
Human Physiology

Final Exam (62-65; 74-79)

Fall 2011

Mark each true or correct statement with a T and each false or incorrect statement with an F. (60)

______1.Some endocrine hormones affect many different types of cells and some affect mainly specific target tissues.

______2.Negative feedback occurs when the biological action of the hormone causes additional secretion of the hormone.

______3.The metabolic clearance rate is the rate of removal of hormone from the blood.

______4.Almost all secretion by the pituitary gland is controlled by either hormonal or nervous signals from the hypothalamus.

______5.Growth hormone is secreted in a pulsing pattern, both increasing and decreasing.

______6.All of the major anterior pituitary hormones exert their influence by stimulating specific target glands.

______7.In addition to thyroxine, the thyroid gland produces parathormone for calcium metabolism/

______8.Most of the thyroid hormone is in the form of thyroxine, not triiodothyronine.

______9.The general effect of thyroid hormone is to activate the nuclear transcription of large numbers of genes.

______10.Human steroid hormones, except those produced by the adrenal cortex, are synthesized from cholesterol.

______11.Aldosterone causes sodium to be conserved in the extracellular fluid while increasing potassium excretion in the urine.

______12.The principal effect of ACTH on the adrenocortical cells is to activate adenyl cyclase to form cAMP.

______13.The delta cells of the islets of Langerhans produce insulin and glucagon.

______14.99% of the function of the pancreas is hormonal or endocrine and is accomplished by the acini cells.

______15.Some of the glucose absorbed through the intestine is stored as muscle glycogen and is used for energy by the muscle.

______16. Most of the body’s calcium and phosphate are stored in bones.

______17.Normally, except in growing bones, the rates of bone deposition and absorption are equal.

______18.Even a slight decrease in calcium levels in ECF causes the parathyroid glands to increase their rate of secretion of PTH.

______19.In the gastrointestinal tract, the higher the slow wave potential rises, the greater the frequency of spike potentials.

______20.The myenteric plexus is completely excitatory with no inhibitory neurons present.

______21.The basic propulsive movement of the GI tract is segmentation.

______22.Since enzymes act only on the surface of food particles, the rate of digestion is dependent on the total surface area exposed to digestive secretions/

______23.In the pharyngeal stage of swallowing, the nasopharynx is closed off by the reflex action of the epiglottis.

______24.After food in the stomach has been thoroughly mixed with stomach secretions, it is referred to as chyme.

______25.Bicarbonate is secreted by the duct cells lining the pancreatic duct.

______26.Bile is secreted continually by the liver cells and stored in the gall bladder until needed.

______27.The main substance secreted by the mucosa of the large intestine is mucous.

______28.Most protein digestive products are absorbed as individual amino acids.

______29.Emulsification is the first process in the digestion of fats.

______30.Bacterial activity in the large intestine produces vitamin K, vitamin B12, thiamine and riboflavin.

Select the one best answer that either defines or completes the meaning of the given statement. (60)

______1.Hormones are “cleared” from the plasma

  1. by the metabolic destruction by the tissues
  2. excretion by the liver into the bile
  3. excretion by the kidneys
  4. all of the above are correct

______2.Concerning hormones that act mainly on the genetic machinery of the cell

  1. include mostly the amino acid and peptide hormones
  2. cause the synthesis of proteins in the target cells
  3. decrease transcription processes
  4. all of the above are correct

______3.Periodic variations in hormone release is influenced by all of the following except

  1. large intestine mass movement
  2. seasonal changes
  3. diurnal cycle
  4. sleep

______4.All of the following stimulate growth hormone secretion except

  1. testosterone and estrogen
  2. decreased blood glucose and free fatty acids in blood
  3. aging and obesity
  4. trauma or stress

______5.Which of the following is not an abnormality of growth hormone secretion?

  1. dwarfism
  2. gigantism
  3. acromegaly
  4. nontoxic goiter

______6.Which of the following is not a hypothalamic releasing hormone?

  1. TRH
  2. ACTH
  3. GHRH
  4. CRH

______7.Thyrotropin (thyroid stimulating hormone)

  1. increases the size and secretory activity of thyroid cells
  2. decreases the activity of the iodide pump and the iodination of tyrosine
  3. decreases proteolysis of thyroglobulin
  4. all of the above are correct

______8.Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include all of the following except

  1. intolerance to heat and increased sweating
  2. increased excitability
  3. mild to extreme weight gain
  4. nervousness or psychic disorders

______9.In thyroid deficiencies

  1. cretinism is caused by extreme hypothyroidism in adult life
  2. can be initiated by an autoimmune reaction
  3. characterized by extreme weight loss
  4. all of the above are correct


  1. increases the permeability of capillaries
  2. suppresses the immune system
  3. destabilizes the lysosomal membranes
  4. all of the above are correct

______11.Cortisol release can be caused by

  1. infection
  2. trauma of almost any type
  3. intense heat or cold
  4. all of the above are correct

______12.Epinephrine and norepinephrine are produced in the

  1. adrenal medulla
  2. zona fasciculata
  3. zona reticularis
  4. zona glomerulosa

______13.Insulin does all of the following except

  1. depresses the rate of gluconeogenesis
  2. stimulates the transport of amino acids into the cells
  3. increases the catabolism of proteins
  4. increases the translation of mRNA


  1. increases gluconeogenesis
  2. enhances the strength of the heart and increases blood flow
  3. causes the breakdown of liver glycogen
  4. all of the above are correct

______15.During insulin activation

  1. body cells decrease glucose uptake
  2. cell membrane becomes impermeable to ions and amino acids
  3. the insulin receptor is an enzyme-linked receptor
  4. most neurons in the brain begin to rapidly take in glucose

______16.Conditions that increase calcium ion concentration above normal and therefore cause a decreased size of the parathyroid glands include

  1. excess quantities of calcium in the diet
  2. increased vitamin D in the diet
  3. bone absorption
  4. all of the above are correct

______17.All of the following are true concerning calcitonin except

  1. increases blood calcium concentration
  2. decreases the absorptive capacity of osteoclasts
  3. decreases the formation of new osteoclasts
  4. has a weak effect on plasma calcium concentrations in the adult

______18.The bony substance secreted by the periodontal membrane

  1. enamel
  2. cementum
  3. dentin
  4. pulp

______19.Produced by the “I” cells of the small intestine; stimulates gallbladder contraction and the secretion of pancreatic enzymes

  1. CCK
  2. secretin
  3. gastrin
  4. motilin

______20.Stimulation of the myenteric plexus

  1. decreases the rate of rhythmic contractions
  2. decreases the intensity of rhythmic contractions
  3. increased tonic contraction or tone
  4. decreased the velocity of conduction of excitatory waves

______21.In the autonomic control of the gastrointestinal tract

  1. sympathetic nerves innervate only the stomach
  2. sympathetic nervous system increases the activity of the GI tract
  3. vagus nerve provides extensive parasympathetic innervation to the esophagus, stomach, and pancreas
  4. all of the above are correct

______22.All of the following are true concerning peristalsis except

  1. gastroenteric reflex is initiated by distension of the stomach
  2. activity is greatly increased after a meal
  3. intestinal motility is enhanced by hormones such as gastrin, insulin, and serotonin
  4. only occurs in the duodenum of the small intestine

______23.Bag-like sacs in the unstimulated large intestine are called

  1. teniae coli
  2. haustrations
  3. diploic appendages
  4. mush

______24.Motor functions of the stomach

  1. storage of large quantities of food until it can be processed
  2. mixing of the food with gastric secretions
  3. slow emptying of food into the duodenum
  4. all of the above are correct

______25.Hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor are secreted by

  1. parietal cells
  2. chief cells
  3. peptic cells
  4. pyloric glands

______26.All of the following are true concerning the secretion of saliva except

A. salivary glands are controlled exclusively by the sympathetic nervous system

B. salivary glands include the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual

C. primary secretions are ptyalin (amylase) and mucin

D. bicarbonate ions are secreted by the ductal epithelium

______27.The pH of the gastric fluids of the stomach is approximately

A. 7.0

B. 1.0

C. 10.0

D. 5.0

______28.The most abundant of the absorbed carbohydrates is

A. fructose

B. maltose

C. glucose

D. lactose

______29.Proteolytic pancreatic enzymes include all of the following except

A. trypsin

B. chymotrypsin

C. carboxypolypeptidase

D. pepsin

______30.Absorption in the small intestine

A. active transport of sodium

B. passive transport of chloride

C. absorption of bicarbonate

D. all of the above occur

Choose two of the following essay questions as a bonus. (20)

  • Discuss the three major second messenger systems.
  • List and discuss the physiological functions of growth hormone.
  • List and discuss the physiological functions of thyroid hormone.
  • List and discuss the physiological functions of cortisol.