4317 Vista Ridge Circle
Fort Worth, TX 76179
Reservation for pup from RAMBLIN MAXX RETRIEVERS
Phone & Email: Home:______Work______
Would like: Male______Female______Either:______
Color preference: ______
Hunt Test and Field Trial Experience
In which type of retriever activities are you involved?
AKC Field Trial _____for_____years AKC Hunt Tests_____for_____years
UKC Hunt Tests_____for_____years NAHRA Hunt Test_____for_____years
Hunting with a retriever_____for _____years
Which titles / accomplishments have your retrievers achieved?
(check all that apply and whether made by you or a pro)
AKC FT: FC, AFC self_____pro_____both_____
AKC FT: Open or Amateur Points self_____pro_____both_____
AKC FT: QAA self_____pro_____both_____
AKC FT: Derby List or points self_____pro_____both_____
AKC FT: Any Jams (note below) self_____pro_____both_____
AKC Master Hunter or similar self_____pro_____both_____
AKC Senior Hunter or similar self_____pro_____both_____
AKC Junior Hunter or similar self_____pro_____both_____
Any notes regarding the above
---if any accomplishments were achieved by a pro on your behalf,
please note the name(s) of the pro(s) here
—for FC/AFC and MH dogs, please list dogs’ names with titles here:
You and Your Potential Puppy
What are your long-term plans and goals for this puppy?
Please indicate the RMR Litter or Litters in which you are interested ______
If you will be training the puppy yourself, do you follow any particular training program?
If so please provide details here. Otherwise what pro will handle this pup?
Please add anything else we should know
Please complete and mail along with your $250 deposit ……..Thank you for your interest in a RMR pup.
Also please call or email letting us know you have put the reservation in the mail.