Parents’ Guide to
Curriculum for Excellence
As you will no doubt be aware, the curriculum in Scotland is currently in a transition phase. We are moving away from the existing 5-14 curriculum, which is very prescriptive in nature, to the new Curriculum for Excellence, which offers greater flexibility for teachers and pupils.
This curriculum provides an education programme for children and young people aged 3-18 years with skills and opportunities to equip them for the 21st century. Furthermore, it encourages learning and teaching to be more creative, innovative, challenging and fun. This flexibility provides pupils with more opportunities to pursue areas of personal interest and have greater choice as to how they learn.
The Curriculum
The curriculum is now categorised into eight main areas. These are as follows:
Numeracy and Mathematics
- Number, money and measure
- Shape, position and movement
- Information handling
Literacy and English
- Reading
- Writing
- Listening and talking
Health and Wellbeing
- Mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing
- Planning for choice and changes
- Physical education, physical activity and sport
- Food and Health
- Substance misuse
- Relationships, sexual health and parenthood
- Planet Earth
- Forces, electricity and waves
- Biological systems
- Materials
- Topical science
- Design and Technology
- ICT to enhance learning
Social Subjects
- History
- Geography
- Social Studies
Religious and Moral Education
- Personal and Social Development
- Christianity and other world religions
Expressive Arts
- Art and design
- Dance
- Drama
- Music
German is taught from P4 with enterprise and citizenship permeating the curriculum.
Noticeable Changes
With a greater emphasis on pupils becoming more involved in their own learning, you may begin to see some changes. For example:
- Some work in you child’s jotter may not appear as if it has been marked. This is because the work may have been self or peer assessed by pupils. However, please be assured, that on these occasions, the class teacher, although not ticking everything, still looks at the completed work and comments where appropriate.
- Some curricular areas e.g. Science, Art may not be taught every term, as may not link in with the class topic being covered. Please be assured that, by the end of the session, all curricular areas will be covered as required.
- Homework can involve research or personal topics as well as the standard Language and Mathematics activities.
- You may hear your child talking about being a Successful Learner, a Confident Individual, an Effective Contributor or a Responsible Citizen. These are the four capacities which the new curriculum and we as a school, are aiming to develop in all our pupils.
Your Role in Curriculum For Excellence
As a parent, you too have an important role in helping your child benefit fully from the new curriculum.
Some suggestions could be:
- Spend a few minutes each night talking to your child about their homework activities.
- If possible, provide your child with opportunities to develop/research a personal interest.
- Remind your child of the four capacities as outlined above.
- Encourage your child to take pride in their work and maintain high standards.
- Where possible, attendance at class/school activities (e.g. parents’ meetings, assemblies, open days) help to motivate, encourage and raise the self esteem of your child.
Dear Parent,
I hope that you have found this leaflet useful. However, if you would like more information about Curriculum for Excellence, then please log on to:
If you have any ideas, thoughts or opinions on this new development in education, then please do not hesitate to contact me here at the school.
Yours sincerely
Gail Copland
Gail Copland
Head Teacher
Ralston Primary School
School Road
Phone: 0141 882 3451
Fax: 0141 810 5646
Email Enquiries:
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