Oil & Gas, Air and Cattle:
Some Answers
October 18, 2006

Ramada Hotel, Conference Level,
6 St. and 8 Ave. SW,
Calgary, Alberta

Fax Registration to: 403-248-2188 (Attention: Dr. Piotr Staniaszek)

Or send by mail: Dr. Piotr Staniaszek
AMEC Earth & Environmental

221 – 18th Street SE

Calgary, Alberta T2E-6J5

Information: Dr. Piotr Staniaszek Tel: 403-569-6587



Mr. Randy Rudolph Tel: 403-569-6565


9:00 Registration and Coffee

9:15 Project Introduction; Michael O’Connell, WISSA
9:35 General Project Design; Dr. Cheryl Waldner, WCVM

10:00 Air Measurement; Mervyn Davies1, Wade Gieni, and Sanjay Prasad1, RWDI Air Inc.

(1 Current Affiliation: Jacques Whitford AXYS)

10:30 Results of the cattle and wildlife studies; Dr. Cheryl Waldner, WCVM

11:30 Discussion and after discussion - Lunch Buffet

Dr. Cheryl Waldner, the principal researcher from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) for the beef cattle productivity study, will be presenting: The Western Canada Study of Animal Health Effects Associated with Exposure to Emissions from Oil and Natural Gas Field Facilities, conducted by Western Inter-provincial Scientific Studies Association (WISSA).

The complex, six year, $17 million dollar study involved the collection and analysis of data from approximately 33,000 cattle in 205 herds in Alberta, Saskatchewan and N.E. British Columbia. The purpose of the study was to investigate potential associations between exposure to emissions from oil and natural gas facilities with the health and productivity of cattle. The study was the most comprehensive of its kind ever completed, conducted by researchers based at the University of Saskatchewan led by principal researcher Dr, Cheryl Waldner, with an ongoing peer review by a Science Advisory Panel of eleven internationally renowned researchers and scientists.

The Study looked at among other things, the potential associations between exposure to emissions and beef cattle reproduction and productivity and assessment of immune function in beef cattle. The Study also included a wild bird species - European starlings - as an indicator to the effects of emissions on wildlife. The exposures measured and assessed, in the Study, focused on sulphur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) measured as benzene and toluene.

Presented by Canadian Prairie & Northern Section (CPANS) of the Air & Waste Management Association

Workshop Registration Form
(Deadline is October 13, 2006 – allow two days for delivery by Canada Post)

Oil & Gas, Air and Cattle:
Some Answers

October 18, 2006

Ramada Hotel, Conference Level,
6 St. and 8 Ave. SW,
Calgary, Alberta

Date registration sent______

Last Name ______First Name ______MI______

Membership: A&WMA ______CPANS______Other______

Status: Attendee ______Student Member ______Student Non-Member ______

Speaker ______Executive Member______

Affiliation/Company ______Address ______

City ______Province/State ______Postal/Zip code ______

Telephone ( ) ______Fax ( ) ______E-mail ______

Diet restrictions______

Workshop Registration Fee Schedule (in CDN$, inclusive of GST as applicable)



Registration Fee










* Must be F/T student of a college or a University (Mount Royal College student fees will be subsidized by their school).

Payment Options

(1) By Mail: Complete this registration form, make checks payable to CPANS and send before October 11:

Dr. Piotr Staniaszek
AMEC Earth & Environmental

221 – 18th Street SE

Calgary, Alberta T2E-6J5

(2) Register by Fax (by October 13): 403-248-2188 (Attention: Dr. Piotr Staniaszek)

(3) By Visa or Master Card:

Complete this registration form, and send to above address with the following information (please print clearly):

Master Card_____ Visa_____ Card number ______

Expiry date______Name as it appears on card ______

Registration fee is non-refundable. The registration fee will only be refunded under exceptional and reasonable circumstances. A written request should be made to the above address by October 13, 2006. Alternatively, contact the Workshop Chair – Randy Rudolph at (403) 569-6565