YEAR 2011 – 2013.
BANGALORE –560090.
ADDRESS / Mrs. K. Pushpakumari,
I year M.sc., (Nursing),
R.R. College of Nursing,
Raja reddy lay out, chikkabanavara,
Bangalore – 90.
2 / NAME OF THE INSTITUTION. / R.R. College Of Nursing
AND SUBJECT. / M.Sc., (Nursing),
Child Health Nursing
THE COURSE. / 10.07.2011
5 / TITTLE OF THE STUDY. / A study to evaluate the effectiveness of
structured teaching program on knowledge
regarding development of secondary sexual
characteristics and sex education among
adolescents (age between 12 to 15 years) in
selected high schools, at Bangalore.
“Why should we take advice on sex from the people?
If he knows anything about it he shouldn’t.”
- George Bernard Shaw
Children are the future pillars of the nation (Jawaharlal Nehru). They need to be cared from the time of conception. As per 2001 census children constitute 66 % of the total population and they are the ‘vulnerable’ group of the society.1
India Ranks the second most populous country in the world. India houses a population of 1.1 billion people (2006), comprising approximately 1/6th of the world’s population and every year around 20 billion new lives are added. The population explosion is one of the biggest problems facing the country, with its inevitable consequences on all aspects of development especially in employment, education, housing, healthcare, sanitation and environment.2
Sex plays an important role in influency our lives. It is an urge which attracts men & women to each other. There is more individual freedom and less supervision over yang people who are confused with the changing standards of conduct. The high divorce rate, unhappy marriage, illegitimate births, criminal abortion, sexual mate adjustment sexually transmitted diseases / AIDS, prostitution and sex crimes are an whole some conditions in society which testing to failure of home, school and community in meeting the needs of the youth.3
Forty two percent of world population was under 25 year age group (2000). An extremely large number of young people will therefore be entering their reproductive year at that time.4
A study revealed that pregnancy in adolescents constitute between 10-20% of all pregnancies, in most developing countries. These are often at risk pregnancies. Many are undesired and occur in unmarried. Infant mortality among babies of teenage mothers about 60% higher than among the babies of older mothers (2005).5
Sex education is foundation for the development of family life. Proper understanding toward sex is necessary for a riches and happier living. Proper sex education is of paramount importance for happy life in order to understand, accept and deal adequately with the changes occurring in the youth end to control and direct the sex the drives is socially acceptable ways.3
Study revealed that to avoid unwanted pregnancy the following recommendations are given;
i. Sex education from child hood on,
ii. Popular literature especially written for adolescents,
iii. Involvement of mass media,
iv. Active contact with youth clubs and organizations and
v. Further research in contraceptives suitable for adolescents.6
Reproductive wealth information, counseling and services delivery have been identified as necessary programs for adult for decades and have become increasing accessible, availability of such programs has been more recently endorsed for adolescents. The International conference on population and development (ICPD) which net in Cairo in 1994 and the fourth International conference on woman, in Beijing in 1995, endorsed the right of young people to reproductive wealth information and services.
Adolescence is a transient phase between childhood and maturity. This period extends from 10-18 years in girls and 12-20 years in boys. The appearance of secondary sexual characters marks the beginning of sexual maturity. Sex maturity rating (SMP) indicate the stages of maturity.7
The need for sex education has been felt for a long time now, but its introduction in schools, colleges still restrained. Sex education is very important; it should start right from preadolescence period to all age of both sexes. Parents and school teachers must take effort to important sex education
School and colleges have an important role to play in their capability to impart effective sex education to adolescents.
A quarter a third of India’s young people indulge per martial sex, a new study conducted by the National institute of Health Family Welfare and suppressed by India’s Health Ministry has said. The lack of understanding about sexual issues is more risky and more likely to lead young people to have unwanted pregnancies, abortions and STD and sometimes sex related violence. The realities that a large population about 300 million young people (2005) in the age group 12-24 and studies are shown their growing performance for premarital sex.8
A survey conducted on 2002 by the week magazine among unmarried young Indians showed that 69% of men admitted to premarital sex, compound to 38% of women . Teenagers have the highest rates of sexually transmitted disease(STD) of any age group with one in four young people contracting as STD by the age of 21. STDs including HIV can damages teenagers health and reproductive ability, and there is still no cure for AIDS.8
Adolescents tend to discus sexuality with friends and classmates. They gather information from friends, servants, neighbors throughout prints, electronic medias etc. often this information is wrong and unscientific. This often leads to anxiety, negative attitude, phobia and misconception etc.
Sex Education should be provide to all, but priority is given to adolescent because.
1. They have a maximum sex drive.
2. They from a high risk group.
3. They are eager to get information because of the physical and
Psychological changes.
4. Their common source of information (and misinformation) are their friends, blue films and pornographic literature etc.
5. They are easily influenced and therefore likely to stray and land in problems of STD / HIV infection, sexual abuse etc.
Parents are uncomfortable in talking about sexuality with children “you don’t have to tell them, they know it all” is what the parents think about their teens. Most parents in Indians are not aware of their role in imparting sex and sex education.9
In Maharastra study revealed that most teachers did not want to talk about sex or students sexual behavior they stressed moral issues.10
A study was conducted on values – based sexuality education. The teenage pregnancy rate remains high and more and more people are infected with sexually transmitted diseases and aids. The most sex education is limited to anatomy and sexual abstinence. Most people approved of sexuality education in the schools including contraceptive information. Youth armed with knowledge about sex tend to delay first intercourse and use of contraceptives.11
Sexuality is an integral part of one’s personality; it includes everything about maleness of femaleness. That is thinking and behavioral reaction to person. Sex is still a taboo subject in our society, because it is equated with just a physical act or child birth. But sexuality includes the process of growing up, puberty, adolescence, premarital, post marital sexual relationship, conception, contraception, childbirth, menopause etc.
The investigator was motivated to take adolescent students as a population for the study, because the sex education is not included in their curriculum. When the adolescent students become teacher they can impart sex education to their students. Moreover, one single teacher can give sex education to number of students, and shape the future of generations. Even it can be utilized in their own personal life also. Thus sex education can be utilized by all. Teacher are the best source to give information about sex education rather than any other professionals as the subject is very delicate to talk by parents or others.
Survey of literature provides valuable help in the development of knowledge of research project. A review of literature is an essential aspect o f scientific research. One of the major functions of review of research literature is to ascertain what is already known in relation to the problem of interest and this will help in developing o f broad conceptual frame work into which a research problem will fit.
Literature review is a standard requirement of scientific research. It also support and explained, why the proposed topic is taken for research, and avoid unnecessary duplication explore the feasibility and provide the new way to researcher.
The investigator to gain insight into the selected problem did an extensive review of literature. Review of literature is presented under the following heading.
1. Studies related to general information about sex education.
2. Studies related to conception
3. Studies related to contraception
. 4. Studies related to sexually transmitted diseases among adolescents.
5.Studies related to development of secondary sexual characteristics.
Machele E, Newell J et al ( 1997) conducted a study to analyze the change in sexual behavior among adolescent college students following a comprehensive sex education as an intervention. A non randomized controlled trail was conducted among 341 students. The study group compared of 227 students who were given the health education. The control group did not receive any health education. The study findings showed that the subjects in the study group used safe sex practices while the control group still was expend to threats of contacting STD’s.12
Simbar.M, F.R Hashem.Z et al (2005) done a study on “Reproductive health knowledge, attitude and practices of Iranian college students”. The sample sizes were 1111 university students. The data collection method was a questionnaire , with 43 closed questions of 664 students answering questions about reproductive health behavior , 54(8%) reported having sexual intercourse before marriage, 16% of males and 0.6% of females .48% of them had used condoms. This study stresses there is a lack of RCH knowledge among youth that can be compensated through sex education.13
Dodge,B, Sandfort TG et al (2005) conducted a study on “Sexual health among Adolescent male college students in the united states and Netherlands. Results of a survey among a random sample of adolescent males from both nationalities in Dutch of Americans revealed that there was insufficient knowledge regarding contraception, teenage pregnancy, STD’s and HIV’s. Therefore there was need for sex education among teenagers in both countries.14
A study was done by Transferk,Horn M.C at el(1985) on contraceptive use, pregnancy and fertility pattern among single American women in their twenties. 82% of single unmarried American women have had sexual intercourse. The result of the study showed that 78% practiced contraception at intercourses. One fifth o f the respondents said that they began using a contraceptive method only after their first pregnancies. The results also showed that 33% of the unmarried have had at least one pregnancy.15
Tanzman ES et al(1992) study conducted on premarital sexual activities; among college women. The sample size was 949 unmarried college women. It was found that 6.7% women were reported having had abortions and pregnancies.16
Pearson N.A, Owen M.R et al ( 1995) done a study on teenage pregnancy. The sample size was 167 pregnant teenagers. Result showed that 95 of the teenagers had an abortion and 72 were receiving prenatal care.17
Hayden.J et al(1993) conducted study on the condom race. The condom race is a hand-on activity that can help teach young people condom use as part of safe sex practices. The result showed that after participating in the activity, the students reported increased confidence in their ability to use, discuss and carry condoms.18
Beckman.L.T, Harvey S.M et al( 1996) study was conducted on “Attitude about condoms and condom use among college students”. The sample size was 196 college students. The study instrument was contraceptive questionnaire -2, the study shown that 90% reported have used of condoms, 60% have used condom within six months following the survey, 48% stated they intended to use condoms in the next month. The condoms are a convenient method that does not interfere with sexual pleasure.19
Mogilerkia et al (2003) A study done on contraceptive practices and intentions of Ukrainian women. The sample size were 1226, (919 women had abortion done and 297healthy non pregnant women). 27% reported no contraceptive use in the past years and twenty reported contraceptive use at the time of conception and in the previous month.15% and 8% reported no intention to use contraception in the future.20
Susman E.J,Houts R.M et al conducted a study on development of secondary sexual characteristics among boys and girls age between 9 to 15 years. The sample design is annual pubertal assessment, setting ten locations in United states. The sample size of study was 859,adolescent boys 425 (49%) and 432 girls (50.3%).The results showed that variations in the timing and change in the development of secondary sexual characteristics at puberty. 21
Froten berry JD et al (2002) conducted a study on post treatment sexual and prevention behavior of adolescent with sexually transmitted diseases. The sample size was 251 who age between 14-21 years old results revealed that 83% female diagnosed with gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and trichomonas. The participants were client of public sexually transmitted diseases clinics. At each visit participants were asked about frequency and condom use for each recent partner.22
Auer wald CL, sugano E (2006) conducted study on sexually transmitted diseases among adolescents. The sample of study 218 ethically diverse (34% females) in Fransco completed on audio computer, administrator self Interview survey and provided 1st urine sample for testing for Chlamydia (CT) and gonorrhea. The result shows that the incidence for CT was 6-3/100/year and GC 4-2/10/year.23