Unit 1: How well do you manage time?
How well do you manage time?
What do you consider to be your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to managing time? An example of a time management strength is suggested, can you think of others that apply to you?
My time management strengths / My time management weaknesses(Example: being punctual for paid employment)
Now complete the following time management questionnaire.
Score yourself according to your answers as follows: 2 for ‘always’, 1 for ‘sometimes’, 0 for ‘never’ and total your score at the end of the questionnaire.
Always = 2; Sometimes = 1; Never = 0.
I prioritise the things that need to be done.
I usually finish what I set out to do in any day.
In the past I have always got academic work done on time.
I feel I make the best use of my time.
I can tackle difficult or unpleasant tasks without using delaying tactics and wasting time
I force myself to make time for planning my course work.
I am spending enough time planning ahead.
I prepare a daily or weekly list of tasks to be accomplished.
I prioritise my list in order of importance, not urgency (importance is what you want to do; urgent is what you have to do).
I am able to meet deadlines with time to spare.
I can usually keep up-to-date with my reading and course assignments.
I prevent interruptions from distracting me from high priority tasks.
I avoid spending too much time on things that divert me from what I should be doing.
I feel I spend enough time on course work.
I plan time for relaxation in my weekly schedule.
I have a weekly schedule on which I record fixed commitments, such as lectures and tutorials.
I try to do the most important tasks during my peak energy periods of the day.
I make use of travel time to read course work.
I regularly reassess my activities in relation to my goals.
I have made a point of stopping activities that are wasting time.
I judge myself by the completion of tasks, rather than by the amount of activity spent on them.
I decide what needs to be done and am not controlled by events or what other people want me to do.
I have a clear idea of what I want to accomplish during the coming semester.
I am satisfied with the way I use my time.
I usually turn up on time for appointments and other commitments.
Your total score
Your score
To improve your time management, what are the two most important things you need to do? Write in the space below.
I need to… / I need to…End of Unit 1