Rampaging Chariots 2013

An exciting and challenging Squadron project to construct a powerful radio controlled robot to compete in the Scottish Robotic Games.

Can your Squadron beat other Scottish Squadrons and School Science Clubs at Two-a-Side Robotic Football? Could you win a medal in the Assault Course, Sumo, or Tug-of-War Competitions at the Games?

If you are up for this challenge, form a Squadron team and start construction as an official project. The kits are worth £200 and contain over 300 parts including radio control equipment and two cordless electric drills. Your first kit is free and additional kits are available at the subsidised price of £100 each.

The Challenge

This project is open to all Scottish ATC Squadrons. It is challenging, but hugely rewarding as the finished robot has a very sporty performance and is not a toy. You need to build your robot in time to attend the next Scottish Robotics Games in Edinburgh on 8th June 2013.

Teams have to construct a Rampaging Chariot robot to race through a series of obstacles including a see-saw and score a penalty goal. Also, in conjunction with another squadron robot, play two-a-side football for 3 minutes.

Construction Task

Teams will be given a full kit of parts and a comprehensive instruction booklet. This remotely piloted robotic vehicle combines a number of technologies and at the end of the project cadets will have gained a general appreciation of materials, motors, power controllers, electronics, radio control, ergonomics, artistic design, safety considerations and test techniques.

Your construction task (which will take a team of 4 cadets about 12 project sessions) is to:

Build a chassis using the MDF and other parts supplied. (you can use the cordless drills in the kit!)

Construct two electronic motor controllers from a kit (basic soldering skills).

Install in the chassis: two drill motors, four wheels, two batteries, radio receiver and aerials.

Wire up the components and test your robotic creation.

If you need help the Rampaging Chariots Guild operate a free advice, troubleshooting and repair service and only charge for parts in exceptional circumstances.

The application:

Squadron No: / Town: / Wing / Date
Adult Supervisor:
Name: / E-mail address:
Delivery Address (for large box):
Sqn Commander:
Rank: / Name:
No of kits required:

(First kit to a Sqn is free and subsequent orders cost £100 each) / Supporting Comments

Will you endeavour to attend the Scottish Robotic Games?
Squadrons are normally invoiced after despatch.

Note 1: Entries must be largely built by the cadets although assistance from a staff member is permitted. We encourage Squadrons to order two robots to make up a Squadron football team.

Note 2: The one free kit available to every Scottish Squadron/DF is NOT an annual offer.

Subsequent kits are available at £100 each and are subsidised by Selex-ES and the IET.

Special Offer: A free kit for 2013 is available to all Squadrons that attended the 2012 Scottish Robotic Games.

Flt Lt P J Bennett MRAeS tp RAFVR(T)

WENGO. South East Scotland Wing ATC.

Send your completed application to:

The primary aim of the Rampaging Chariots Guild is to interest young people in science and engineering through the construction and operation of robots designed to take part in various sporting challenges. The Guild consists of unpaid volunteers and all funds are used to further the aims of the Guild.