Minutes of the meeting held on 20 October 2006

Present: Professor D Birch PVC (Chair)

Ms P Campbell Safety Office

Mr M Dale Civil Engineering

Mr R Dawn Information Services

Dr C Deuchar Biosciences

Mr R Howard Biology

Mrs J Humphrey Nursing

Mr K H Jones Registrar

Mrs J Kaur Director of Human Resources (Acting)

Mrs R J Ramsden Civil Engineering

Mr J Ray Public Affairs

Ms K Stanton Information Services

Mrs E Stevenson Information Services

Mrs S J Willington Biomedical Sciences

Mr M Wynne-Jones Director of Finance

In Attendance: Mrs A Ingram

Apologies: Mr T Brady, Ms S Oddie, Mr D Hurley, Mr P Buttery & Mr A Whitfield

254 Professor Birch welcomed everyone to the first committee of this academic year.

255 The previous minutes were approved as a matter of record.

256 The committee discussed the newly updated terms of reference. Jaspal Kaur advised that a revised copy would be made available on the portal and web.

257 Jenny Humphrey raised a question as to whether in order to represent APM (levels 1 to 3) staff representatives also needed to be a level 1 to 3 member of staff. Jaspal Kaur advised that normally representatives would be from the same levels but they as they are elected members if the constituents are comfortable then the University would not object.

258 Jenny Humphrey asked which committee represents APM level 4 and above. Jaspal Kaur advised that the University meets with UCU in order to talk about any matters involving staff on level 4 and above. The University and UCU recognise that there is some clouding of this issue and that at some point further discussion is required to resolve this anomaly. Jenny Humphrey commented that constituent reps at Consultative Committee for Support Staff make a point of emailing their constituency members and it feels as though there is a disparity and inequality for staff on the higher grades. Ray Howard commented that Amicus viewed their role at Consultative Committee as one that deals with matters that affect the five levels of technical staff that they represent.

Jenny Humphrey suggested that the Consultative Committee for Support Staff could perhaps be widened out in order to encompass the higher grade roles within the University. It was agreed this item would be put on the agenda of the next Consultative Committee.

Action: Jaspal Kaur

259 Di Birch on behalf of the Committee formally thanked Keith Jones for all the work he

carried out on behalf of Consultative Committee and wished him a long and happy retirement.

260 Di Birch on behalf of the Committee extended her thanks to Peter Buttery as one of the longest serving members of the Consultative Committee, and wished him well in his new role as Vice-President and CEO of the China campus.

261 Di Birch also extended the Committees’ thanks to Karen Stanton who will be leaving the University.

Matters Arising

262 Travel Survey – Jaspal Kaur reported that Gavin Scott has promised to let the Committee have a copy of the report once it has been presented at Environment Committee. Alison Ingram will post this on the portal.

Action: Alison Ingram

263 Chris Deucher asked whether some consideration could be given to the University providing Motorcycle spaces. Alison Ingram to feedback to Gavin Scott.

Action: Alison Ingram

249 Equality & Diversity survey – Jaspal Kaur reported that completion of analysis has been delayed due to resource levels. The aim is to deal with this issue before the next committee meeting in February.

Action: Jaspal Kaur

250 Jaspal Kaur reported that the University has been involved in working with the local Unison reps to identify a pay deal that could be presented to the Operations family. After some communication difficulties with the Regional office the University decided it was not appropriate to wait for a response before presenting the package to the operations and facilities family. Jaspal Kaur advised that the University was still keen to talk to the Unison Regional Office and that she was working hard to identify a date when this could happen. Jaspal Kaur outlined for the Committee the deadline dates involved for members of the operations and facilities family. Jaspal Kaur confirmed that managers and supervisors have been briefed as to the changes.

251 Jaspal Kaur advised that the revised Special Leave policy will shortly be available in the Staff Handbook and will be circulated to managers.

252 Jaspal Kaur reported that the Nottingham Hospitality attendance bonus has been picked up as part of the Operations and Facilities Family Review and that the practice will cease.

253 Jaspal Kaur commented that the Consultative Committee meetings have now been moved in order to satisfy the committee’s previous comments. In addition Alison Ingram has set up a portal for Consultative Committee with the aim to facilitate communication between meetings. Jenny Humphrey advised that nursing staff are unable to access the portal. Karen Stanton took an action to look into this.

Action: Karen Stanton

254 Jaspal Kaur advised that a briefing paper dealing with the issue of pro rata bank holidays was made available on the portal. Raymond Dawn expressed concern that he has not seen the paper. Alison Ingram to check that Raymond Dawn has/is given access to the portal/ provided with a copy of the paper.

Action: Alison Ingram

Organisational Update

255 Keith Jones reported that the University had set itself demanding student targets for this September and that although it had not achieved those targets in all areas the University had done extremely well. Growth in the overseas campuses was encouraging and the opening of the Veterinary School had been successful. In terms of the home and international league tables the University has again moved up. The institution has been short-listed by THES for The University of the Year Award.

256 Keith Jones reported that David Riley is taking forward the Learning and Teaching Strategy and that the new IS Strategy will be presented to Strategy Board for information over the next few weeks.

257 Keith Jones advised that the institution was aware that the change over of SMART cards has not gone as smoothly as was envisaged and a number of contingency measures have had to be put in place. Lessons have been learnt and those points will be taken forward for the future. Raymond Dawn commented that the impact on the libraries has been very great with some of the cards having bar codes missing.

258 Keith Jones informed the committee that the Central Services Review of the Registrar’s Department had been completed and that there were likely to be some organisation changes planned for implementation next year.

Nottingham City’s Image

259 Jonathan Ray gave an overview of how the University is working hard to counter negative articles. A copy of the presentation was circulated as handouts. Professor Birch thanked Jonathan for an informative presentation.


260 Martin Wynne-Jones provided an update on CPAS and the decisions that had taken place since the last committee meeting in May.

261 Ray Howard commented that support staff are very disappointed with Council’s decision. The consultation process had been unhelpfully one sided with the University providing answers to questions but not entering into debate. Ray Howard stated that Amicus did not feel that a joint partnership approach had been taken. Ray Howard stated he believed that there is an equality issue with one group of employees being offered less favourable benefits than another set of employees. Raymond Dawn stated that he felt the whole process has had a very negative effect on staff.

262 Jaspal Kaur commented that the consultation process had derived a number of benefits for staff. However, the University would reflect upon the feedback being given to inform how to handle any future similar situations.

263 Jenny Humphrey commented that it highlights the divisive nature of having two different pension schemes. Jaspal Kaur commented this is the current position arising from history. The University had looked at different options as requested in the consultation period but had to make decisions around what was financially achievable.

264 Martin Wynne-Jones stated that if an individual wishes to have individual financial advice his office would be happy to arrange this. Martin Wynne-Jones advised that individuals will have to confirm that they want to be taken out of the CPAS scheme by early January 2007. If a reply slip is not received then payroll will be chasing individuals for a response. This will ensure that staff are not just taken out of CPAS because a form has gone missing in the post.

265 The Committee asked Martin Wynne-Jones to provide a paper detailing what the University gains financially from running a salary sacrifice scheme. Martin Wynne-Jones advised that salary sacrifice is not applicable for private pension’s schemes.

Action: Martin Wynne-Jones

Terms and Conditions Working Group

266 Liz Stevenson asked for an update on the harmonisation process in particular whether there was any update on what would happen with annual leave. Jaspal Kaur advised that the terms and conditions review is scheduled to commence after the operations and facilities family work is completed early in 2007.

267 Jaspal Kaur advised that since the APM 4 group assimilated in 2003 new staff joining on Level 4 have been offered 24 days annual leave.

268 Jenny Humphrey expressed concern about the length of time it is taking to get the harmonisation process underway. She advised that for job levels 1 and 2 many of these members of staff have to work 12 years before they are entitled to 24 days annual leave.

Results of the Student and Staff Travel Survey

269 Liz Stevenson advised that the QMC have issued a brief note outlining exactly where each of their cycle compounds and shower and changing facilities are. It was agreed that this would be really useful if the University was able to provide something similar. Alison Ingram to discuss with Gavin Scott.

Action: Alison Ingram

Parking on University Park

270 Liz Stevenson reported that a member of her constituency is concerned about the parking around the Main Drive/Keighton Hill area. Although the cars are parked in designated bays it reduces the drive down to a single lane of traffic even though the traffic flows in both directions. The area is also further complicated by the frequency and volume of buses now parking in the bus bay and the number of taxis using the campus as an apparent cut through. Alison Ingram was asked to take this matter forward with Estates.

Action: Alison Ingram

271 Susan Willington raised again the issue of sub-contractors still parking at the back of the Boots building and going to work on the QMC site. As was previously recommended staff have been contacting Security but action does not appear to be taken. Alison Ingram to take forward with Gary Stevens.

Action: Alison Ingram

272 It was raised that whilst contractors have been able to use the Coates coffee bar whilst dressed in their work clothes, technicians have been turned away whilst wearing lab coats. Alison Ingram to make David Riley aware.

Action: Alison Ingram

273 An additional item was raised regarding the absence of security to enforce campus barriers after 4pm which leads to the campus being used as a cut through by other drivers. Alison Ingram to discuss with Gary Stevens.

Action: Alison Ingram

Safety Officers

274 Liz Stevenson asked whether the role of Safety Officers is a formally recognised role. Jaspal Kaur advised that it varies depending on the area and the amount of work that has to be undertaken. Jaspal Kaur advised that for some areas i.e. in technical areas the role can be significant and will therefore be recognised in the individuals’ role profile. For other areas e.g. HR the Safety Officer role is a minor part of a staff members job. Jaspal Kaur suggested that if an individual has any concerns they should approach their HR Adviser in the first instance.

Leave Year

276 Liz Stevenson advised that a constituent had asked whether it would make more sense to have the leave year running January to December. Jaspal Kaur advised that the University actually has a number of different leave years running due to the operational requirements of certain units. Jaspal Kaur suggested that this was something the constituent member should discuss with their operational unit and if a sound business reason could be made then a change would be considered.

Pandemic Flu

277 Jaspal Kaur advised the committee that the University is keen to have a strategy in place to respond as required. HR have been considering the implications of what may happen if the University was faced with high levels of absenteeism and how the operational requirements of the institution may continue to be met. Jaspal Kaur commented that it is a very complex area and that the University would like to set up a Working Group to discuss further with union colleagues.

Any Other Business

278 Ray Howard expressed concern that staff have experienced delays in receiving internal mail. Keith Jones advised that Estates were aware of the issues that had been caused by a shortage of staff and that this had been rectified.

279 Professor Birch gave an overview of the Academy Project that the University is sponsoring. The committee confirmed that they would be interested in being kept up to date on the progress and plans. Professor Birch advised that we had been able to identify that the University has a number of staff living in the Bilborough area which it would like to contact in advance of starting a wider consultation in the community. Professor Birch asked whether the committee thought that individuals would object to receiving a letter informing them of what we are planning to do and asking whether they would like to meet to discuss. The committee were in agreement that sending a letter to staff was entirely appropriate.