MARCH 2016
Dear Families,
It doesn't seem possible but another month has flown by! I would like to thank all of you for participating in the many events that have been taking place the past few weeks at Red Oak. Your support of the Book Fair was greatly appreciated.
The Shining Stars were magnificent in the 3 Piggy Opera! They worked very hard on their performance! Thank you for all of your support. A BIG THANK YOU to Mrs. Marino for making the delicious and adorable pig cupcakes!
Just when you were thinking things were about to slow down, look what will be happening in our classroom starting this month...
We are in our 7th theme in our Houghton Mifflin Series, entitled Wheels Go Around and will head right into our 8th theme entitled Down on the Farm. The children are becoming experts in their letter/sound recognition. We are observing this in their independent writing. It’s wonderful to see the progress in their reading and writing skills. Short /long o is the new vowel and we will work very hard to distinguish it from short/long a and short/long i. Be sure to keep reinforcing letter/sound recognition and the writing of the upper and lowercase alphabet as these are very important skills to have mastered by the end of kindergarten. We will celebrate Read Across America and read lots of Dr. Seuss books!
This month we will work on Chapter 5 of our Houghton Mifflin Go Math program, which is Addition and will move on to Chapter 6 which is Subtraction. We will also continue to practice our number writing, number sense and counting by 1's and 10's.
We enjoyed a visit from Oak Park Dentistry last month-a combination of Dental Awareness and our Community Helper unit. We are also looking forward to our visit from firefighters from the Oak Park Fire Station! They are visiting us at school this year! At the end of our community helper unit the students will have learned about the many important ways that people in our neighborhood can support us in our everyday lives. Be sure to ask your child about them.
We are continuing our Unit of Wood and Paper concentrating on paper. Be sure to ask your child about all the things we are doing with paper.
Our Artist in Residence Weekly Dance Program with Mrs. Stevens begins this month. We will be having a Song and Dance performance in May. We will let you know more as the time gets closer!
Congratulations to Kailey, Hunter, and Whitten for getting the Kind and Caring Kindergartner Award at our February Spirit Assembly. We are so proud of all of them! Speaking of being proud---how proud am I to be the teacher of the Shining Stars!
Keep up the AMAZING behavior and work Shining Stars!
March 22nd - Arya
March 26th - Yash
March 28th - Kailey
Please support Red Oak’s Jog-A-Thon and help us reach our school wide goal of $20,000 by sponsoring your child for the March 11th event. Additional forms are available in the office.
*Tuesday March 1st thru Friday, March 4th are 12:15 dismissal days for the entire school due to Parent/Teacher Conferences.
Open House for DK – 3rd Grades will be March 16th – More information to follow!
*The next Spirit Assembly will be held at 8:30 in the Multipurpose Room on Wednesday, March 23rd. All families are welcome to join us!
Spring Break begins Friday, March 25th – April 1st. School resumes Monday, April 4th.
** A special thank you to all the parents who continue to give their time and talents in many different ways. You are appreciated!
**Thank you for all your support. As always, if you have any questions or comments don't hesitate to write me a note or email me.
Have a super month!
Mrs. Jones