
Jack H. Skirball Spartans

Physical Education and Health Syllabus

Miss Trisha Nakamura

Phone: (323) 905-1377 x 252


Welcome back Skirball Spartans and family! I am Miss Trisha Nakamura, your 7th/8th grade Physical Education teacher and I am excited to begin another year of Spartan P.E. Mr. Ricky Solares and I have been working tirelessly to create a year of fun, rigorous, curriculum designed to enrich the life of each individual student. This year students will acquire the knowledge and abilities needed to live a healthier, pro-active lifestyle, in compliance with Common Core and the California Physical Education and Health Content Standards. Students will participate in many engaging standards-based units focusing on sportsmanship, teamwork, rules, strategies, and skills. Mr. S. and I are expecting to spend a wonderful and successful year with you all!

Learning Outcomes

Students will learn and understand how to:

  1. live a healthier and more active lifestyle.
  2. use sportsmanship, teamwork, rules, strategies, and skills to be successful in athletics and in life.


1.  Students are required to bring a grey shirt, black shorts/pants, and suitable athletic shoes on P.E. days.

2.  Students must bring their composition notebook and 2 pencils with erasers every Wednesday, rainy, and shortened day.


1.  Daily Class Schedule:

a.  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday students will dress into their P.E. uniforms and go to the park to participate in athletics.

b.  Wednesdays, rainy days, and shortened class periods, students will have Health class, which will consist of Do Nows and Health related topics.

2.  Major Assignments:

a.  Physical and Written Unit Tests

b.  1 Fall and 1 Spring Semester Final

c.  Project-Based Learning Assignment

3.  Units to be Covered:

Physical Education / Health
*Boot Camp
*Team Building Games
*Pre-Fitness Gram Testing


/ *Soccer
*Post-Fitness Gram Testing
*Skirball Competition Challenge
End of the School Year Celebration Cleanup / *What’s My BMI? / Pre & Post Fitness Gram testing
*Nutrition and Physical Activity
*Mental, Emotional, and Social Health
*Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs

Class Expectations

·  Teacher’s expectations

o  Hallway

§  There is absolutely no running in the hallway

§  Walk to the right when moving in the hallway and stand to the right when standing in the hallway

§  Respect and do not touch the displays on the wall

§  Keeps hands and feet to yourself

§  Students are to use the downstairs bathroom during lunch and nutrition

o  Uniform Policy

§  Polo shirts must be tucked in at all times

§  Black, white, or gray are the colors that may be worn for outerwear, shoes or socks

§  Students may not enter a classroom in their P.E. uniform

§  College Fridays- On Friday students may wear a college T-shirt or sweatshirt

·  Attendance/promptness

o  Students are expected to arrive on time daily, no exceptions

o  Tardy students must report to the attendance office for a pass

·  Bathroom policy

o  Student must have a restroom or hall pass

Student Expectations

  1. Positive and Active Participation

·  Students must be dressed in P.E. uniforms, grey shirt and black shorts/pants, EVERYDAY.

·  Students strive on a daily basis to improve their overall health, physical fitness, and sportsmanship.

  1. Follow Directions and Class Rules

·  Students must use appropriate language at all times.

·  Students must keep all electronic equipment concealed during instructional time otherwise items will be confiscated. This means NO CELL PHONES.

  1. Students are expected to arrive prepared and on time every day.

·  Students must be in their squad lines or assigned seats before the bell rings or be considered tardy.

·  Absent students are required to make up any missed work, including physical and written tests, as well as assigned Health activities. Students have one week to make up missing assignments. All assignments can be found on Miss Nakamura’s Skirball website.


  1. Respect

·  Respect is my #1 rule in the class. Respect for oneself, Skirball teachers and staff, substitute teachers, school visitors, the equipment, classrooms, the park, the neighborhood, the environment, etc. Disrespect will not be tolerated. ***PLEASE RECYCLE RECYCLABES; I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THEM IN THE TRASH!!!

  1. Participation and Effort

·  Participate fully and give your all. Effort goes a long way in my eyes.

  1. Enthusiasm

·  Get excited for yourself and your fellow classmates. Encourage each other; give props for effort and jobs well done. Hype each other up. Be a team player.

  1. Safety

·  My biggest responsibility is to keep each and everyone of you safe. If equipment is not used in a correct manner, injuries can occur. Also, as you all know, we have P.E. at the park and there are many external factors that can affect your safety. If safety protocols are broken repercussions will immediately be administered.


Students who exhibit exemplary performance will be selected for the Athlete of the Month Award, which includes:

o  Certificate presented during the Pep Rallies

o  Photograph displayed in the P.E. Hallway

o  Free Dress Pass

***Scholar Dollars will be given for various reasons throughout the year!!!


Failure to meet the ‘Student Expectations’ and ‘Rules’ above, will result in the following consequences:

·  Verbal warning and/or one-on-one talk

·  Loss of Scholar Dollars, call to parents/guardians and/or conference

·  Saturday School with Mr. Evans

·  Referral to Administration

***In the event of a more serious infraction, student may receive a direct referral to administration.


Rubric Base / Letter Grade / Quality Points
4 / A / 4.0 – 3.4
3 / B / 3.39 – 2.7
2 / C / 2.69 – 2.0
1 / NP / 1.99 & Below

General Grading Rubric

Written Assessment Rubric Physical Assessment Rubric

4 / Above Grade Level / o  All questions are attempted.
o  All questions are answered correctly.
o  All work is shown. / 4 / Above Grade Level / o  Student attempted all tasks.
o  At least 90% accuracy is demonstrated.
o  Effort is exemplary.
3 / At Grade Level / o  All questions are attempted.
o  Most questions are answered correctly.
o  All work is shown. / 3 / At Grade Level / o  Student attempted all tasks.
o  At least 80% accuracy is demonstrated.
o  Effort is exemplary.
2 / Near Grade Level / o  All questions are attempted.
o  Most questions are answered correctly.
o  Work is shown, but there are significant gaps. / 2 / Near Grade Level / o  Student attempted all tasks.
o  At least 70% accuracy is demonstrated.
o  Effort is exemplary.
1 / Below Grade Level / o  Some questions are attempted.
o  Most questions are answered incorrectly.
o  Significant work is not shown. / 1 / Below Grade Level / o  Student attempted most tasks.
o  Less than 70% accuracy is demonstrated.
o  Lack of effort.
0 / Not Attempted / o  At least one-quarter of the questions are left blank. / 0 / Not Attempted / o  Student did not attempt task.
o  No effort was given.

Health Education Course Outline

(Wednesdays / Rainy days / Shortened days)

Health Class Guidelines

Students will be required to:

o  Bring their notebook to class every meeting.

o  Maintain all work inside of notebook.

o  Complete all written assignments by the following Wednesday.

Course Outline

Health Education is integral to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, our class will examine important Health topics and learn various life skills, as specified in the California and Common Core Standards. Units will be examined through multiple instructional aids and outlets, culminating in at least one Project-Based Learning assignment. The purpose of this course is to help students become more successful not only in this class, but within their lives.

The Spartan

I am a
my Learning / I am
RESILIENT / I am going to
Classroom / I follow directions and hold others accountable for following directions.
I celebrate others when they overcome a challenge.
I want others to share their success.
I lead others through challenging tasks. / I bring all materials to class (pencils, notebooks, etc.)
I take care of our technology because I have pride in our school.
I make sure that I complete all assignments and homework on time because I own my grade. / I try my hardest on all assignments.
I never give up, I ask for help, and I find the resources I need to successfully complete the task.
I am always honest when completing tasks. / I take notes that will help me perform on assessments.
I study for all my classes.
I plan and organize my materials.
I am professional in the way I behave and dress. / I enthusiastically read, write, analyze, listen, discuss, research, experiment, and solve.
I employ a variety of tools and strategies to accelerate my learning.
I work from start to finish and value every minute.
Hallways/ Restrooms / I report others that are not respecting my school.
I make sure my classmates are lined up outside the classroom quietly until the teacher arrives. / I make sure the hallways and restrooms are clean.
I clean up after myself when I am finished.
I flush when finished.
I make sure the restroom is being used for its intended purpose. / I travel safely, and efficiently to where I need to go.
I arrive to class on time with materials ready. / I maintain the dress code while walking in the hallways and exiting the restrooms.
I make sure I plan my time out accordingly. / I am aware of my surroundings and of others around me.
I use the appropriate quantity of materials.
Playground / I make sure everyone gets to play.
I make sure that we are safe and positive while playing. / I make sure that the equipment and games are well maintained.
I make sure that our play area is nice and neat. / I never give up in any game even when things are not going well.
I stay positive and push my fellow scholars to be their best. / I make sure to be respectful of my peers and build positive relationships.
I use this time to study if necessary. / I know and follow the rules and expectations of games/ activities.
I am aware of my physical surroundings.
Lunch Area / I make sure that we are all lined up correctly and that everyone’s place is respected. / I make sure that everyone throws away their trash and keeps the space clean. / I eat a balanced healthy meal to prepare myself for success. / I make sure to be respectful of all adults and peers, and build positive relationships. / I respond to all directions and aware of where my food lands.
Arrival/ Dismissal / I make sure that we walk in and out of school quietly and safely. / I make sure that my uniform is tucked in and I look professional.
I make sure I have all my materials ready. / I am always ready to learn.
I am always physically and mentally prepared for the day, and if not I advocate for myself. / I make sure that I have the materials I need to complete my homework and study.
I arrive to class ready each day. / I am aware of my environment and the people around me.
I enter school with a smile and a positive attitude.
School Events/ Field Trips/ Assemblies / I make sure that I represent Skirball with the utmost respect and pride.
I will encourage others to have pride in our school at all times. / I make sure I behave according to my school’s values.
I take care of my group and remain with them at all time. / I appreciate the opportunities to explore other places.
I appreciate the events that were coordinated for me. / I make sure that I take as much in from extra-curricular experiences so that I can best add to my learning. / I take the opportunities to learn outside the classroom.
I actively listen and participate when I am in the presences of guest speakers.

Please read and review the details of the Physical Education and Health course with your child. Complete and tear-off the portion below and return it to Miss Nakamura by the end of the week. Keep the rest of the syllabus for review.

*** $5 in Scholar Dollars will be given to each student who turns in agreement by next class!!! (Wednesday)

Miss Nakamura’s 2017-2018 Physical Education & Health

STUDENT: I agree to strive to meet all of the expectations required to be a successful student athlete in Miss Nakamura’s Physical Education class.

Print Student Name: Period:

Student Signature: Grade:

PARENT/GUARDIAN: I read and understand the expectations required of my child to be successful in Miss Nakamura’s Physical Education class.

Print Parent Name:

Parent Signature:

***Please provide at least one means of contact, preferably two.

Home Phone: ______
Work Phone: ______/ Cell Phone: ______
Email Address: ______