Rathbun-English 10

Tuesday 3/27/12

1. Warm-Up

  • distribute graded assignments completed during 3rd quarter

2. 4th Quarter ORP

  • requirements / due dates / parent permission form

3. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • discuss Vocabulary Journal assignment
  • pick up and preview Study Guide 1
  • read and discuss author bio, Author’s Introduction, and Preface
  • watch Letter scenes & begin reading Chapter 1


  • ORP permission slip due Mon 4/2/12
  • ORP book due in class Thurs 4/5/12
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun-English 10

Thursday 3/29/12

1. Warm-Up

  • Sustained Reading – silently read the “Preface” of Frankenstein and complete study guide questions (responses must be written in complete sentences)
  • turn in ORP forms if complete

2. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • review Vocabulary Journal assignment
  • watch Letter scenes & discuss SGQ’s through the final letter
  • begin reading Chapter 1


  • ORP permission slip due Mon 4/2/12
  • ORP book due in class Thurs 4/5/12
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun-English 10

Friday 3/30/12

1. Warm-Up

  • turn in ORP forms if complete
  • pick up & complete Frankenstein quiz

2. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • pick up Study Guide 2
  • review Vocabulary Journal assignment
  • record word, part of speech, novel sentence, and original sentence
  • write simple sentences through chapter 8
  • begin reading Chapter 3


  • ORP permission slip due Mon 4/2/12
  • ORP book due in class Thurs 4/5/12
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun-English 10

Monday 04/02/2012

1. Warm-Up

  • turn in ORP permission slips
  • pick up Frankenstein

2. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • read Chapters 4 & 5
  • continue Vocabulary Journal assignment
  • record word, part of speech, novel sentence, and original sentence
  • write simple sentences through chapter 8


  • ORP book due in class Thurs 4/5/12
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun-English 10

Tuesday 04/03/2012

1. Warm-Up

  • pick up Frankenstein

2. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • read Chapter 6
  • resume film adaptation through Ch. 6
  • continue Vocabulary Journal assignment
  • record word, part of speech, novel sentence, and original sentence
  • write simple sentences through chapter 8


  • Frankenstein Vocabulary Journal through Ch. 8 due Mon 4/9/12 (16 words)
  • ORP book due in class Thurs 4/5/12
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Thursday 04/05/2012 WORKS CITED ENTRY

1. Warm-Up

  • pick up article Fright Night / read and complete MLA exercises (summarize, paraphrase, and quote)

Geiger, Beth. "Fright Night." Current Science 97.4 (2011): 4-5. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 Apr. 2012.

  • ORP books will be checked while you are completing the activity above

2. Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • read Chapter 7
  • resume film adaptation through Ch. 7
  • continue Vocabulary Journal assignment
  • record word, part of speech, novel sentence, and original sentence
  • write simple sentences through chapter 8


  • Frankenstein Vocabulary Journal through Ch. 8 due Mon 4/9/12 (16 words)
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Monday 04/09/2012

1. Warm-Up

  • turn in Vocabulary Journal I (Ch. 1-8)
  • “Sustained Reading” – complete Ch. 8 & SGQ’s
  • read ORP book

2. Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • Whole Group Reading - Ch. 9
  • continue Vocabulary Journal assignment
  • record word, part of speech, sentence from novel, and write an original sentence
  • write COMPOUND sentences through chapter 16 (use Write Source text to review)


  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Tuesday 4/10/12

1. Warm-Up

  • Review Vocabulary Journal requirements / use perpetrate as model
  • read ORP book

2. Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • Whole Group Reading - Ch. 10
  • continue Vocabulary Journal II
  • 2 words per chapter / generate an original title for each chapter
  • record word, part of speech, definition, sentence from novel (MLA formatted), and write an original compound sentence


ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Thursday 4/12/12

1. Warm-Up

  • “Sustained Reading” – complete Ch. 11 & SGQ’s
  • read ORP book

2. Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • Whole Group Reading - Ch. 12
  • continue Vocabulary Journal II
  • 2 words per chapter / generate an original title for each chapter
  • record word, part of speech, definition, sentence from novel (MLA formatted), and write an original compound sentence


  • Frankenstein Quiz Fri 4/13/12 (Ch. 3-12)
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Friday 4/13/12

1. Warm-Up

  • prep for Frankenstein Quiz
  • read ORP book

2. Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • Ch. 3-12 Quiz
  • Whole Group Reading - Ch. 13
  • continue Vocabulary Journal II
  • 2 words per chapter / generate an original title for each chapter
  • record word, part of speech, definition, sentence from novel (MLA formatted), and write an original compound sentence


  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Monday 4/16/12

1. Warm-Up

  • Sustained Reading – Frankenstein (pgs. 112-115)
  • begin here: “One day when the sun shone on the red leaves…” (Shelley 112)
  • write answers to SGQ’s in 1-2 sentence responses
  • read ORP book

2. Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • Whole Group Reading - Ch. 16
  • continue Vocabulary Journal II (Chapters 9-16)
  • 2 words per chapter / generate an original title for each chapter
  • record word, part of speech, definition, sentence from novel (MLA formatted), and write an original compound sentence


  • Vocabulary Journal II due Thurs 4/19
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Tuesday 4/17/12

1. Warm-Up

  • “Sustained Reading” – Frankenstein Ch. 17 / answer SGQ’s
  • read ORP book

2. Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • Whole Group Reading – Chapters 18
  • continue Vocabulary Journal II (Chapters 9-16)
  • 2 words per chapter / generate an original title for each chapter
  • record word, part of speech, definition, sentence from novel (MLA formatted), and write an original compound sentence
  • begin Vocabulary Journal III (Chapters 17-24)
  • substitute original sentence with direct quote using word in modern context (use “Google News”) / proper MLA Format required!


  • Vocabulary Journal II due Thurs 4/19
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Thursday 4/19/12

1. Warm-Up

  • turn in Vocabulary Journal II (Chapters 9-16)

2. Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • depart to auditorium to watch drama department’s production of story


  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Friday 4/20/12

1. Warm-Up

  • “Sustained Reading” – Frankenstein Ch. 19 / answer SGQ’s
  • read ORP book

2. Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • Whole Group Reading – Chapter 20
  • begin Vocabulary Journal III (Chapters 17-24)
  • 2 words per chapter / include an original title for each chapter
  • record word, part of speech, definition, sentence from novel (MLA formatted)
  • substitute original sentence with direct quote using word in modern context (use “Google News”) / proper MLA Format required!


  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Monday 4/23/12

1. Warm-Up

  • “Sustained Reading” – Frankenstein Ch. 21 through “One day, while I was gradually recovering…” (Shelley 157).
  • read ORP book

2. Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • Whole Group Reading – complete Chapter 21
  • begin Vocabulary Journal III (Chapters 17-24)
  • 2 words per chapter / include an original title for each chapter
  • record word, part of speech, definition, sentence from novel (MLA formatted)
  • substitute original sentence with direct quote using word in modern context (use “Google News”) / proper MLA Format required!


  • Frankenstein Quiz 3 (Ch.13-22) Thurs 4/26
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Tuesday 4/24/12

1. Warm-Up

  • pick up Frankenstein

2. Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • Whole Group Reading – complete Chapter 22
  • continue Vocabulary Journal III (Chapters 17-24)
  • 2 words per chapter / include an original title for each chapter
  • record word, part of speech, definition, sentence from novel (MLA formatted)
  • substitute original sentence with direct quote using word in modern context (use “Google News”) / proper MLA Format required!


  • Frankenstein Quiz 3 (Ch.13-22) Thurs 4/26
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Thursday 4/26/12

1. Warm-Up

  • read ORP book – book check today!

2. 4th Quarter Outside Reading Project

  • review requirements / emphasis on using technology (even YouTube!)

3. Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • Frankenstein Quiz 3 (Ch.13-22) NOTES ALLOWED / NO BOOKS
  • “Sustained Reading” – Ch. 23
  • update film
  • continue Vocabulary Journal III (Chapters 17-24)
  • 2 words per chapter / include an original title for each chapter
  • record word, part of speech, definition, sentence from novel (MLA formatted)
  • substitute original sentence with direct quote using word in modern context (use “Google News”) / proper MLA Format required!


  • Vocabulary Journal III (Chapters 17-24) due Tues 5/1/12
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Friday 4/27/12

1. Warm-Up

  • sit for attendance / prepare to depart to auditorium

2. Guest Speaker – Vietnam War Veteran

  • listen intently and respectfully
  • writing assignment due Mon 4/30/12
  • 5-7 sentence summary paragraph / 5-7 sentence reflection paragraph


  • guest speaker writing assignment due Mon 4/30/12
  • Vocabulary Journal III (Chapters 17-24) due Tues 5/1/12
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Monday 4/30/12

1. Warm-Up

  • read ORP book / graded materials returned

2. Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • Whole Group Reading – begin final chapter (Ch. 24)
  • continue Vocabulary Journal III (Chapters 17-24)
  • 2 words per chapter / include an original title for each chapter
  • record word, part of speech, definition, sentence from novel (MLA formatted)
  • substitute original sentence with direct quote using word in modern context (use “Google News”) / proper MLA Format required!


  • Vocabulary Journal III (Chapters 17-24) due TOMORROW!
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Tuesday 5/1/12

1. Warm-Up

  • turn in Vocabulary Journal III
  • pick up and read “Sophomore Research Options-4th Quarter”

2. Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • Whole Group Reading – complete novel & final study guide questions


  • Frankenstein Quiz Thurs 5/3/12 (Chapters 23-24)
  • Research Essay due to turnitin.com Fri 5/11
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Thursday 5/3/12

1. Warm-Up

  • read ORP book / prepare for Prezi presentation

2. Shelley’s Frankenstein

  • Ch. 23-24 Quiz
  • complete movie version

3. Research Essay

  • review MLA format requirements / review 4 essay options
  • pre-write & begin drafting


  • Research Essay due to turnitin.com Fri 5/11
  • Graphic Organizer due Mon 5/7
  • Rough Draft due Thurs 5/10
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Friday 5/4/12

1. Warm-Up

  • award Embrace Insecurities T-shirt extra credit
  • read ORP book / prepare for Prezi presentation

2. Research Essay

  • review MLA format requirements / review 4 essay options
  • pre-write & begin drafting / you may use phones today for research only / focus on library databases
  • Graphic Organizer will be assessed TODAY
  • Rough Drafts will also be assessed TODAY and Thurs 5/10


  • Research Essay due to turnitin.com Fri 5/11
  • Completed Rough Draft due Thurs 5/10
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Monday 5/7/12

1. Warm-Up

  • read ORP book / prepare for Prezi presentation OR…
  • work on research essay

2. Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing

  • Introduction
  • distribute copies of play / ILP’s (Individual Learning Packets) / SGQ’s (Study Guide Questions)
  • begin reading/performing play


  • Research Essay due to turnitin.com Fri 5/11
  • Completed Rough Draft (handwritten) due Thurs 5/10
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Tuesday 5/8/12

1. Warm-Up

  • read ORP book / prepare for Prezi presentation OR…
  • work on research essay

2. Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing

  • take out copies of play / ILP’s (Individual Learning Packets) / SGQ’s (Study Guide Questions)
  • continue reading / analysis of play
  • watch film clip


  • Research Essay due to turnitin.com Fri 5/11
  • Completed Rough Draft (handwritten) due Thurs 5/10
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Thursday 5/10/12

1. Warm-Up

  • read ORP book / prepare for Prezi presentation OR…
  • work on research essay

2. 4th Qtr. Research Essay

  • rough drafts will be assessed today while you are completing warm-up

3. Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing

  • take out copies of play / ILP’s (Individual Learning Packets) / SGQ’s (Study Guide Questions)
  • continue reading / analysis of play
  • watch film clip


  • Research Essay due to turnitin.com Fri 5/11
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Friday 5/11/12

1. Warm-Up

  • read ORP book / prepare for Prezi presentation OR…
  • work on research essay

2. Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing

  • take out copies of play / ILP’s (Individual Learning Packets) / SGQ’s (Study Guide Questions)
  • continue reading / analysis of play
  • watch film clip


  • Research Essay due to turnitin.com Fri 5/11
  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Monday 5/14/12

1. Warm-Up

  • read ORP book / prepare for presentation (10 minutes)

2. Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing

  • take out copies of play / ILP’s (Individual Learning Packets) / SGQ’s (Study Guide Questions)
  • “Sustained Reading” – read through the end of Act III (pg. 26)
  • respond to Study Guide and Learning Packet questions

3. ORP Update

  • write one 7-11 sentence paragraph detailing your plan for your presentation
  • turn in to substitute when complete


  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Tuesday 5/15/12

1. Warm-Up

  • read ORP book / prepare for Prezi presentation

2. Research Essay Presentations

3. Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing

  • take out copies of play / ILP’s (Individual Learning Packets) / SGQ’s (Study Guide Questions)
  • continue reading / analysis of play
  • watch film clip


  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Thursday 5/17/12

1. Warm-Up

  • read ORP book / prepare for Prezi presentation

2. Research Essay Presentations - continue

3. Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing

  • Quiz…Acts I-III
  • take out copies of play / ILP’s (Individual Learning Packets) / SGQ’s (Study Guide Questions)
  • continue reading / analysis of play
  • watch film clip


  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun – English 10

Friday 5/18/12

1. Warm-Up

  • read ORP book / prepare for Prezi presentation

2. Research Essay Presentations – complete

3. Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing

  • take out copies of play / ILP’s (Individual Learning Packets) / SGQ’s (Study Guide Questions)
  • continue reading / analyzing play
  • watch film clip

4. ORP Presentation schedule


  • ORP presentations week of May 21st

Rathbun-English 10

Monday 5/21/12

1. Warm-Up

  • format “Peer Response Sheet” – refer to whiteboard

2. ORP Presentations

3. Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing

  • take out copies of play / ILP’s (Individual Learning Packets) / SGQ’s (Study Guide Questions)
  • continue reading / analyzing play
  • watch film clip


ALL ORP presentations this week!

Rathbun-English 10

Tuesday 5/22/12

1. Warm-Up

  • take out “Peer Response Sheets”

2. ORP Presentations

3. Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing

  • take out copies of play / ILP’s (Individual Learning Packets) / SGQ’s (Study Guide Questions)
  • continue reading / analyzing play
  • watch film clip


ALL ORP presentations this week!

Rathbun-English 10

Wednesday 5/23/12

1. Warm-Up

  • take out “Peer Response Sheets”

2. ORP Presentations

3. Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing

  • take out copies of play / ILP’s (Individual Learning Packets) / SGQ’s (Study Guide Questions)
  • complete reading and analysis of play
  • watch film clip


  • MAAN Learning Packets due Thurs 5/24/12
  • ALL ORP presentations this week!

Rathbun-English 10

Thursday 5/24/12

1. Warm-Up

  • take out “Peer Response Sheets”

2. complete ORP Presentations / turn in PRS

3. Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing

  • complete reading and analysis of play
  • complete film clips
  • work on Learning Packets

4. Study Guide-Spring Final Exam


  • Prepare for final!
  • MAAN Learning Packets due day of final