Update Report for Planning Committee(East): 7thDecember 2016
Committee Planning Manager:Dave Kenyon
16/03053/FUL. Jaguar Land RoverRepresentations Section of the Committee Report
Confirmation that no comments have been received from adjoining Parish Council’s consulted (Lighthorne, Chadshunt and Chesterton & Kingston) or adjoining Ward Member consulted (Councillor Mills).
16/02840/FUL.Feldon Valley, Sutton Lane, Lower Brailes
Clarification on wording of condition no.13The development hereby approved shall only be used for the purposes of overnight accommodation under use class C1 in conjunction with the existing use of the site as a golf course (detailed wording delegated to officers).
16/02536/FUL. Land adj 13 Oaktree Close, Moreton Morrell
Corrections to Committee Report. (P45) Paragraph 5, should read that the proposed dwellings would be about 8.4m in depth (both with about 2m long rear ground floor additional sections)which would broadly match the depth of the adjoining existing property no.13 which is about 8.6m in depth. Number 14, further to the south, has a depth of about 7m (changes in italics).
16/02389/FUL.The Beeches, Lighthorne Rough
Additional Consultation response received from Councillor Mills:
Strongly support the application due to the need to encourage small rural businesses. Proposal would be sympathetic with the area. Lay-out and design well thought out (25.11.2016)
Additional third party response received:
Comment received from Mr Simon Mitchell as neighbour. Supports the application and has concerns that redevelopment of The Beeches would not be feasible.
(the full response can be seen on the application file)
Corrections to Committee Report. (P54) Paragraph 7, should read“the dwelling would have an approximate floor space of 321.87sq m (including all garaging) and the holiday let would have an approximate floor space of 82.4sq m”(changes in italic).
Proposed refusal reason 1 has been updated to read:
- The site is in an isolated location in the open countryside. The Local Planning Authority is not satisfied that the functional need for the siting of a permanent dwelling for a rural worker to live at or near their place of work has been demonstrated and that all options have been explored. Furthermore, the size of the dwelling (and associated outbuildings) at approximately 468sq m is not considered to be commensurate with the proposed functional need. It is therefore considered that the development does not meet the requirements of policy AS.10 of the adopted Stratford-on-Avon Core Strategy (2011-2031).
16/02295/FUL. Park Hill House, Idlicote Road, Halford
No updates to report.
16/02180/FUL. Old Potash Farm, Marston Doles Road, Priors Marston
No updates to report.
16/02803/VARY. Land at Queen Street, Halford
No updates to report.
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