Rampton Parish Council
Minutes of Rampton Parish Council held on the 11th Dec 2017 in the Village Hall, Manor Grounds, Rampton, Nottinghamshire, DN22 0JU. The meeting commenced at 7:00pm.
Members Present Cllr Muriel Arden Chairman
Cllr Libby Hauton Vice-Chair
Cllr Alan McGarry
Cllr Pam Hawkins
Cllr Peter Copeland
Cllr Sue Kyle
Also, Present Ed Knox Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer
9 Members of the Public
RPC/118/17 To Advise Site Health & Safety
Cllr Arden advised the location of the fire exit assembly point, fire exits & toilet facilities.
RPC/119/17 To Approve Apologies for Absence
The Council approved the absence of Cllr Lewin who is recovering from an operation.
RPC/120/17 To Record Declarations of Interest in any items to be discussed
RPC/121/17 To Approve Minutes of the Previous Meeting
After discussion, the council resolved to accept the minutes. The chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true and accurate record.
RPC/122/17 To Discus updated Planning Application 17/01239/RSB
The Council discussed the updated Plans submitted by Concept Town Planning. Cllr Arden explained that the changes, whilst an improvement, it did not benefit the wider community, with the exception of the altered exit arrangements. Cllr Arden had spoken to several of the neighbours to Sundown, some of whom attended tonight’s meeting. Cllr Arden invited the members of the public to speak to give an overview of their continuing concerns, which included:
· Too Many Pods and caravan pitches
· Increased overall noise levels
· Increased amount of car horns sounding on entrance/exit of the park
· Security Concerns
· Increased volume of traffic on surrounding roads leading to potential for accident risks at main junctions and Woodbeck Crossroads
· Increased pedestrian usage of the 60mph, unlit, unpaved Treswell Road into Rampton, putting both vehicle and pedestrian lives in danger
· Increased risk of danger to pedestrians travelling by foot along public footpaths from Sundown, through and beside neighbouring properties, the footpaths pass close to a large pond, farm machinery, animals and buildings.
· Overwhelming of the drainage and sewerage network capacities in the area
· The size of the development is out of character for the countryside setting, too much too soon in magnitude.
· The development is not in keeping with the developing neighbourhood plans of both Treswell and Rampton Parish Council’s.
Cllr Hawkins Proposed, Cllr Hauten Seconded and the Council resolved unanimously to object to the planning application for the above reasons. The Clerk advised the members of the public to contact Bassetlaw Council Planning Department to express their views and to ascertain whether a public meeting will be held by Bassetlaw, at which, they may be able to register to speak to the Planning Dept to air their views. Action, the Clerk to write to Bassetlaw Planning Dept to object to the planning application.
RPC/123/17 Finance:
The clerk circulated the Council members by email prior to the meeting the following:
1. To Approve Payments:
after discussion, the Council approved the following accounts: -
Payee Item Amount
HC Grimes & Son Ltd Village Christmas Tree £115.20
RS Components Ltd PPE for Village Warden Weedkiller Training £16.09
Foys Solicitors Bowls Club Lease Amendment £580.00
E Knox Net Salary & Mileage Clerk/RFO Nov £467.32
S Foster Net Salary & Mileage Village Warden Dec £480.90
HMRC PAYE Income Tax £108.40
E-On Post Office Electricity £12.00
Total Payments £1,779.91
2. Receipts:
Receipts Received this month:
From Item Amount
Rampton Bowls Club Refund of Solicitors fees for Lease £450.00
Total Receipts £450.00
3. Bank Balances
The Current Account Balance today is £7,551.83*
The Deposit Account Balance today is £5,467.59
* £2,856 ring-fenced for Neighbourhood Plan
4. To Decide Budget for 2018/19
Cllr Arden advised that in the past the Council has tried to fit the precept rather than set a precept to fit the needs of the Council. Cllr Arden explained the modern requirement for transparency, guidance from Notts Association of Local Councils and the Society of Local Council Clerks confirm that setting a realistic budget to suit the needs of the Community is the way forward. The Clerk explained the several local Parish Council’s released a transparent statement on-line to explain why a precept increase was necessary and how it affects the Council Tax payments. Cllr Hawkins Proposed, Cllr Hauton Seconded and the Council agreed that the clerk shall draft and release a suitable policy statement for advertisement.
The Clerk circulated the initial draft budget for 2018/19 for council members consideration. The Current Precept in 2017/18 = £8984 divided by 278.55 (tax base) = £32.25 for a Band D property per annum, £3.22 per month, £21.50 for Band A, £2.15 per month.
The clerk explained a summary of the financial income and expenditure of the Parish Council for the past 20 years. Bassetlaw District Council Concurrent Grant has reduced from £4,478 in 1996 to £299 in 2017. Bank Interest has reduced from £2,000 in 2001 to £14 in 2017. There was no evidence that inflation had ever been calculated into past precept decisions.
Cllr Arden advised that when she was clerk in the 1980’s, the Council didn’t even need to set a precept due to the very generous Concurrent Grant from Bassetlaw District Council and that sadly, due to Local Govt cuts, this was no longer the case. Explaining the reduction of the Concurrent Grant, Bassetlaw District Council wrote to each Parish Council to state that: “we continue to reduce the concurrent grant; therefore, you need to factor in these reductions, you will see that Harworth & Bircotes Parish Council decided some years ago to substantially increase their precept and invest in their infrastructure for their local people”. Cllr Arden explained that the Council and the Clerk had done all they could with regards to modernising and reviewing rental income. However, a realistic precept rise was still required to cover the following additional costs:
· Inflation @ 3% £269.52
· Reduction of Bassetlaw Concurrent Grant £119.00
· Bi-Election Recharge £3,800
· Realistic Village Equipment Maintenance Budget £1,500
· Village Hall Operating/Maintenance Costs £1,500
· To potentially Employ a Village Hall Coordinator £5,500
The Clerk explained that, if the Council does appoint an employee to manage the hall, undertake the bookings, caretaker and cleaning duties, they could be tasked with being proactive and look to seek out and secure additional regular bookings, as well as review existing agreements. If the employee was successful in increasing the turnover of the hall, they should eventually be able cover their own salary and hopefully make a profit.
To cover the majority of the above costs, a Precept of approximately £20,172 will be required. The final number may alter slightly, depending on the tax base figure, set by Bassetlaw D.C. Based on the current figures the cost will be broken down as 278.55 (tax base) = £72.41 for a Band D property per annum, £7.24 per month, an increase of £3.88p per month at Band D, £48.16 for a Band A property per annum, £4.81 per month,an increase of £2.57p per month at Band A.
The Precept rise has been kept to the absolute minimum via a shortfall of £500 being be met by VAT reclaim.
The Clerk advised that until now, Rampton had one of the smallest precepts in all of Bassetlaw and should the Council accept the proposal, it will still have reasonable sized precept which is smaller than that of several neighbouring parishes, (North & South Wheatley, North Leverton and Sturton-Le-Steeple). A rise to cover the additional costs mean that the Parish Council can properly invest in its infrastructure of the village hall, village equipment etc.
Cllr Arden encouraged the members to accept the suggested increase. After discussion, Cllr Copeland Proposed, Cllr Hauton Seconded that the budget be accepted and a precept of £20,170 be set for 2018/19. Cllr Arden called for a show of hands, with 5 in-favour of the proposal. Resolved that a precept of £20,170 be raised in 2018/19. Action, the Clerk to advise Bassetlaw D.C for the Precept requirement.
RPC/124/17 To Receive an Update on Pinder Park Trim Trail Warranty Claim, Mushroom Top Refit, noticeboard keys for Warden and receive a quote for a skip for Warden’s waste
The Clerk advised that an engineer from Sovereign is visiting the park this week to inspect the trim trail, they require access to the inspection logs for the park in the village hall, Cllr Lewin agreed to meet the engineer. Cllr Hauton suggested that should the warranty claim be unsuccessful, insurance should be the next route to try. Action the Clerk is to forward the site visit report.
At the last meeting Cllr Lewin explained that a skip was required to clear a backlog of rubbish which has built up over time. The Council unanimously resolved to order a skip from Retford Waste Ltd. The Clerk explained that he has been able to obtain an extra Green wheelie bin from Bassetlaw DC which will be collected at no extra cost to the village hall. Action the Clerk to inform Cllr Lewin to proceed with the skip order.
Barrie Doyle has agreed to refit the mushroom top with some specialist adhesive and Cllr Arden handed the clerk a key for Pinder Park Noticeboard.
RPC/125/17 To Receive Wicksteed Zipwire Quote and to Progress the project via Grant Funding
The Clerk circulated an updated quote with an 18% discount, the reduced figure being £7,600 net for an all steel, 30m cableway which comes with a 25-year guarantee. The Wicksteed Area sales manager advised that the install would include a ramp and therefore no need to use the 60 tonnes of spoil. The Pinder Park Committee bank account has a balance of £2,728, leaving £4,872 to find. Cllr Hawkins Proposed and Cllr Kyle Seconded that 1) Cllr Arden shall apply for grant funding for the Zipwire, and should funding be successful, proceed with the project as soon as conveniently possible. 2) That if the grant funding was large enough, to proceed with the installation of a large slide, potentially utilising the Bowls Club spare spoil. Action Cllr Arden to proceed with the Awards for All grant application.
RPC/126/17 To Dissolve Pinder Park Committee and allocate its funds toward the Zipwire
Cllr Arden explained that the Committee was formed in 2014 with the purpose of being a ‘short term’ body whose purpose was to raise funds, for the purchase of additional recreational equipment. Its constitution says that at the end of its time, the bank account shall be closed and the committee disbanded. The Committee is no longer quorate. Cllr Hawkins Proposed and Cllr Kyle Seconded that the Group be disbanded, the funds of the bank account be transferred to the Parish Council towards the purpose of the Zip-wire and the Bank Account Closed. Action The clerk to inform the Pinder Committee Chair and Treasurer, and to transfer the funds.
RPC/127/17 To Dissolve Rampton Village Hall Committee and run the hall via the Parish Council
The Committee is no longer quorate. Janet Lancaster has kindly agreed to complete the accounts until the end of the financial year. Cllr Kyle Proposed, Cllr Hauton Seconded and the Council Resolved that the Village Hall Committee shall be disbanded, the hall shall be run by the Parish Council via an employee of the Council, a new role shall be created: ‘Village Hall Coordinator’ and power to recruit and appoint a suitable candidate shall be delegated to the clerk to form a sub-committee with Cllrs Kyle, Arden & Hauton.
Action The clerk to design and promote a suitable job advert and work with Cllrs Kyle, Arden & Hauton to organise appointment of a suitable candidate.
The Clerk is willing to absorb the accounts of the village hall into those of the Council, this will allow for VAT to be reclaimed, secure transparency of the figures and create a good working relationship between the Clerk and the new Coordinator role. Cllr Kyle Proposed, Cllr Hauton Seconded, and the Council unanimously resolved that 1) the Clerk shall incorporate the village hall accounts into the Parish Council from the end of the current financial year. Action The clerk to work with Janet Lancester to ensure a smooth transition.
RPC/128/17 To Receive an update on the container for the Bowls Club
The Clerk had circulated photos provided by Mr Morris, of Wheatley Bowls Club’s container, which Mr Morris advised that this is the sort of container they wish to place next to the Bowling Green. The size of the container is 30ft x 9ft x 8ft. The Bowls Club have confirmed that they will insure the contents of the container. The Bowls Club has yet to provide the detailed plan of the exact location of the proposed container.
Cllr Arden stated that it would be an idea to have a small well-designed Parish Council owned brick community pavilion building for the park, which would be both attractive and secure, with services connected, it could be utilised by the community for public events on the park and double up as public toilets. A Pinder Park Pavilion could be potentially funded by grants and managed by the Village Hall Coordinator. Cllr Hawkins Proposed, and the Council unanimously resolved that 1) a joint meeting of the Bowls Club Trustees, the Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group shall be organised to decide the way forward regards a building. 2) That no container shall be placed on the park in the meantime.