts will be posted with a “WP” (Withdrawn Passing) or a “WF” (Withdrawn Failing) designator if you choose to withdraw. A “WF” will be calculated into your GPA. This will show up as an “F” in your GPA. Both designations count as an attempt.
- You are allowed three attempts to successfully complete each of the two college-prep reading courses (REA 0001 and REA 0002). An attempt means signing up for and attending class past the withdrawal deadline listed in the Valencia catalog. If you withdraw or if your instructor withdraws you after the deadline date, you will have used up an attempt, the same as if you had not passed the class.
No Show Status:
Class attendance is required beginning the first week of the term. If you do not attend class during the first week, you may be withdrawn from the class as a “no show”. In this event you will be billed for the class and a “W” will appear on your transcript for the course.
Academic Honesty:
All course work submitted must be the student’s individual thoughts and self-expression. If you are caught cheating on assignments or tests in class, in lab, or online, you will receive a “0”, which cannot be made up. Plagiarism, as well as other forms of academic dishonesty, may result in a failing grade for the class.
Expected Student Conduct:
Students may find the Student Code of Conduct on the current Valencia Student Handbook. The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the faculty. Basically, be polite and courteous.
Valencia Student Core Competencies:
These core competencies are complex abilities that are essential to lifelong success and must be developed over a lifetime. They enable students and faculty to set learning goals and them to assess that learning. Ultimately, these competencies aid students in taking responsibility for their own education. A description of these competencies follows, but a more detailed description of the Valencia’s student core competencies can be found at
- THINK- Think clearly, critically, and creatively. Analyze, synthesize, integrate, and evaluate in many domains of human inquiry.
- VALUE- Make responsible value judgments and responsible commitments.
- COMMUNICATE- Communicate with different audiences using varied means.
- ACT- Act purposefully, reflectively, and responsibly.
Helpful Information for ATLAS, WebCT and General Computer:
Important Notice: Your instructor CANNOT provide technical support. If you are experiencing problems with Atlas, WebCT, etc. you will need to contact the appropriate department: WebCT (407)582-5600 (available 24/7) or The ATLAS help desk phone # is (407)582-5444.
****A special note about computers: Even though computers and word-processing software are marvelous time and energy-saving devices, they can and do cause problems with the production of your documents. Please be aware that a broken or ill-functioning computer, or the inability to retrieve, produce or submit your assignments from a computer will not be accepted as a valid excuse for a document that is submitted late. I advise you to save all your documents to a floppy disk, a CD, or a flash drive and your hard drive.
DO NOT forward your Atlas e-mail to another account.
Valencia Alert: