Planning Department
Ceredigion County Council
SA46 0PA 17th May 2016
FAO Rosalie Metcalfe
Dear Madam
RE: A160335Nant Y Maen, Pont Nantstalwen, Tregaron, Hydro-electric Scheme SN 7641/5859
Thank you for the additional information concerning the above application.
We have checked this proposal against the Regional Historic Environment Record, which currently stands at over 50,000 sites of archaeological and historical interest. These records have been formally adopted by resolution of your Authority for the purposes of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995.
The proposed development lies within the Registered Historic Landscape of Upper Ceredigion HLW (D) 2, as contained within the Register of Landscapes of Outstanding Historic Interest in Wales. These proposals also lie within close proximity to several sites of historical and archaeological interest including,the scheduled Pre-historic Standing Stone of Nant Y Maen (PRN 5553;CD243), an enclosure of possible medieval date (PRN 29835) and two Bronze Age round barrows (PRN’s 48404 & 5552).
In terms of this development, we cannot guarantee that buried archaeology does not extend into the development area and will therefore be damaged or destroyed.
Consequently, in order to provide further information on the archaeological potential and the impact of the proposed development on that resource, we recommend, in the first instance, that an historic environment appraisal is commissioned by the applicant and its information provided to your Authority before the determination of this application. This will ensure that your Members are fully informed about the impact of the development on the historic environment. The objective of this limited work will be to provide an informed answer to the question whether there is an archaeological dimension and constraint to be considered in the determination of the application, and whether this needs to be clarified through further investigation.
We anticipate that the rapid work will involve a professional archaeologist examining and interrogating readily available information, especially the Historic Environment Record, to include further information files, map regression and, if appropriate, aerial photographs. A rapid walk-over survey of the site will be an important component of the work and will provide information on current land-use and whether there are indications of surviving archaeological features. The brief report will need to consider what archaeological dimension, if any, is involved with this application and whether there is a requirement for further assessment to be carried out.
Without the presentation of this information we consider that your Authority has insufficient information to determine this application and will be acting against Government requirements, notably:
Welsh Office Circular 60/96 – Planning and the Historic Environment: Archaeology, (December 1996), Section 14, which states Without the presentation of this information we consider that your Authority has insufficient information to determine this application and will be acting against Government requirements, notably:
Welsh Office Circular 60/96 – Planning and the Historic Environment: Archaeology, (December 1996), Section 14, which states “Local Planning authorities should expect developers to provide the results of such appraisals, assessments and/or evaluations as part of their applications for sites where there is good reason to believe there are remains of archaeological importance. If developers are not prepared to do so voluntarily, the planning authority may wish to consider whether it would be appropriate to direct the applicant to supply further information. Authorities will need to consider refusing permission for proposals which are inadequately documented.”
In conclusion, the submitted application does not contain information on the impact of the development on the historic environment and therefore does not provide the information your Authority requires to determine this application in order that the Officers and Members of your Authority are fully informed of historic environment issues and potential constraints. Without this further information we recommend to your Authority that this application should be refused as it is not adequately documented (see above Welsh Office Circular 60/96, paragraph 14).
We trust that this course of action is acceptable to your Authority. Acting as your professional archaeological advisors, we can provide further guidance, including provision of a brief, for this archaeological appraisal, which we can monitor on your behalf.
In the meantime, if you require further information or clarification please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours sincerely
Zoe Bevans-Rice
Development Management Archaeologist
Dyfed Archaeological Trust- Heritage Management