July 2012

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Re: Earl Haig S.S. School Council 2012-2013

School Council General Meetings are held once a month from 7:30 to about 9:00 p.m., normally on the second Tuesday evening of the month. Our first School Council meeting of this year will be on Thursday September 13, 2012 @ 7:30 pm in the Library, and all parents and guardians are invited. This will also be the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the School Council. Meetings are open to all parents and guardians and everyone is invited and encouraged to attend, to learn more about Earl Haig Secondary School, the Toronto District School Board, and topics of value to parents on educational and related matters.

Our School Council Executive organizes these monthly General Meetings for parents, and is an advisory body that consists of elected parents, staff and student representatives. Executive meetings are normally held just before General Meetings, from 6 pm to 7:25pm. A person is qualified to be elected to a parent member position on our School Council Executive if he/she is a parent/guardian of a student in the school. Should you wish to participate on a regular basis on our School Council Executive, please fill out the attached nomination form. The deadline for nomination forms to be returned to the school office is Friday, September 7th at 3:30 pm., or they may be submitted by email to one of the email addresses below by 8pm that day. All are very welcome to become involved.

After the nomination forms have been received, the decision as to whether an election is necessary will be made based on the number of nominations submitted. An election is called only if more candidates are nominated than are required on the council, otherwise all nominated candidates are declared elected by acclamation. If an election is required, candidate information (based on the attached form) will be provided at our School Council Annual General Meeting and you may vote at the school at the first School Council meeting of the year during the AGM onThursday, September 13th at 7:30pm in the school library, upstairs on the second floor. If the executive is acclaimed, there will not be an election and the executive members will be introduced at the AGM.

Should you have any questions, please contact us, School Council Chairs,

Kathy McBey – daytime – evening –


Donna Noma – daytime – evening –

Yours truly,

Renata Gonsalves, Principal


Please either:

  1. Print the following information on this form and deliver the completed form to the school office by 3:30 pm Friday, September 7th, 2012, or
  2. Send the information by email to:Kathy McBey or Donna Noma, School Council Co-Chairs, at by 8:00 pm Friday, September 7th, 2012

I wish to declare my candidacy for an elected position as a parent/guardian representative on the Earl Haig S.S. School Council.


I am the parent of the following student(s) at Earl Haig S.S.:

Student:______in Grade:______

Student:______in Grade:______

Student:______in Grade:______

I am an employee of the Toronto District School Board: ______Yes (or) ______No

Candidate’s Signature:______Date: ______, 2012.

Please include a brief indication of why you would like to join the school council and a brief biography of yourself in the space below, or on an attached sheet (eg. volunteer activities, interests, occupation, hobbies, etc.). Thank you!