Rate Yourself as a Fitness Coach
Choose the best answer to each question below to see how you stack up as a fitness coach.
1.For best results when beginning an exercise program:
a)Hit it hard to encourage the boys with fast results.
b)No pain, no gain!
c)Begin slowly and gradually exert a little more with each workout.
2.In order to get the maximum performance out of a boy:
a)Scold him each time he makes a mistake.
b)Tell him he is wonderful no matter what he does.
c)Teach him skills in a positive way and give him praise for his efforts.
3.When a boy receives a minor injury:
a)Encourage him to “man up” and work through the pain.
b)Make a big deal of it.
c)Remain calm and matter of fact, then give him time to heal before playing again.
4.If a boy doesn’t want to participate in a particular sport you should:
a)Talk to his parents and encourage them to push him for his own good.
b)Tell him he is a big baby.
c)Let him do something different.
5.Parents should be encouraged to:
a)Tell the coach and game officials exactly what they think any time they disagree with them.
b)Shout advice and criticism at the boys from the bleachers.
c)Go to the games and watch the boys play.
Give yourself 20 points for each “C” answer. Sorry! No points for “A” or “B” answers. (Although lots of people act as if they believe they are the correct way of doing things.)
0-20 points: Beginner. You will learn a lot and improve your success rate by studying the “Cub Scout Sports” section of the Cub Scouts Academics and Sports Program booklet.
40-60 points: Looking Up! You are heading in the right direction. Study the “Cub Scout Sports” section of the Cub Scouts Academics and Sports Program booklet for more information.
80-100 points: All Star! You are ready to provide a safe and fun Cub Scout Sports experience, just as soon as you read the “Cub Scout Sports” section of the Cub Scouts Academics and Sports Program booklet.
Obesity has become a big problem in our nation. Too many of our children are sitting around playing computer games and/or watching television, rather than going outside and running around playing. And many children (and adults) do not have a well balanced diet. A 2008 study showed 22% of Utah children are obese.
Keep it simple, make it fun!
C:\Documents and Settings\Carol\My Documents\Scouts\Core Values\Health and Fitness\Rate Yourself as a Fitness Coach.doc