Romeo and Juliet

Act 1


Re-write each line in language that we commonly use today in order to make it clearer to a 21st century audience.

  1. Two households, both alike in dignity, ______
  2. In fair Verona, where we lay our scene ______
  3. From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, ______
  4. Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. ______
  5. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes ______
  6. A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; ______
  7. Whose misadventured piteous overthrows ______
  8. Do with their death bury their parents' strife. ______
  9. The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love, ______
  10. And the continuance of their parents' rage, ______
  11. Which, but their children's end, nought could remove, ______
  12. Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage; ______
  13. The which if you with patient ears attend, ______
  14. What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend. ______

Act I, sc. i

  1. The Montague and Capulet servants fight because
  1. In this scene we are introduced to Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, and Benvolio, Romeo’s cousin. They are character (dramatic) foils. What contrast is clearly apparent in this opening scene?

Quote a line from each to clearly illustrate your point.



  1. Explain what Prince Escalus says will happen if fighting breaks out again.
  1. What is Romeo’s problem?

Act I, sc. ii

  1. At the beginning of this scene, words are spoken which indicate that there is hope for peace between the two feuding families. What was said and by whom?
  1. How old is Juliet?
  1. Lord Capulet is reluctant to see his daughter married for two reasons. Explain both reasons.



4. In what line does Capulet give Paris some encouragement to pursue Juliet’s affections? ______

Quote the line here:

5. What serious consequences could result from Romeo and Benvolio going to the Capulet party?

6. Explain why Benvolio encourages Romeo to go to the party.

7. Explain why Romeo agrees to go to the party.

Act I, sc. iii

  1. Explain Juliet’s feelings about marriage, and quote lines which clearly illustrate these feelings.
  1. Explain what Lady Capulet wants Juliet to do at the ball.
  1. What does Juliet agree to do?

4. Lady Capulet and the nurse are foils. What contrasting characteristics are apparent in this scene?

Act I, sc. iv

  1. In lines 1-32, what are Romeo and Mercutio talking about?
  1. In lines 114-120, what is Romeo saying he is uneasy about?

Act I, sc. v

  1. Shakespeare shows us that Romeo falls instantly in love with Juliet. What might this tell us about Romeo?
  1. Tybalt points out to Capulet that a Montague has “crashed the ball.” What is Capulet’s reaction and his motivation?

Act II, sc. i

  1. What is the purpose of this short scene?
  1. Give an example of one of Mercutio’s puns.

Act II, sc. ii

  1. In lines 36-39, what is Juliet proposing?
  1. What is Juliet saying about names in lines 45-53?
  1. What is Juliet explaining about her behavior in lines 103-111?
  1. What does Juliet ask Romeo to do to prove his love is sincere?

Act II, sc. iii

  1. The first time we meet Friar Lawrence, he is out in the garden commenting on the earth, its plants, and human nature. What would you guess is a reason to introduce him to us in this way?
  1. How does Friar Lawrence react to Romeo’s sudden change from loving Rosaline to loving Juliet? (Lines 69-85)
  1. What does Friar Lawrence think the marriage and Romeo may do for the feuding families? What could happen that he is NOT thinking about?
  1. What advice is Friar Lawrence giving Romeo in the closing line of this scene? Why is it ironic for him to give it?

Act II, sc. iv

  1. What does Mercutio think the outcome of a duel between Romeo and Tybalt would be? What are his reasons? (Lines 14-18)
  1. Note how Mercutio treats the Nurse. Compare and contrast the character traits of these two.

New term to define and know:

Malaprop (malapropism)

  1. There are two examples of the Nurse’s malaprops in this scene. What are they? (Lines 129-30, 147-48)
  1. What four directions does Romeo give the Nurse for Juliet? (Lines 182-196)

Act II, sc. v

  1. Why is Juliet so frustrated in this scene?
  1. Why is the help of Nurse so important?
  1. Do you find Nurse to be the “typical adult” in this scene? Why or why not?

Act II, sc. vi

  1. Before Friar Lawrence marries Romeo and Juliet he gives some advice to Romeo in lines 9-15. What does he say?
  1. How much time has passed since the Capulet party?