May 7, 2012

Dear Music Parents/Guardians:

Re: New York! New York!

Start spreading the news!! The Centennial Music program is planning a trip to New York Cityto take part in the Festivals of Music. Dates for this trip will be Thursday, April 18–23, 2013.

The information to follow includes a verytentative itinerary (attached), a breakdown of what, at this point, are estimated trip costs and a payment schedule for trip participants. In order to make this the most rewarding musical experience it is hoped that the vast majority of our students are able to participate in the trip as we need to have an acceptable and workable choir and band distribution.

The total estimated cost of the trip is $2350.00*and will include the following:

  • Air Fare: Calgary/New York/Calgary including air taxes
  • Private charter buses for transfers and sightseeing as per the suggested itinerary
  • Five (5) nights’ accommodation in a Manhattan hotel
  • Festival of Music – performance and adjudication
  • Concert band and choral clinics at the Lincoln Centre
  • Visit with a local high school’s music classes
  • Step-on-guide for airport meet and greet and half –day sightseeing
  • Visit to a Harlem Church service with gospel singing
  • Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Tour
  • Entrance to the Empire State Building
  • Entrance to the Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Entrance to New York Yankees game (schedule dependant)
  • Walking tour of Lincoln Centre
  • Tickets to one (1) evening and one (1) matinee Broadway Musical
  • Tickets to the New York Philharmonic with pre-show talk
  • Daily breakfast at hotel
  • Three (3) dinners at local restaurants
  • Package insurance including cancellation, interruption and unlimited medical insurance
  • Taxes on all inclusions

This trip cost does not include:

  • Lunch costs
  • Dinner on evening of Yankee ballgame (we anticipate that students will wish to purchase ball park fare such as hot dogs, etc.)
  • Items of a personal nature
  • Costs associated with obtaining a passport or visa

*Please note that these are very preliminaryestimates and may vary as our trip planning develops further.

The payment schedule for the trip is as follows:

June 1, 2012Non-refundable $300 - Participation confirmation and trip deposit to hold airline, hotel & bus reservations

October 1, 2012Payment #2 of $400

November 1, 2012Payment #3 of $400

January 11, 2013Payment #4 of $400

February 4, 2013Payment #5 of $400

March 1, 2013Payment #6 of $450or as determined

Once approval for the trip has been obtained from the CBE and flight bookings have been made ALL MONIES PAID WILL BE NON-REFUNDABLE.

Please make cheques payable to: Centennial High School

Fundraising travel credits earned through CHAMP may be applied to all of these payments exceptthe initial trip confirmation deposit. Parents wishing to use travel credits for payment #2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 must advise CHAMP via email (). The last payment scheduled for March 1, 2013will factor in final costs and any travel credits earned through fund raising. For the final payment, parents will be notified via email of travel credit balances and amount due.

Under the auspices of the principal (Dr. Matt Christison), an application process is available for students needing financial assistance. Please contact Ms. Kathie Van Lare for more information (403-256-8140 x 2311, ).

Attached is a very tentative itinerary provided by our service provider, Educational World Tours. Obviously, there is still much detail to be completed and confirmed with the itinerary. With this general itinerary our wish is to make you aware of the amazing educational and musical activities and opportunities being offered.

At this point we are asking for confirmation of trip participation and an initial non-refundable payment of $300. Should you permit your son or daughter to participate in this trip,please complete the attached trip confirmation slip (Student’s legal name & date of birth are required) and return it with the non-refundable trip deposit of $300 to the Music Room at Centennial High School no later thanFriday, June 1, 2012. Needless to say there will be much additional information and many additional forms and meetings to be completed once we have confirmation of trip participation.

All students enrolled in the Music Program at Centennial High School in September 2012 are invited to participate in this exciting enrichment opportunity. Participants will be expected to demonstrate good character and citizenship within the larger Centennial community up to departure and throughout the trip. This includes a commitment to the extra musical preparation that will be required for this tour, and academic standing and effort in other course work at Centennial. Ultimately, participation in the trip will be at the discretion of both Centennial High School administration and the teacher-in-charge of the trip, Ms. Kathie Van Lare.

We will require parent supervisors for this trip. Should you wish to participate as an adult supervisor, we would ask that you complete the attached “Adult Supervisor Application” form and return to the Music Room at Centennial High School by Friday, September 28, 2012.

To ensure adequate supervision while we are on the trip a ratio of 10 students to 1 adult supervisor will be maintained. Adult supervisors will be selected by Ms. Van Lare based on previous documented experience with the supervision of students, medical/first-aid training, the ability to work well with others as a supervisory team and the ability to communicate effectively with students.

Ms. Van Lare will travel to New York prior to the Music Department trip to conduct a site evaluation of all locations that we will be visiting including the hotel, sightseeing venues, etc. to ensure that the facilities are safe and appropriate for our students.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Kathie Van Lare via email at: .

Yours truly,

Kathie Van Lare (Teacher in Charge)

Dr. Matt Christison



Centennial High School Music Department

New York CityApril 18– 23, 2013

Trip Commitment and Deposit Slip

_____Yes, my son/daughter (Student’s Legal Name) ______(Date of Birth) ______in grade ______intends toparticipate in the Centennial Music Department trip to New York Cityon April 18 – 23, 2013. I have also included the initial trip non-refundable trip deposit of $300 (payable to Centennial High School).

Parent/Guardian signature ______Date______