Fritz Serr
Lisa Newcomer
Vice Chairman
Mark Kaufman
Rita Metz
Jane Langston
Randy and Sherrill Skinner
Men’s Registrar
Larry Reed
Women’s Registrar
Deb Hagan
Kelly and Carol Foster
Men’s Good Shepherd
John Oakley
Women’s Good Shepherd
Karen Queen
Melody Schneider
Kelli Skidmore
Kevin Queen
Mitch Hensley
Joe and Janell Welker
Rick Poppe
Curt and Tracey Hostetler
Corinne Olson
Dawn Pulfer
A Word From the Chairman……
After the long, cold winter we had, I think everyone anxiously waited for anything green to pop up as a sign of Spring. Quickly summer setin and I am already behind on my long list of things I need to get done before the cold weather returns. Somehow, over the cold months my beautiful flower beds have been taken over by weeds, paint is peeling on anything that had a coat of paint on it, and the lawn that had just been covered in snow now needs to be mowed on a regular basis.
And if you are blessed with children,summer schedules expand to include little league ball, swimming pools, 4-H, and endless camps. Even vacations add to an already bursting schedule as you pack, unpack, shop, arrange pet care, and all the other last minute arrangements that need attention while you are away. And when you return, you usually feel like you need a vacation to recover from your vacation! Where is that “Summertime, and the livin’ is easy…” that Porgy and Bess sang about?
It seems like we spend the whole winter waiting for summer to come so we can take time for rest and relaxation only to be busier than ever. God did not make us to work non-stop. In Exodus 23:12,it says “Six days do your work, but on the seventh day do not work… that you may be refreshed.” Matthew 11:28 says, “come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” And in Mark 6:31, Jesus said “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
When was the last time you took a day of rest - a whole day of rest? Time with just you and God? If not a whole day, a few hours a couple times a week. Take some time this summer, pencil it in on your calendar, make ithappen! You need it and God deserves it! Find a quiet place, grab a glass of cold lemonade or iced tea, sit in a comfortable chair under a tree, and spend some time with God. Let God put your world in order and then you can enjoy summertime, and easy livin’. DeColores!
Lisa Newcomer, Chairman
Women’s Walk #63July 10-13, 2014
Now to Him who is able to do
immeasurably more than all we
ask or imagine, according to His power
that is at work within us, to Him be glory
in the church and in Christ Jesus
throughout all generations,
for ever andever! Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21
RodneyannBensman– Minster
Tara Binkley– St. Johns
Jennifer Bowman- DeGraff
Anna Byrne- Vandalia
Cindy Cable–Sidney
Roxy Chivington- Sidney
Cathy Collins- Lima
Laura Dalton–Quincy
Abby Deal- Bellefontaine
Stacey Erb–Wapakoneta
Tina Garner- Lima
Amy Glover–Waynesfield
Elizabeth Hansen- Dayton
Abbie Higgins- Greenville
Kathy Husemann- Maplewood
Cindy Jackson– Spencerville, IN
Sherri Judy– Arcanum
Liz Krouse–Celina
Deb Loewer- Versailles
Bailey Maier- Champion
Pam McKee- Anna
Kathy Mullins–Sidney
Janey Napier- Beavercreek
KanetaSchaub- Wapakoneta
Brenda Shaw–Fairborn
Dee Stroup–Almont, MI
Jessica Suttles– Maplewood
Angie Swabb–New Madison
Laura Taylor- Lima
Amanda Webb– Piqua
Sherry Wilkins- Bellefontaine
Team Roster
Lay Director
Maurya Ryan - Perseverance
Lay Director in Training
Ellen Grieshop
Board Representative
Jody Prater
Assistant Lay Directors
Dawn Pulfer – Priority
Beth Abbott – Grow Thru Study
Mike Howe – Body of Christ
Music Director
Sharon Halter
Assistant Music Director
Cari Beth Noah
Diane Snider,Lynn York,
Jessica Rickert,Cheryl Fortney,
Annette Schroerlucke
Table Leaders
Jessica Skinner –Priesthood of all Believers
Janell Welker – Life in Piety
Luanne Powell – Christian Action
Carol Foster – Discipleship
Amy Moore – Changing Our World
Marilyn Ford – Fourth Day
Assistant Table Leaders
Ann Huffman, Ashley Holthaus,
Krystal Swiger, Johanna Cisco,
Rhonda Peterson, Shannon Maier
Spiritual Director
Bill Halter – Means of Grace
Assistant Spiritual Directors
Kym James – Prevenient Grace
Harry Peterson –Justifying Grace
Randy Locker – Obstacles to Grace
Eileen Hix – Sanctifying Grace
Men’s Walk #59July 31-August03, 2014
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.”
Matthew 5:16
Team Roster
Lay Director
Dan Kirby - Perseverance
Lay Director in Training
Larry Grieshop
Board Representative
Ray Prater
Assistant Lay Directors
Nate Stephenson – Priority
Mike Powell – Priesthood of All Believers
Mike Toal – Life In Piety
Music Director
Mike Hawkins
Assistant Music Director
Wayne Van Schoik
Rick Poppe, Sam Peacock, Sam Sanders,Kenny York, Dewey Wallace
Table Leaders
Joe Welker – Grow Thru Study
Steve Jenkins – Christian Action
Matt Taylor – Discipleship
Shawn Smith–Changing Our World
Bryan Wagner – Body of Christ
Jeff Ingrahm – Fourth Day
Assistant Table Leaders
Cliff Hepner, Patrick Bayman, Shane Rickert, Kevin Fletcher, Chad Tester, Tony Knott
Spiritual Director
Neal Whitney – Means of Grace
Assistant Spiritual Directors
Jamie Dellifield– Prevenient Grace
Todd O’Neil – Justifying Grace
Dave Burkhart – Obstacles to Grace
Daniel Hughes – Sanctifying Grace
Community Information
The Greater Sidney Area Emmaus Gatherings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7pm. We meet at the First United Methodist Church, 230 E. Poplar St., Sidney, Ohio. Please come join us in worship and fellowship.
Tuesday July 8th
Wayne Bradley
Tuesday August 12th
Tawawa Park Gathering – 6 pm
Tuesday September 9th
Mark Shivley
Tuesday October 14th
Music Gathering
Special services on Walk weekends
8:30 pm Saturday night in the Church Sanctuary
4:30 pm Sunday afternoon
Please arrive at the church after 4:00pm and meet in the Tabernacle on the 2nd floor
Board Meetings
4th Thursday of each month
Meet in the Chapel at 6:45pm
Welcome to the Emmaus Community
Pilgrims of Women’s Walk #62
February 20-23, 2014
Rachel AplinRenee Price
Sharon BaumerAdrian Rabold
Janell CollinsTammy Reichelderfer
Patti CurtisJanie Risner
Buffie DunlapAlana Roberts
Barbie EllisonShawnie Rump
Angela FosterAmanda Schmerge
Jeanease GallantAnna Schroer
Christie GillespieLisa Schulze
Sharon IkeJackie Schultz
Lela JonesNina Spencer
Lynda KeithMelissa Tucker
Ronda MangenCelesia Vargas
Julie NicholsMaryann Wilson
Sandra OakleyBrenda Windle
Data Base Update
There is exciting news happening with our Data Base! If you received this Newsletter via email, then you have just been the recipient of our very first Newsletter email blast through the Data Base. If you are reading this on the Emmaus website or Facebook page, then there is still work to be done and WE NEED YOUR HELP!
In order for the database website to work, We need YOU to take the initiative to have YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION correct. It will help us have a better understanding as to who wants to serve on teams, serve in the kitchen, supplying Agape, blessing us with special music, etc. or whatever your God-given gifts may be.
If you have not updated your personal information yet or if you are having difficulty accessing the data base website, please contact Corinne Olson at (that’s Emmaus_outreach) and she will assist you. (continued on next page)
Welcome to the Emmaus Community
Pilgrims of Men’s Walk #58
March20-23, 2014
Jeremy AlexanderTed Lyons
Ed BeckScott Maier
Collin Blackford Steve Montgomery
Dan BowmanEric Musser
Terry CampbellWarren Pughsley
Jason EngleRon Schneider
Bill GasherBryan Sharp
Corey GreenbaumDale Snider
Julius HartleyJames Stanuszek
Dustin HigginsKyle Stieneker
Travis JenkinsTim Stroup
Kevin Judy
(Data Base Update continued)
Please note: The Emmaus website and the Emmaus Database website are not the same; however, a link to the Database website is located on the Emmaus website.
72 Hour Prayer Vigil
To sign up for the prayer vigil for WW#63 and MW#59, please contact Kelly and Carol Foster
In August, your Sidney Emmaus Board will begin the process of searching for new board members for terms that will begin January 1, 2015.
- All positions are two-year terms with the exception of Vice Chairman, which is a three-year commitment.
- All board members are expected to attend monthly board meeting, which are held on the 4th Thursday of each month.
The following board positions, along with a brief description of some of the duties of that position, will be voted on at October's Gathering.
- Music Chair- The music chair serves the community by coordinating music for all monthly Gatherings, including the October All-Music Gathering. The music chair also supports walk weekend music directors, maintains all music supplies (song books, CD players, etc.) and takes care of all CCLI reporting when necessary.
- Men's Registrar Chair – The registrar chair duties include filing pilgrim applications as they are received. They are responsible for collecting fees from the pilgrims and working with the Treasurer to get the funds deposited. As the walk weekends approach, the registrar contacts perspective pilgrims to invite them to attend the walk weekend. They pass on the pilgrims’ list to the Sponsorship Chair, Agape Chair, Newsletter Chair, website person, name tag person, etc. and Lay Director of the weekend. On Thursday of a walk weekend, the registrar welcomes the pilgrims, collects any remaining fees, and explains the basic weekend process and flow to the pilgrims.
- Newsletter Chair The position of the Newsletter Chair is to create and publish the El Quiri Newsletter for the Sidney Area Emmaus members. The purpose of the newsletter is to get Emmaus events, news, and information out to people who have attended an Emmaus weekend. Newsletters are usually released three times per year, right before each set of walks. Articles for the Newsletter are requested from other board members, as well as the most recent Lay Directors. Upcoming teams and new members of the community are also listed in the Newsletter. The Newsletter is currently posted on the Emmaus Facebook page and for people to view. The Newsletter Chair also works with the Outreach Chair to e-mail the newsletters to community members in the database.
- Literature Chair-Two weeks prior to walks, the Literature Chair gathersa book list from the team and sends it to the book store. The Literature Chair then picks up the books, sets up the book table for walk weekends, collect monies from sales of walk weekend at closing, and returns unsold books to the store on Monday. Also, responsibilities include repairing loose pages in the team manuals as needed and insert changes and updates (new board member list,etc) and copies and puts together pilgrim packets for the walks. The Literature Chair also orders all the literature that goes in packets when needed and orders Chi Rho crosses when needed.
- Agape Chair– Print other community agape letters that are shared on the weekends and send out our agape letter to other communities. Print out the 24-hour prayer vigil and distribute it at Gatherings for sign up. The Agape Chair also sets up and takes down Agape room on walk weekends, sorts out agape for team and pilgrims on walk weekends and organizes and solicits table and bed time agape.
- Supplies Chair – The duties of the Supply Chair is to organize, obtain and maintain an inventory of supplies used for each weekend – ink pens, binders, paper, votive candles given to each pilgrim, etc. They are also responsible for purchasing items for the “table of forgottens.” They also assist other board members in ordering their materials they need to do their jobs. They are responsible for getting all invoices to the community treasurer.
- Worship Chair– The Worship Chair recruits and schedules Fourth Day speakers for each Gathering,sets up Holy Communion for Gatherings and also for the monthly board meeting. The Worship Chair cleans up the elements and any Communion spills after Gatherings, board meetings, and Sunday closings on walk weekends.
- Treasurer Chair - The Treasurer position is responsible for collecting all money for the community and depositing it at the bank, picking up the bills at the church office and paying them in a timely manner. This person should attend all monthly Gatherings, send offs, Candle Lights, Closings, monthly Board Meetings and quarterly Exec. Board Meetings. The Treasurer is to provide a monthly Treasurers report to the Chairman prior to the monthly Board meetings so it can be copied and distributed for review at the meetings. The Treasurer also files a tax report at the end of the year.
- Men's Good Shepherd Chair– Aggressively promotes, registers, and maintains records of active share groups by towns, locations, and meeting places. Make your position as good shepherd known tothe community by attending Gatherings, candlelight services, send offs, etc. You need to be able to talk to people, asking if they are in a share group, or if they need help getting into one. Attend closings of men's walks so new members know who you are. Use social media (like Emmaus’s Facebook page) to reach out and contact people for share group connections.
- Vice Chair– The Vice Chair is a three-year commitment. The first year, you serve on the board you are the Vice Chair and your duties include hosting the monthly Gatherings. During your three years on board, you are also part of the Executive Board and are required to attend Executive Board meetings when scheduled. The second year, you move up to Chairman and your duties include running the monthly board meetings, troubleshooting community issues, assisting other board members with their duties, chairing Executive Board meetings, and representing the community at walk send off and closing services. Your third year on board, your move up to the Leadership position. Your duties include compiling ballots for lay director votes at board meetings, attending Emmaus activities, troubleshooting issues, and assisting other board members with duties. The position of Vice Chair requires an extensive working knowledge of the Sidney Emmaus Community and is usually filled by someone who has previously served on the Emmaus Board.
If you would like to serve your Emmaus Community by considering a board position, would like more information about a board position, or have any questions, please contact Vice Chair Mark Kaufman, Chairman Lisa Newcomer, Leadership Fritz Serr, or and other board member. Please keep the Emmaus Board in your prayers as we work to fill these important board positions.
It’s that time of year again for our annual picnic Gathering at Tawawa Park! This year’s picnic will be held on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 at 6 p.m. Bring a covered dish to share and don’t forget your lawn chairs. Meat, drinks and table service will be provided. This is a wonderful opportunity to get together in a very relaxed atmosphere to socialize with your Emmaus family. You certainly don’t want to miss this one!
See ya on the 12th!!
The Greater Sidney Emmaus Area Music Gathering in October will be here before we know it! We would like to extend an invitation to anyone who would like to participate in this uplifting hour of worship. This Gathering is always inspirational as members of our community come together to glorify God with music. If you would like to be a part of this, please contact Curt & Tracey Hostetler at 937-844-9404 or.