Application for the Monotype Award
Completed applications should be submitted to Gaenor Burchett-Vass, Department of Typography & Graphic Communication, University of Reading, 2 Earley Gate, Reading, RG6 6AU ()
by Thursday 30th June 2016
Student Information
Application/Reading Student Number (if known):Title / Forename / Middle name(s) / Family name
Previous name (if any) / Male/Female / Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Residency status
NationalityPlease state the country in which you are normally resident
On what date did you take up residence there?
How long have you resided there?
Professional experience that is relevant to this application
Dates(month and year) / Full or part-time / Employer/Organisation (including location) / Status and responsibilities
From / To
Your career in higher education to date
Undergraduate Study Postgraduate Study
Name of university or college & country (if not UK)Mode of attendance (Full or Part Time)
Month and year in which your course started and finished (or will finish) / Start date / End date / Start date / End date
Who provided financial support for your maintenance while studying?
Who paid your fees? (If a Local Education Authority, please state which)
Subject of study
Level of study (for example Undergraduate)
Qualification gained (with overall result)
(for example, BA 1st class Honours). For non-UK degrees, please give the title of the degree in the original language
Case for support
Please give the title of the course, for which you have an unconditional offer:Please make your case for support in the space below
In presenting your case, you should consider the following points (the word limit is 500 words):· How will taking this course develop your professional or academic expertise and contribute to your long-term career aims?
· Describe any special area of interest you wish to pursue at Reading within your chosen programme.
· How well prepared are you to undertake this course?
I declare that I am not in receipt of a comparable award or funding
Signature / Date
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