1)The 88th Annual Fall Conference is September 29th – October 2nd, 2016 at Boyne Highlands Resort in Harbor Springs. The Golf Outing is September 29th at Chestnut Valley Golf Course in Harbor Springs. The Fall Conference is September 30th & October 1, 2016. Hotel Reservations Deadline was September 1, 2016 at the “VFW Group Rate”. Deadline for the Ad Book is September 16, 2016. Golf Reservations should be made as soon as possible. ALL forms as well as the Agenda & Dress Code are on the Department Website ( under News & Events.

2)There will be a Veterans Training Seminar on October 15, 2016 at VFW Post 1075 in Harrison. The Training will start at 9:30 a.m. All Post, Council and District Officers and any Member in good standing are encouraged to attend. The Training Session is OPEN to ALL Members “throughout” the State. Coffee and Donuts will be provided in the morning along with lunch. Bring a laptop computer or Tablet along if you have access to one. Please contact VTS Director Ray Lopez at 734-552-2961, if you have any questions.

3)The Big Ten Conference is October 21st & 22nd, 2016 at the Radisson Hotel in Kalamazoo. The Cover Letter, Hotel Reservation Form, AD Book Form and the Registration Form are all available on the Department Website ( under News & Events. Deadline for Hotel Reservations at the “VFW Group Rate” is September 29, 2016. There is also “overflow” hotels available at the VFW Group Rate. Deadline for Ad Book Placement is September 20, 2016. Advance Registration Deadline is September 30, 2016. There is Limited On-Site Registration.

4)The Life Membership figures have now been added and as of Sunday, September 11, 2016, MICHIGAN is at 82.33% in Membership with 36.969 Members. MICHIGAN is #14 in the Nation out of 54 Departments. We are off to a Great Start. In order for MICHIGAN to reach 100% in Membership or 44,902 Members, WE need 7,933 New, Reinstated and Continuous Members. WE CAN DO IT! WE CAN REACH 100% with everyone’s help. The Last Time that Michigan reached 100% Membership was in 2000. This is Our Year to reach 100%. Our Neighbors to the South of us, Ohio & Indiana State Commanders boasted this weekend that MICHIGAN will not reach 100% this year but both of them will. I accepted their challenge. WE CANNOT LET EITHER OHIO OR INDIANA BEAT MICHIGAN IN MEMBERSHIP THIS YEAR!

5)Now, that we have our Total Membership Figures for our 12 Districts as of Sunday, September 11, 2016, District 4 is in 1st Place at 84.14%. District 10 is in 2nd Place at 83.78%. District 5 is in 3rd Place at 83.50%. Who will be the #1 District next week? Will it be District 4 again or will it be your District?

6)Now, that we have our Total Membership Figures for our Posts, our 1st Post to reach 100% in Membership is Rockford Post 3946 in District 8 at 100%. Congratulations to the Members of Rockford Post 3946 for a job well done. Who will be the next Post to reach 100% in Membership? Will it be your Post?

7)Post, Council and District Inspections are being completed at this time throughout the State. The Deadline is to have ALL Post, Council and District Inspections completed and sent to Department Headquarters by the FALL CONFERENCE (September 30th). So far from the ones we have received, many discrepancies have been found from these Post and District Inspections including shortages. Many were “not” prepared when the Inspector came in to inspect the Post and/or District. Many did “not” have binders set up with the required documents. Many any did “not” have all the required documents listed on Inspection Report. Many did “not” have ALL Bank Statements. Many did “not” have a File containing a copy of Proof of Eligibility submitted by Officers pursuant to Section 216 & 416. We do Post, Council and District Inspections each and every year, after the New State Commander is installed. Every District has their Inspection at the 1st District Meeting. BE PREPARED, SO THE INSPECTOR DOES NOT HAVE TO RE-SCHEDULE A 2nd INSPECTION OR HAVE YOU SEND HIM/HER THE REQUIRED “MISSING” DOCUMENTS TO HIM/HER or DELIVER TO DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS.

8)The Department has conducted and will be conducting AUDITS of Posts involving “money” based on the Requests of the District Commanders. When there are Money Shortages found, action will be taken. So far, we have performed many Audits throughout the State based on TRUSTEES “not” Auditing or the TRUSTEES do “not” know what to look for. We have Training Classes throughout the State. We already had (2) Training Classes for Trustees. We are having more training Classes for TRUSTEES. Please send your Trustees to these training classes so they can learn their RESPONSIBILITIES. Also, TRUSTEES should be doing a “complete & accurate” audit of the Quartermaster’s “Monthly” Report “before” the Trustees prepare their “Trustees Quarterly Audit Report”. You cannot wait till the End of the Quarter to do audit ALL (3) months of the Post Quartermaster’s Monthly Reports then do the Trustees Quarterly Audit. Audit each Monthly Quartermaster’s Report “every” month. This is “usually” done “before” the Monthly Post Membership Meeting. You can audit earlier “but” it should be audited before the Monthly Post Membership Meeting.

9)Trustees Quarterly Audits must be completed by the (3) Elected Trustees and approved by the Post Commander. In the absence of (1) Elected Trustee, the Post Commander must attach a letter stating the reason for the (1) Missing Trustee’s Signature. We will “not” accept a Trustee Audit with only (1) Trustee Signature. DON’T EVEN SEND IT IN BECAUSE YOU WILL HAVE IT RETURN BACK TO YOU! Any Trustee who cannot attend and perform the monthly and quarterly audits must be replaced with a Trustee who can attend and perform the duties. You should not have a Trustee who is a Snow Bird. Trustee Quarterly Audits must be completed and sent to Department Headquarters within 30 days following the end of the quarter. Department will be verifying the Trustees listed on your Post Election Report. If they do “not” match you will be receiving your Trustees Quarterly Audit back to you.

10)Trustees are to audit “ALL” accounts involving money. EVERYTHING that has money. EVERY BANK STATEMENT. ALL CASH ON HAND (pull tabs, bingo, fish fry etc.). NO EXCEPTIONS! Everything must be listed on the Monthly Quartermaster’s Report and the Trustees Quarterly Audit Report.

11)If a Post is behind in (2) Trustee Quarterly Audits Reports including the Last Quarterly Audit of 2015-2016, the Post will be placed on Suspension. Please complete your Trustee Quarterly Audits on time and complete!

12)EVERY Post must complete a Form 990. If you have less than $50,000 in Receipts for the Year you can do a “Post Card” On-Line. It will take Less than 15 minutes to complete. We already have a Post that failed to complete (3) years of 990’s and now has “Lost” their Non-Profit Status. Their Fine from the IRS is “greater” than the remaining money in their General Fund. DON’T BE LIKE THAT POST, complete your Yearly Form 990 every year and On Time. Contact Department if you need help with your Form 990.

13)If a Post Commander or his Representative fails to attend (2) properly called District meetings including the Last District Meeting of 2015-2016, the Post Commander will be removed. Read Section 218 k. under Post Commander Responsibilities. You as a Post Commander took this oath, when you raised your right hand and touched the Flag of our Country. You stated you would follow ALL National By-Laws and Manual of Procedure. If you cannot accept your responsibilities as the Post Commander, then your need to resign and let someone who will accept the Responsibilities of a Post Commander. There is “someone”, “someone” out of your “TOTAL” Membership that can attend every District Meeting.

14)Activities & Hospital Reports are due at Department Headquarters by the 10th of every month either electronically or by hardcopy mail.

15)The Men's Auxiliary will cease to exist on December 31, 2016. Now it is time for the VFW Posts that do have a Men's Auxiliary to have them apply to the VFW Auxiliary, so they can continue to support their VFW Posts. Men’s Auxiliary Members “cannot” transfer their membership to the VFW Auxiliary. Each Men’s Auxiliary Members must apply to the VFW Auxiliary and you must show Proof of Eligibility. So far, the VFW Auxiliary has found “current” Men’s Auxiliary Members who could “not” show Proof of Eligibility when applying to the VFW Auxiliary. VFW Auxiliary will be checking Proof of Eligibility.

16)If your Post is considering consolidating with another Post, you must contact Department Headquarters and your District Commander first. Read Section 209 – Consolidation of Posts in the VFW By-Laws and Manual of Procedure 2016 Podium Edition. You must follow the Guidelines including contacting “EVERY” Post Member on your Post Roster to invite them to your Special Meeting for Voting. There must be a 2/3 “YES” Vote at your Special Membership Meeting from EVERY Member that was notified at least 15 days in advance of the Special Meeting. After the Vote, Department must have a copy of the Special Meeting “Minutes”. We have already found Posts who did not notify “every” member for the purpose of “selling” their Post. EVERY Member must be notified!

17)If your Post is considering surrendering your Charter, ALL Assets and Property will belong to the Department. Read Section 210 – Surrender of Charter in the VFW By-Laws and Manual of Procedure 2016 Podium Edition. Again, the same instructions above about informing “every” Member on your Post Roster, if you are considering Surrendering your Charter.

18)If your Post is considering selling your Post, you must contact Department Headquarters and your District Commander first. Remember that 2/3 Membership “YES” Vote of your Total Post Membership present at a stated meeting for that purpose must completed first. You must send DEPARTMENT a copy of the Minutes from your Special Meeting. Again follow the same instructions stated in #12 Consolidating your Post. It is the same for Selling your Post. We have already found Posts who did “not” inform EVERY Member about Selling “their” Post and they could “not” sell their Post until they followed these requirements.

19)The National By‐Laws provide for only one type of membership: active membership. There are no provisions in the National By‐Laws, nor is there any authority or justification for issuance of Club Membership cards, Associate Member cards, Honorary Membership cards, Courtesy Membership cards or any other special type of cards. Any Post issuing such unauthorized cards, or conducting club operations open to the general public, endangers its standing with the Internal Revenue Service as a non‐profit organization. Officers signing outlaw cards admitting non‐members to VFW premises are subject to disciplinary action. National and Department officers cannot defend practices that conflict with VFW By‐Laws or procedures.

20)VFW Posts should take the necessary steps to incorporate under the laws of the State ofMichigan. Financial responsibility laws, as interpreted by the courts, may cause members of unincorporated for Posts to be at risk. Incorporating under the provisions of sections 708 of the National By‐Laws and the Manual of Procedure and the laws of the State will provide protection for Post members. Posts are urged to contact their Department Adjutant to obtain the proper forms for incorporating. The Articles of Incorporation must be reviewed by the Commander‐in‐Chief prior to forwarding them to the proper state authorities. It shall be the responsibility of the Post Commander to ensure full compliance with both sections and to ensure that all state requirements for annual filing, fees, etc., are met in a timely manner.

21)Attention of Post Commanders is directed to section 1001(25) of the Manual of Procedure concerning alcoholic beverages in the Post meeting room during the Post meeting: “The presence, dispensation, and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages in VFW meeting rooms during VFW meetings is unacceptable and is prohibited.”

22)Every Post should have at least(2) copies of the “current” 2017 National By-Laws and Manual of Procedure. You can order more if you want but have (2) copies. These will be available in November from the VFW Emblem & Supply Store either by phone at 1-800-821-2606 or online at Also, pass on the previous year’s copy to your Line Officers and the Members who attend your monthly Post Meetings. At least they will have something to read and know about the By-Laws, Manual of Procedure and Ritual.

23)Please visit the Department Website at for Upcoming News & Events, Officer Assignments, General Orders, Talking Points, Forms and Programs for the 2016-2017 year.

24)Please sign up on the VFW National Website at It is very easy. There is so much information available as well as Training Guides and Membership Stats. Also, please sign up for the VFW Action Corps Weekly and receive weekly updates from our National Headquarters.

25)Updated Bond applications have been sent out to all Quartermasters. Please make sure you are Bonding “everyone” handling money. It is not just for the Quartermaster, it for everyone handling money (Pull Tabs, Canteen, Bingo, etc.). The Current Bonds Expired on August 31, 2016. Make sure your Bond Amount is GREATER than your Total Accounts.

26)Lastly, I wanted to share this important quote with each of you about being successful. I am sure you will recognize the author. “The Success of any organization is entirely Dependent on the Dedication & Participation of its members. Abraham Lincoln