April 18, 2016
Lessons covered: Week of April 11, 2016
Language Arts
“Guinea Pigs” “Super Storms” “Best Pet for an Apartment”
Genre: Non-Fiction
Strategy: content connection from multiple sources, inference, author’s purpose, use text evidence to support responses, compare and contrast
Writing : Persuasive – cite facts from text to write a persuasive/opinion essay, write summaries from multiple sources
Smarter Balanced Practice tests
Topic 13 Perimeter
13-1 Understanding Perimeter
13-2 Perimeter of Common Shapes
13-3 Perimeter of Unknown sides
13-4 Different Shapes with Same Perimeter
Science/Social Studies
Ohlone Indians
Weather – Clouds: Cirrus, Cumulus, Stratus
Notes & Reminders:
.~Variety Show, Tuesday, April 19, 6:30-7:30 p.m., MPR
-Collaboration Days, Wed., April 13, 27. School dismisses at 2:00
- Thank you SHANA and SNIDGHA’S mom for volunteering to be our Jr. Achievement Volunteer
-Progress Reports go home Friday, April 22. Please sign and return.
-Smarter Balance tests will be administered to students in May. You may practice with your child at home using the websites below:
Please avoid appointments for child on those days
~Multiplication Facts 1-10should be mastered by the end of the school year. When students mastered a Multiplication fact on Mathmagician.com, please print and submit the 100% certificate.
~~ is a great reading comprehension website. It models after the AR tests. This will be a good check to see if your child is ready to take the AR test on the book they are reading. After you register, click kids zone, click quizomatic, type in book title, take the test, print and turn in the test to me.(These tests will not replace the AR tests)
April 18, 2016
Lessons covered: Week of April 11, 2016
Language Arts
“Guinea Pigs” “Super Storms” “Best Pet for an Apartment”
Genre: Non-Fiction
Strategy: content connection from multiple sources, inference, author’s purpose, use text evidence to support responses, compare and contrast
Writing : Persuasive – cite facts from text to write a persuasive/opinion essay, write summaries from multiple sources
Smarter Balanced Practice tests
Topic 13 Perimeter
13-1 Understanding Perimeter
13-2 Perimeter of Common Shapes
13-3 Perimeter of Unknown sides
13-4 Different Shapes with Same Perimeter
Science/Social Studies
Ohlone Indians
Weather – Clouds: Cirrus, Cumulus, Stratus
Notes & Reminders:
.~Variety Show, Tuesday, April 19, 6:30-7:30 p.m., MPR
-Collaboration Days, Wed., April 13, 27. School dismisses at 2:00
- Thank you SHANA and SNIDGHA’S mom for volunteering to be our Jr. Achievement Volunteer
-Progress Reports go home Friday, April 22. Please sign and return.
-Smarter Balance tests will be administered to students in May. You may practice with your child at home using the websites below:
Please avoid appointments for child on those days
~Multiplication Facts 1-10should be mastered by the end of the school year. When students mastered a Multiplication fact on Mathmagician.com, please print and submit the 100% certificate.
~~ is a great reading comprehension website. It models after the AR tests. This will be a good check to see if your child is ready to take the AR test on the book they are reading. After you register, click kids zone, click quizomatic, type in book title, take the test, print and turn in the test to me.(These tests will not replace the AR tests.)