Bates, Rick / x / O’Hare, Jenny / x
Burke, Shannon / x / Poston, Steve / x
Jordan Burnworth / x / Ricketts, Lise / x
Casey, Jackie / x / Shafer, Vernia / x
Cathers, Robin / Sheets, Jeromey / x
Conrad, Nate / x / Sines, Amy / x
Geil, Jackie / x / Strong, Allyson / x
Hedges, Tina / x / Ward, Teresa / x
Hoffmann, David / Westbrooks, Sara / x
Kittle, Katie / x / Wigton, Beth / x
McCance, Donna / x / Wigton, Steve / x
Guest: Michelle Fisher / Hale, Nathan / x
Informational Items:
- East Elementary TBT Presentation: 391 kids, 60% free and reduced population. Reading Rooms at East (K-1) have improved reading scores. Reading Rooms includes a 45 minute block for each classroom. Every student gets small group reading instruction on their reading level and groups are flexible and student needs are met immediately using centers in reading and math. Kindergarten put together Data Notebooks include individual assessments on letters, sounds, shapes, site words
Michelle Fisher presented on the third grade TBT at East: meets 2 times per month and agenda is sent out week before, so data can be collected (mainly from Treasures, but additional items are pulled in). Focus on low, but also push the higher level students. Data collection is a priority for East and students are aware of scores. Data tracking sheet is created and added to throughout the year. Discussion about how this information about TBT can be shared with the Board. Topics can be developed and Kyle Lewis can develop a TV series to promote the district.
- Dain Michelson, Data Manager, will be in to review quarterly data during the next DLT.
- Review of Norms: Focused/limit side bar conversations, actively listen, challenge, participate
- Review of items sent prior to meeting: DLT/BLT support, DLT count, Strategic Team, Communication Team, DIP, Communication Plan
- Grading Update: 2013-2014 is an informational year – goal is to help teachers make these connections. August 19th was the first presentation. There will be 3 more meetings for elementary and 2 for secondary where the remaining fixes will be rolled out. Ewing is piloting a few of the fixes (implementing accepting late work and no bonus points). HS is progressing.
- FIP presentation by Jeromey Sheets: informational video
The early literacy grant focuses on the community piece (currently 7 partners). Teachers in the district will be extending the school day and the district is looking to summer opportunities. Teachers will be paid curriculum rate. The professional development with the grant includes training with Teri Green and Susan Nolan focusing on Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions in grades K, 1, 2 and 3. Everyone part of this program will receive the language toolkit and training. This will add 100 additional minutes of instructional time for RtI. A parent component is included (two session focused on parent training).
- Data Review – a review of current report card:
Indicators / 22/24=91.7% / A
Performance Index / 99.5/82.9% / A
Overall progress-all students in Math and Reading, grades 4-8 / A
Gifted Students-identified gifted in reading, math and/or superior cognitive / D
Students in Lowest 20% Achievement-lowest 20% statewide in Reading and Math Achievement / A
Students with Disabilities / B
Graduation-4 Year Rate / 91.70% / B
Graduation-5 Year Rate / 91.6 (points) / B
AMO (Attendance Included) / 67.70% / D
Attendance (93%) / 94.70%
- Review of OLAC results – DLT and BLT are continuing to make improvements.
- Review of AMO: AMOs replace the state requirement of Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) as prescribed in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. AMOs are yearly targets for schools and districts in reading, mathematics and graduation.AMO Requirements: Reduce proficiency gaps by half by 2017 for all students and subgroups, Transition to Ohio’s New Learning Standards and high quality assessments, Reduce proficiency gaps, Calculated based on 100 points (see math sample below from district report card).
- Nathan Hale shared where Lancaster was with OTES: board policy is in place and was adopted July 1, as required by Ohio. Once the district is required, the OTES model will be used for teacher evaluation.
- STAR data – Are we using our resource teams appropriately and using STAR data to determine needs? Schools will serve targeted teams first. Resources will be based on building needs and STAR results will drive this. Teachers should use the Core Learning Progression to view skills that they need practice. Nathan Hale will be working to develop a STAR class for teacher training.
- Donna McCance gave an RtI update: positive feedback from RtI training (late starts at the elementary). RtI frame work is in place and will now focus on implementation. Dreambox is a math intervention program – pilot at elementary level. Secondary will be looking at ALEKS and Tenmark.
- Jenny O’Hare shared results of the TBT self-assessmentresults
- Elementary and Secondary Curriculum Updates shared out with the DLT: ELA Graded Course of Study timeline, Foreign Language Graded Course of Study timeline, Math and ELA Common Core Professional Development (Ky Davis, Tanny McGregor, FIP, Amy Payn), Assessment Information (PARCC and Diagnostics for K-3) and the Elementary Math Plan was shared
- Donna McCance and Nathan Hale – 3rd grade guarantee update: new teacher opportunities released for qualification (Praxis). An alternate 3rd Grade Reading OAA will be released that can be given as many times as needed and could possibly be a summer school opportunity
- Next Meeting October 16, 2013