TO:SNMMI-TS Membership

FROM:SNMMI-TSNominating Committee

Chair, D. Scott Holbrook, BS, CNMT, FSNMMI-TS

DATE:November 1, 2014

RE:First Call for Nominations for SNMMI-TS Elections for 2015-2016

This notice will serve as the official Call for Nominations for the 2015-2016SNMMI-TS National Election. We encourage anyone who is interested to contact D. Scott Holbrook, BS, CNMT, FSNMMI-TS,Chair of the SNMMI-TS Nominating Committee, c/o Nikki Wenzel-Lamb at to secure your place on the ballot.

We also urge you to contact your chapter leadership now so that you may secure nominations prior to the deadline. It is important that each Chapter provide names of qualified candidates to serve in this opportunity for chapter representation the national level, allowing your Chapter to have direct input into the activities of the SNMMI-TS.

The deadline is December 1, 2014 for receipt of the Curriculum Vitae and all required items of each nominee.

There are 4 positions for the 2015-2016 ballot:

President-Elect2 year term (2nd year President)

Secretary1 year term

Tech Delegate-at-Large3 year term (1 position open)

(representative to HOD)

Finance Committee Member3 year term

The following information must be submitted and received by the SNMMI Office in order for your nomination application to move forward in the nomination process:

Nominee’s Curriculum Vitae- Enclosed is an example of the C.V. form, which must be submitted electronically for each nominee, as online submission process has been developed.

Personal Statement - Each nominee must submit a typewritten statement: for President-Elect, 250 words or less; all other nominees 150 words or less which addresses the question found on the CV Nominating Form.

Letters of Support

For the position of President-Elect: Letter of support from hospital administrator, CEO, or director:

For all positions (including President-Elect): Letter of support from sponsoring chapter. Each nominee must be sponsored and or endorsed by a chapter. The Chapter President, National Council Delegate, or President-Elect may submit this letter of support.

Photograph - A recent 2” X 2” photograph must be included for each position. Digital copies are encouraged.

Conflict of Interest Form – use attached document.

The Executive Board members (President-Elect, Secretary, and Members-at-Large) are expected to attend the Mid-Winter, Annual and Fall meetings. An additional spring meeting may be added, as necessary. Two (2) days hotel, per-diem, and travel costs are reimbursed for all three (or four) meetings.

The Finance Committee members are expected to attend the Mid-Winter, Annual and Fall Finance Committee meeting. However, only the expenses for the Fall Finance meeting will be reimbursed.

The Delegates will be expected to attend the Mid-Winter and Annual Meetings of the National Council and the SNMMI House of Delegates. SNMMI-TS Delegates-at-Large will be reimbursed for airfare, two nights hotel and actual expenses (meals not provided by SNMMI and travel to and from the airport) to attend the Mid-Winter and Annual Meeting.

Submit CV Nomination forms ONLY in Word format or by e-mail attachment. Please note that any candidate submissions, which are not prepared in the above format, will be returned to the candidate for correction. Any submissions not received in correct, completed format by the December 1stdeadline will not be accepted for consideration. Please direct any questions to Nikki Wenzel-Lamb at or Scott Holbrook at . Send your completed nominations to:


C/o Elections – Nikki Wenzel-Lamb

1850 Samuel Morse Dr.

Reston, VA 20190

703-652-6766 [phone]


We urge you to submit your nominations now so that the Nominating Committee will have an ample list of nominees to develop a slate of qualified candidates by the December 1, 2014 deadline.