Ram Pride Booster Club

Meeting Minutes

January 29, 2014

I. Call to order

Alberta Martinez, President called to order the regular meeting of the Booster Club at 6:05pm on 1/29/14 at Cimarron High School. The meeting was NOT available in EN via ITV. We could not get it to connect and nobody from EN contacted us.

II.  Roll call

The following persons were present:

Amber Archuleta

Alberta Archuleta

Adan Estrada

Carol Gurule

Marlene Pittman

Joe Giglia

Mary Dorman

Sheldon Dorman

Via ITV in EN:

Agenda Items

A.  Financial Report by Carol Gurule

Carol reported a balance of $11768.59. We are estimating $5000 in meals to finish off the year. That has not been encumbered yet.

B.  Old Business

1.  BB uniforms-There were some bigger uniforms purchased for the girls. It is unclear if those were purchased out of Athletics or Booster Club. Discussion was had to ensure Booster Club is being notified when money is spent out of that account without our prior permission.

Also, the Girls BB uniforms are going out of stock. They have offered us to purchase what is left at a reduced price. We will discuss this further when we have further information.

2.  Fundraising- VB did their fundraiser (sold gear) and the mid school players from Cimarron did participate. Volleyball coaches also ran their own concession stand with help of a few parents and volunteers. XC sill needs to do their fundraiser. They are still thinking about doing the coffee sales. Boys BB talked about doing donut sales. Baseball should do that since boys/girls BB are doing the Free Throw shoot. Track would like to “sell” events for sponsorship at their home track meets. In addition to each sport’s fundraiser, we talked about “selling” seats in the gym next year. We also talked about membership/sponsorship into Booster Club like years past. They could get a shirt and a game pass or something for their business window showing they are a Booster Supporter.

3.  Elections for Booster Club officers-Nominations need to take place soon. We need to encourage participation. Carol has volunteered to remain as Treasurer but other officers are all ready to step down.

4.  Concession Sign-ups: We have one slot left on the Feb. 21 game. Both the Pittmans and the Dormans have

volunteered to fill it. Amber will notify them if nobody else steps up.

C.  New Business

1.  Booster Section on Website-It was suggested we make a section on the website to increase communication and information. Amber will work on that.

2.  Track uniforms- They are currently 11 years old. They do not need the full uniform yet but do need to supplement some. Currently, they do need 12 shorts at $26.00 each. The old uniforms are sublimated. Is it possible match them? Joe has a call in to see if it’s possible. Right now, we will wait and see what he needs. He will get us info on the shorts ASAP. He also needs to replace some sweat pants. They are appx $38.00 per pair. Joe does an excellent job of ensuring athletes return their uniforms after the season. We need to make sure this is happening with all sports/coaches. When Joe has the final information on what is needed, we will vote via email and get it processed ASAP.

3.  Track overnighters- Joe usually takes his kids on 2 overnight trips. He is thinking about asking his kids to pay a small fee towards the rooms. Marlene said she may be able to help with the cost of rooms and get them at a discount due to Cody’s employment.

4.  VB & BB uniforms in EN have a great need. In the past, they have wanted their own colors/logos. They have not wanted to wear the “hand me down” Ram uniforms. If somebody is willing to pay/donate-they can. In the past, this was not the case. Marlene will talk to EN PTA and work on getting the word out that they need uniforms and see if we can get some help to get them complete uniforms. Mid School Track also needs uniforms. We discussed getting one uniform that is functional for both VB and BB. We would need a set of 20 for boys and 20 for girls.

5.  EN Concessions- Where does that money go? In Cimarron, the concession stand revenue goes to the Booster Club. In EN, it goes to the PTA.

6.  Football-bringing in football would help add to our numbers. The current track field will hold a football field. It is a huge investment but is something to discuss for the future of CHS.

D.  Other Discussion

1.  We need to continue to encourage participation into our games. We will make tickets for our varsity athletes to give out to adults who do not normally attend to get them here and get their support. Amber will work on those. This will be for the first district home game against Questa. It will be a “RED OUT”. Joe made the motion to get this going, 2nd by Marlene. Motion approved.

2.  We would like to have the athletes go and invite the students from the middle schools to their games. Maybe we can get somebody to paint faces and get stuff donated to throw out. Mr. Estrada will work on getting some stuff donated. Maybe we could do a reduced price for kids in Red/White. We could have kids do announcements at school and get kids organized.

3.  Bon Fire- wasn’t done due to wind at Homecoming. Maybe we can do this before one of the district games.

4.  We need to start thinking about summer fundraising/participation. We need to get businesses to contribute in the summer while their business is good. It’s hard if we wait until the winter to support because they don’t have the means to do it. We also need to get parents from the valley involved.

5.  Booster Club Participation-What would help get people here? We discussed have only quarterly meetings. We have been utilizing the email system and contact list and it seems to be going ok. We will try that for this next month or so and see where it goes. We discussed changing the meeting place. If we held it somewhere else, maybe in a restaurant, would that help?

III.  Business moved to next meeting.

A.  Election Nominations

B.  Update on Fundraising

IV.  Adjournment

Motion made by Amber to adjourn the meeting at 7:35, 2nd by Alberta.

Next Regular Meeting: We will try to do our business via email. We will discuss a regular meeting in the Spring.

Minutes submitted by: Amber Archuleta