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Re : Preliminary Schedule of Main Materials

Project :GRDA – Combined Cycle Unit 3

Supplier Ref. No.:Supplier to enter reference no.

Subject:Schedule of Main Materials

0 / Preliminary estimate of weights and dimensions of deliveries for <enter name of project>.
Rev / Date / Description
Rev / Prepared by / Sign / Checked by / Sign / Approved by / Sign
Project engineer / Manager proposals / Area sales manager
Sales Department

<Enter Supplier’s Name>


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Re : Preliminary Schedule of Main Materials


All data below are for one (1) boiler installation. All below data are preliminary and subject to detail engineering and can therefore only be used for estimation purposes. No rights can be reserved from them.

Definition / Delivery form / Number of
units to be erected in the field / Number of
transport units / Maximum erection weight (lb) / Dimensions per transport unit
L x W x H
(ft) / Total transport weight (lb) / Transport Method
Heating surface
Modules (tube bundles) / A top and bottom header with finned heat transfer tubes in between, so called “harps”, wrapped together in bundles, with top interconnecting piping within the bundle attached, with top supporting beams and hanger rods attached, and with top casing panels attached. Stubs are attached on bottom headers for all bottom piping connections. All stubs will be weld prepared in the shop. Modules are shipped in shipping frames. Shipping frames are included in the weights and dimensions given in this list. The total erection weight on site is the transport weight plus the weight of the uprighting fixture (strong back is approximately 88,000 lb). / 12 / 12 / 484,000
incl. strong back and shipping frame / A: 67  16  8.3
B: 78  16  8.2
C: 78  16  8.2
D: 78  16  9.4
E: 78  16  8.6
F: 78  16  8.3 / 2 x 164,000
2 x 229,000
2 x 267,000
2 x 396,000
2 x 365,000
2 x 296,000 / ship
HP steam drum complete / Drum including stubs, welds prepared in the shop and support saddles attached. Stand-pipe not attached. Steam dryers (demisters in top of drum) are supplied loose and should be mounted after blowout. / 1 / 1 / 171,000 / 46.3 x 8.7 x 9.2 / 171,000 / ship
IP steam drum complete / Drum including stubs, welds prepared in the shop and support saddles attached. Stand-pipe not attached. Steam dryers (demisters in top of drum) are supplied loose and should be mounted after blowout. / 1 / 1 / 29,000 / 45.3 x 7.4 x 7.9 / 29,000 / ship
LP steam drum complete / Drum including stubs, welds prepared in the shop and support saddles attached. Stand-pipe not attached. Steam dryers (demisters in top of drum) are supplied loose and should be mounted after blowout. / 1 / 1 / 36,000 / 46.6x11.0x11.2 / 36,000 / ship
Ducting and casing
Inlet duct prefabricated / Panels are delivered prefabricated in maximum transportable dimensions complete with shop installed internal insulation and liner, reinforcement steel attached, shop primer, and weld prepared sides with weldable primer. Transport is in frames. / 22 / 6 /  11,300 / 40 x 8.2  6.6 / 249,000 / ship
Burner duct prefabricated / Panels are delivered prefabricated in maximum transportable dimensions complete with shop installed internal insulation and liner, reinforcement steel attached, shop primer, and weld prepared sides with weldable primer. Transport is in frames. / 12 / 3 /  8,500 / 40 x 8.2  6.6 / 102,000 / ship
SCR duct / Panels are delivered prefabricated in maximum transportable dimensions complete with shop installed internal insulation and liner, reinforcement steel attached, shop primer, and weld prepared sides with weldable primer. Transport is in frames. / 18 / 3 /  6,000 / 40 x 8.2  6.6 / 107,500 / ship
Boiler casing side walls / Panels are delivered prefabricated in maximum transportable dimensions complete with shop installed internal insulation and liner, reinforcement steel attached, shop primer, and weld prepared sides with weldable primer. Transport is in frames. / 24 / 6 /  9,100 / 40 x 8.2  8.2 / 218,500 / ship
Boiler casing floor / Panels are delivered prefabricated in maximum transportable dimensions complete with shop installed internal insulation and liner, reinforcement steel attached, shop primer, and weld prepared sides with weldable primer. Transport is in frames. / 18 / 4 /  7,000 / 29 x 8.2 x 7.5 / 121,000 / ship
Stack prefabricated / Stack sections are delivered in 40 ft length prefabricated shells of 90 ° to be welded together in the field and complete with reinforcement steel, shop primer, and sides weld prepared with weldable primer. / 16 / Later /  13,000 / Later / 206,500 / ship
Breaching prefabricated (Outlet duct) / Outlet duct sections are delivered prefabricated in maximum transportable dimensions complete with reinforcement steel, shop primer, and sides weld prepared with weldable primer. / 10 / 3 /  10,500 / 40 x 8.2  6.6 / 85,500 / ship
Bumpers & flow baffle plates / Completely prefabricated and transported in container. / please, refer to lay-out drawing / 6 - 7 containers / Later / 40 ft standard / 209,000 / ship / truck
HRSG main columns, top/bottom transfer beams / Prefabricated columns and transfer beams of the main support structure are delivered as loose items, to be bolted together on site, or welded where necessary due to too limited space for a bolted connection. Columns and transfer beams are provided with shop primer and sides are weld prepared where necessary with weldable primer. All columns are supplied in one piece. / 9 goal posts for bundle support, columns for SCR and burner duct, please refer to lay-out drawing / bulk / 28,500 lb (one side column) / - / 666,000 / ship
Sec. Steel parts (stairtower, ladders, platforms) / Grating, structural members, handrails, kick plates, etc., all delivered as loose prefabricated items to be bolted or welded together on site. Shop primer is provided. / - /  10 cont. / 40 ft standard / 221,000 / ship / truck
Drum end enclosures / Sandwich panels, and structural members, etc. all delivered as loose prefabricated items to be bolted or welded together in containers. Shop primer is provided. / - / - / 40 ft standard / - / ship / truck
Boiler internal and external piping / Piping up to and including 2” is field run piping and will be delivered in truck transportable trade lengths to be fitted and weld prepared in the field.
Piping larger than 2” will be prefabricated and delivered as truck transportable, two-dimensional spools, with fittings attached, and one end weld prepared, the other end with extra length for field fitting. Valves and instruments to be fitted on site. Piping spools are transported in containers. / refer to lay-out drawing /  10 cont. / Later / 40 ft standard / 340,000 / ship / truck
Piping supports / Containerized, prefab, pre-assembled and preset hangers, sections to be bolted or welded together. / 1 - 2 cont. / - / 40 ft standard / 65,000 / ship / truck
Other items
Stack damper / Containerized: damper in two pieces to be bolted together on site. / - / 1 / Later / 40 ft standard / 10,000 / ship / truck
Valves and fittings / Containerized: loose items to be erected in the field and transported in container / 1 / - / 40 ft standard / 34,000 / ship / truck
Steam silencers / Containerized: loose items to be erected in the field and transported in container / see PIDs / 0.5 / - / 40 ft standard / Later / ship / truck
Safety valves / Containerized: loose items to be erected in the field and transported in container / see PIDs / 0.5 / - / 40 ft standard / Later / ship / truck
Steam dryers / Containerized: loose items to be erected in the field and transported in container. Dryers to be mounted in the drum after blowout. / Later / Later / - / 40 ft standard / Later / ship / truck
Burner system / Containerized: burner system will be delivered as loose burner rows , loose flow baffles, loose burner support beams, loose fuel gas and cooling air headers, completely prefabricated and pre-wired fuel gas control skid with fuel gas piping / valves, cooling air fans and BMS, and loose burner front instruments with required supports. / Later / 1 cont. / Later / 40 ft standard / 34,000 / ship / truck
SCR system / Containerized: SCR will be delivered as loose catalyst modules, loose manifold for AIG, loose AIG sections, and completely prefabricated and pre-wired fuel ammonia flow control skid with fluegas fans. / Later / Later / Later / 40 ft standard / Later / ship / truck
Flue gas silencer / Containerized: fluegas silencer will be delivered as loose prefabricated splitters (damping material inside sheeting), and loose supports to be welded to the outlet duct. / Later / Later / Later / 40 ft standard / Later / ship / truck
Insulation and cladding for fill up internal insulation of casing and ducting / Bulk supply in container. / - / 1 cont. / - / 40 ft standard / 25,000 / ship / truck
Uprighting fixture: strong back / Completely prefabricated. / - / 1 / - / 87x16x10 / 88,000 / ship / truck
Outlet expansion bellow / Flanges in sections, flexible material and insulation in bulk supplied in a container, bolt connections only / Later / 1 cont. / - / 40 ft standard / Later / ship / truck
E & I - system / Loose items to be erected in the field and transported in container. / see PIDs / 2 cont. / - / 40 ft standard / 15,000 / ship / truck

Total number of containers is estimated at xxx for one (1) HRSG.