GUIDELINES-Bi-Laws-Final Version Votedandenacted10-05-201016yea-0nay
Table of Contents
A)CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS, Name, Mission Statement,
Dissolution Clause, membership, officers, and length of term
B)Parents/Wrestlers Codeofconduct(andcoaches)
C)AdditionalParent Responsibilities
I)Safety &Hygiene
Mission Statement, Name, DissolutionClause,membership, officers, and length of term.
Section1-Topromoteinterestinthesportofwrestlingamongparentsandthe youthofParsippany-TroyHills.
Section2- To supervise, organize, manage and promote a disciplined and competitiveprogramofwrestling.
Section3-Todevelopinourmembers, theidealofgoodsportsmanship, honesty,determinationandrespectforauthority.
Section4-Toemphasizetheconceptofparentsandchildrenworkingandplaying togetherinallclubactivitiessothatthefamilymaybestrengthenedintheprocess.
This organization shall be known as ParTroyWrestling Club or PTWC, located in theTownshipofParsippany-TroyHills,State of New Jersey, and shall be governed by an executive board, led by these by-laws.
ARTICLEl (A)- Anyproposedchangestothesebylaws shall be in writing, and said change shall be worded exactly as proposedto be incorporated, and said proposal shall include any text it is intended toreplace. Said proposal shall include page number, section, sub section, article, and if needed, paragraph and line. The proposed change shall be read at 3 separate regular monthly meetings. Bylaw changes can be voted on after a 3rd reading,which can include the regular meeting where the third reading took place.A motion to change must be recognized and seconded. Passage ofthe motion shall requirethe approval of ¾ majority vote of the total voting members (13members), not ¾ of the quorum.
ARTICLE l (B)-DISSOLUTION CLAUSEDissolutionClause:Upondissolutionofthisnon profit corporation, after payment of any debt incurred,assetsshall bedistributedforone or more exemptpurposeswithinthemeaningofthe501(c)(3)oftheInternalRevenueCode."
Section1- Ayouthdesiringactivemembershipwillberegisteredatthefirstclub activitythathe/sheattends,butonlyafter submitting a valid registration form completely filled out, with all signatures, acknowledgements, and payments in full. The cost of membership may change fromyear to year and shall be reflected on each annual registration form when provided to the general public.
Section2- Ifoneormorechildreninafamilyaremembers,theparents of the child are considered members of the club and shall have anopportunity to address the executive board once monthly, at the regular monthly meeting, but in no case shall they have a vote at any meeting nor shall they have the power to make a motion.
Section 3- Membership period for children and their respective parents shall be from September1throughAugust31.
Section1- Aquorumfora regularmonthly meetingshallconsistof55%oftheboard members to conduct ordinary business.
Section 2-Approval ofany common motion that has been presented to the floor for consideration and seconded shall require a majority of the quorum present for passage. The president shall vote on motions as a voting member and in the instance of a tie on a common motion, he/she shall nothave a tie breaking vote. If a tie exists, the motion shall fail to pass.
Section 2a- (regular meeting) At the time of the writing of these by laws, a board of directors totaling 13members exists. Asa quorum of 55% is required to conduct a general meeting, (7 members) and a majority of a present quorum is required to pass a motion, (4);- by the numbers, amotion can technically be passed by 4 members. As such, a suggestion is added to these by laws that every member should make every effort to attend every meeting and have your voice heard and your vote counted.
Section 1- Theclubshallmeetaminimumoften(10)timesperyear to conducttheregularbusinessoftheorganization. Meetings shall be held on monthly of each calendar month and will be specifically listed on the website,
Section 2- By order of the President, the Secretary shall notify allmembersof thetimeandplaceofallmeetingseitherbyphone,E-mail,orpostalmailand forwardnotificationtotheclub’swebmaster for posting on the website.
It is suggested that all parents and members should check the website regularly as this will be the most common and prevalent form of notification.
Section3- All meetings shall be run in an orderlymanner.Nomembermayhavethe floor for discussion unless recognized by thePresident.RobertsRuleofOrder shall be followed as closely as possible in order to conform to a respectable body designed to deliberate.
Section3a- Any person having business to discuss shall have hisideas formed and ready for presentation to the board and shall present them only after being called upon and recognized by the presidentand shall do so clearly and concisely. No profanity, vulgarity or loud voices will be tolerated. Only one person shall speakat a time. Speaker must stay on point and remain focused.
Section3b- The president shall maintain order of the meeting atall times.
Section 4- All meetings are open to the public and shall only be closed in a private executive meeting for good cause and only upon the order of the presiding president, and only as long in duration to discuss a private matter or personnel concern." A privateexecutive meeting shall be occupied only by those board members at that quorum, and any other person or persons relevant to the issue to be discussed, if and as invited todo so by the presiding president. The monthly minutes shall state that a closed door meetingwas ordered, & shall state the subject matter, but shall not include any details of the closed door meeting. A private minutes report shall be made of the contents ofthe closed door meeting by the secretary, and forwarded to the president for record keeping purposesand shall not be published or shared with any member in the same manner as the regular monthly minutes.
Section 1- Method & Procedure:Anymemberormembershavingacomplaint againstanothermemberfortheinfractionofanyprovisionoftheseBylawsorclub rules,asforconductinjurioustothewelfareoftheClub,ora violationof the club’s bylaws,mayreportthesameinwritingtothe President.Thepresidentshallhave thepowerandauthoritytosummarilyjudgeanddecideanycomplaintpresented. Suchcomplaintshallbereducedtowritingandshallset forththe factsof thecase, togetherwiththenamesofthewitnesses,if any, as well as the exact proposed violation. The president, in writing, shall respond and decide within 7 days his decision and shall notify the board simultaneously of his decision and all factors related to the case.
Either party shall have the right to appeal from a decision ofthe president to the full board.TheBoardofDirectors, viathesecretary,after receivingsuchappeal, shall notifyallparticipantsthatameetingoftheBoardofDirectorswillbeheld toconsider anddecide thecharges,as soonaspractical, but shall not be more than 31 days from receipt of the original complaint to the President. Thecomplainantor complainants, and the member complainedof,shallreceiveatleastseven(7)days notice,ofthechargesandofsuchmeeting,andmaybeheardwiththeirwitnesses. The statements and evidence shall be reduced to writing and filed with the Secretary, to be given to each board member. It is the responsibility of the complainant to prove and provide all evidence of his allegations. The board reserves the right to ask questions and solicitverbal responses beyond any written statements. No appeal fromthedecisionoftheBoardofDirectorsmaybetaken.All
board decisions are final.
The officers shall be voting members ofthe club in good standing and shall be the governingbodyoftheclub.There are currently 13board members and they shall hold the title specified below in Section 1 and for the duration specified in section 2
& 3 below, and shall total 13voting membersincluding the president, all of whom shall have1 vote per motion.
(B) - An officer in good standing shall be defined as follows: An officer shall attend a minimum of 8 regular monthly meetings per election year and shall not miss 3 consecutive meetings at any time to be considered to be in good standing and to enjoy all rights and privileges of his office. Should an officer miss a fifth meeting annually, or any third meeting consecutively,he can be removed by a 2/3 majority of the voting members, aftera presented and seconded motion.
Section1-Theofficers thatmakeuptheboardshallbe:President, Vice-President,Secretary,Treasurer, and two co-chair people per committee to include the committees of RegistrationCoordinators, RecruitingCoordinators,Concession Coordinators, and one chairperson per committee to include the committees of
Fundraising Coordinator,, Equipment Coordinatorand Event Coordinator. If a committee that allows two co-chair people yet there is only one chairperson in position that chairperson is entitled to one vote only.
Section 2- Officer’s election shall take place annuallybythevotingmembersatthe (September)meeting.Nominationsforsaidoffices shalltakeplaceattheAugust meetingandagainforfinalizationattheSeptember’sspecialelectionmeetingpriorto thevoting.AllofficewinnersastheresultoftheSeptember’selectionresultsshall takeofficeimmediatelyandshall coordinate with his/herpredecessorbetweenthe Septemberelectionmonthandnextregularmonthlymeeting.ThePresident, VicePresident, Treasurer and Secretarywill be elected for two year terms. The Registration Coordinators, Recruiting Coordinators, Fundraising Coordinator,ConcessionCoordinators,EquipmentCoordinator, and Event Coordinator will be elected for a oneyearterm.
Section3- AsstatedinSectionII,Termof office forthePresident, Vice-Presidentshallbetwo(2) yearswiththeirofficesalternatinginayearlystaggered fashion as follows: At the inception of these bi laws, as a new organization, all officers were chosen in the summer of 2010. All terms areconsidered to begin as of September 2010. The presidentand secretary shall enjoy the first two years uninterrupted, and vice president shall serve an initial term of 1 year, to be elected again for a full 2 year term in September of 2011. Thereafter, all four 2 year term officers shall serve 2 full years in good standing, and elections for those offices shall be as follows: The President and the Secretary shall be up for election bi-annually, in an even numbered years for a 2 year term, and the Vice President and Treasurershall be elected in odd numbered years for a2 year term.
Section4- Officers shallholdofficeuntil:(a)thesuccessorisdulyelected,(b) deathordisability,(c)resignationor(d)removedfromoffice bya2/3majorityofall votingmembers.
Section5- Avacancyforanyreasonshallbefilledbyappointmentof the majorityoftheremainingofficersuntilthe next general(September)meeting.
Section6- If a member of the PTWC Executive Board is deemed to be detrimental to this organization and/or abusive verbally, physically or emotionally to another member of this Executive Board and/or this organization, that member may be removed from their position immediately by a majority vote by the Executive Board and barred from attending PTWC events.
Section1- President- the President shall supervise all the business affairs and enforcealloftherulesof theclub.He/sheshallpresideat all business meetings and assurethatanorderlyandcompletemeetingisconducted.ThePresidentorhis/her designeeshallbetheLiaisontoanyleague,Boardof Directors,Township Administrationect.onbehalfofthe club. The President will be elected at Large. The President can assign all boardpositions additional duties for the benefit of the club.
Section 2- Vice-President- TheVice-President shall assistthe President in the performance ofhis/herduties.IntheabsenceofthePresident,the Vice-PresidentshallperformthedutiesofthePresident.The Vice-President shall alsoperformotherdutiesas assignedbythePresident. TheVice-President in the Presidents absence shallbetheLiaisontoanyleague,BoardofDirectors, Township Administration,Etc. on behalf of the club.
Section 3- Secretary-Recordstheminutesof all meetings and prepares a copy of suchminutesfordistributionandthepermanentrecordbeforethe next meeting or club publication. The Secretaryisresponsibleformembershiplists,updating records,andcorrespondenceoftheclub.
Section 5- Treasurer– Maintainsthe financial records of the club and prepares checks as directed by the financial secretary, Board or President. The Treasurer shall make deposits and give a current financial report at each meeting. The Treasurer will prepare checks based on bills and issue checks forpayment. The Treasurer willprepare and inspect all bills received bythe club for payment. The Treasurer shallpreparetheannualbudgettopresentto thePTWCBoardofdirectors for approval.
Section 6-Registration Coordinator – Manages and maintainsenrollment in the program. He/Shewill make sure all registrations are received and forwarded to the secretary. Will assistwith filing any forms with USA wrestling.
Section 7-Recruiting Coordinator- Managesactivitiesthatwillincrease enrollmentintheProgram. Schedule recruiting days at local schools and functions in the community. He/she will also handle all press releases to the media.
Section8–Fundraising Coordinator-Is responsible to develop and coordinate fundraisingprograms. He/Shewill keep track of all monies received via fundraising effortsandturnoverallmoniestotheClubsFinancialSecretary.
Section 9 –Concession Coordinator- Will schedulevolunteers to operate the concession stand during home events, and make sure all concession stand merchandise, food, clothing, ect. are secured and accounted for at the end of an event. He/Shewill turn over all monies and receipts to the financial secretary.
Section 10 –Event Coordinator-He/She will coordinate event setup and breakdown and ensure mats are mopped and disinfected prior to any events taking place. He/Shewill assign table help for matches and all scheduled events.
Section 11 –EquipmentManagerCoordinator-Keepsaninventoryofallitems associated with the wrestling program. He/Shewill issueand receive all equipment (Warm-ups,Singlets)andmakesurealldepositchecksarereceivedandattachedto properforms.He/Shewillmakesureuponreturnofallequipment,thereisnothing missingordamagedpriortoreturningdepositcheck.He/ShewilladviseClubofficers ofanyshortagesandequipmentormaterials needed for the program.
Section 12-TheBoardofDirectorsshallconsistoftheOfficersofthe Organization. All officers and coordinators shall offer a status report of all activity related to their position to the full board at the monthly meeting.
Nominationswillbetakenfromthefloorbyanyvotingmemberspresent.All nomineesmustbepresentfornomination. There shall be no absentee voting, motions or any other cause of actions.
An electionwill be held for each contested office with the President and Secretary responsibleforthecountingofthe votes, except if their office shall be contested. In thatcase, the vice president, or the secretary standing in as a replacementtotallythevotes.Inthe event of an uncontested election for a particular office, the president shallcast 1 vote for the sole nominee.
Section1- Contracts-OnlytheBoardof Directorsmayauthorizecontractsonthe part of the organization.
Section2- Checks will be issued upon proper documentation quotes/bills being submittedtotheSecretaryforreviewand approval.Allexpendituresover
President and/or VicePresident.Allchecksrequiretwosignatures.
Section 3- Deposits- All funds of the Club not otherwise employed for its purpose shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the club in such banks or other depositories as the Board of Directors may select.
Section 4-FinancialAudit–TheBoardofDirectorswillappointaqualified memberoragenttoconductanannualauditoftheincomeandexpensesofthe organization.
Note: the following was included on the registration form and is being repeated
The following is promulgated in accordancewiththeprovisionsofStateofNew JerseyP.L.2002,Chapter74.
PREAMBLE:Interscholastic andyouthsportsprograms playanimportantrolein promotingthephysical, socialandemotionaldevelopmentofchildren.It is therefore essential for parents,coaches andofficials toencourage youth athletesto embrace thevaluesofgood sportsmanship. Moreover, adults involvedin youthsports eventsshouldbemodels ofgoodsportsmanshipandshouldleadbyexample by demonstratingfairness, respect andself-control.
Ithereforepledgeto beresponsiblefor mywordsand actionswhileattending, coaching,officiatingor participatinginayouthsportseventandshallconformmybehaviortothefollowingcodeofconduct:
2)Iwillnotencouragemychild,oranyotherperson,toengagein unsportsmanlikeconductwithanycoach,parent,player,participant, officialoranyotherattendee.
3)I will not engage in any behavior which would endanger the health, safetyorwell-beingofanycoach, parent,player,participant,official oranyotherattendee.
4)Iwillnotencouragemychild,oranyotherperson,toengageinany behavior which would endanger the health, safety or well-being of
5)Iwillnotusedrugsoralcoholwhileatayouthsportsevent and will not attend,coach,officiateorparticipateinayouthsportsevent
6)Iwillnotpermitmychild,orencourageanyotherperson,tousedrugs oralcoholatayouthsportseventandwillnotpermitmychild,or encourageanyotherperson,to attend,coach,officiateorparticipateina youthsportseventwhileundertheinfluenceofdrugsoralcohol.
8)Iwillnotencouragemychild,oranyotherperson,to engage in the use ofprofanity.
9)Iwilltreatanycoach,parent,player,participant,officialoranyother attendeewithrespectregardlessofrace,creed,color,national
origin, sex, sexual orientationorability.
10)Iwillencouragemychildtotreatanycoach,parent,player, participant,officialoranyotherattendeewithrespectregardlessof race,creed,color,nationalorigin,sex, sexual orientation or ability.
11)Iwillnotengageinverbalorphysicalthreatsorabuseaimedatany coach,parent,player,participant,officialoranyotherattendee.
12)Iwillnotencouragemychild,oranyotherperson,toengagein verbalorphysicalthreatsorabuseaimedatanycoach,parent,player, participant,officialoranyotherattendee.
13)Iwillnotinitiateafightorscufflewithanycoach,parent,player, participant,officialoranyotherattendee.
14)Iwillnotencouragemychild,oranyotherperson,toinitiateafightor scufflewithanycoach,parent,player,participant,officialoranyother attendee.
15)Iwillnotencouragemychild,oranyotherperson,toengageinany propertydamage.
Ihereby agree thatif Ifailtoconformmyconducttotheforegoingwhileattending, coaching,officiating orparticipatingina youthsports event Iwill besubject to disciplinaryaction,includingbut notlimitedto thefollowinginanyorderorcombination, andpossiblybebannedas describedin provisionP.L. 2002, chapter 74:
1)Verbal warning issued by a league,organizationorschoolofficial.
3)Suspensionorimmediateejectionfromayouthsportseventissuedby aleague,organizationorschool officialwhoisauthorizedto
issuesuchsuspensionorejectionbyaschoolboardoryouthsports organization.
4)Suspensionfrommultipleyouthsportseventsissuedbyaleague, organization or school official who is authorized to issue such suspensionbyaschoolboardoryouthsportsorganization.
5)Season suspension or multiple season suspension issued by a schoolboardoryouthsportsorganization.
1)Itistheresponsibilityoftheparentstoensuretheirwrestlerhashada physical within the last year and is in good medical condition to participate
2)Parentsmustensurethattheirchildrenattendpractice,matchesand tournamentsontime.Itistheirresponsibilitytonotifythecoach
whenunabletoattend.Parentmustalsoensureproperandtimely pick up.
3)Itistheparents'responsibilityto ensuretheirwrestlerhaswrestling shoesandproperlyfittedheadgear.Wrestling shoes should never
4)Parents must let the coaches do the coaching and are forbidden from sidelinecoachingofwrestlersduring matches and practices and tournaments.
5)Parentsshouldencouragetheir children, and provide positive feedbackforparticipatinginthesportregardlessofperformance.
6)Parentsshouldrealize that all children develop and mature both physicallyandmentallyatdifferenttimes.Achildshouldneverbe discouragedbutassuredthatiftheycontinuetoworkhardtheywillbe successful.
7)Parentsshouldnotimpose their own ambitions and expectationson the child.Theyshouldnotjudgetheirchild'sprogressbasedonthe performanceofothers.Theyshouldnever push them based on what the parent thinks their child should be doing.
8)Expectthatinsomematchesawrestler couldloseasaresultofanerroronthe partofanofficialorscorekeeper.Itisimportanttoaccept it and help the child understandthattheofficialdoestheirbesttoofficiate fairly.Parentsshouldnever criticize the officials.
9)Parentsareresponsibletocheckourwebsite, scheduling updates and general information.
10)Parentsareencouragedtocheerfortheteam,butshouldremaininthe standswhendoingso.Parentsshouldnotsitonthematandyell instructionstothewrestlersduringtournaments. It can beconfusingforthe wrestlertohearinstructionsdifferingfromthecoach’s.
1)Wearshorts,sweatpants,T-shirtsorsweatshirtstopractice.No jeans.
3)A Uniform Deposit Check of $165.00 will be collected for
thesingletandwarm-uptopandbottomand $65.00dollardepositforsinglet only. Equipment deposit checks will only be cashediftheequipmentisdamaged, altered,ornottimelyreturnedatthe end of the season; a $25 charge will be assessedforeachweekequipmentisreturnedlateorun-cleaned.
Singlet’sareforcompetitiononly.Wash the singlet and warm-up in cold water without bleach. The club will onlybe responsible for damage to a uniform or equipment if it is damaged at a sanctioned event, or through normal wear andtear and through no fault of the participant, and only if the damage is immediately reported to one of the equipment coordinators, or his head coach.
4)Allwrestlersmustpurchasetheirownheadgearandwrite their name inside
5)Itismandatorythatyoupurchaseformfittingwrestlingshoes.Werecommend thatyoupurchaseonesizeupfromyournormalshoesize.
6)Mostwrestlersbringagymbagtopractice.Itisrecommendedthatyou putyourwrestlersnameonthebagandanyotherpersonalitemthatyou areableto.
7)Pleaseencourageyourwrestlerwhenatcompetitions,toplacetheir warm-upintheirgymbagwhentheytakeitoff,soitdoesnot
become confused with someone else’s.
1)The3rd-8thgradewrestlerswillpracticeaminimumofthreetimesaweek. Thesepracticesaremandatory,but will be excused for illness, religious
leastonceaweek,thenonePTWCpractice mustbeattendedthesame
week. Unexcused absences will result in not being able to participate in thenextdualmeetorwrestle-off.Practicesmaybeexcusedforwrestlers participatinginnationaltournamentsat
coach’sdiscretion.Pleaserefertoourwebsiteforthe practiceschedule.
2)In certaincircumstancesawrestlermaybeallowedtomiss practicetopracticeatanothergym.Thisarrangementmustbe approved in advance by the Head coach.
3)TheK-2ndgradewrestlerspracticetwiceaweek.Pleaserefertoourwebsitefor thepracticeschedule.
4)Allwrestlersshouldmakeeveryefforttoavoidwalkingonthemats untilyou'vechangedyourshoes.Parentsshouldnotbeonthematsat anytimeunlessforamedicalemergencyorperthecoaches’ request.
5)Practicesmayrunafewminuteslateronoccasion;pleasebe patientwithyourcoachingstaff.Wewillmakeeveryefforttoend practicesasscheduled.
6)Ifyouareunabletomakepractice,pleasecalloremailthecoach responsible for attendance. This coach will be identified at the mandatoryparent/wrestlermeeting at the beginning ofthe season. All coaches are listed on our web site.
7)Ifyourchildwillbelatetopractice,orneedstobeexcusedearly, again,seethecoachresponsibleforattendance.
8)Ifschooliscancelledorclosedearlyduetosnow,practicesmaybe cancelledaswell.Pleaserefertothewebsiteforupdates.
i)NewJersey GradeSchoolLeague/PassaicCounty League(Varsity1):(winner ofwrestle-off)Thewrestle-offwinnerwillcompetein the applicable Varsity Grade School and Passaic County Wrestling League(NJGSWL/PCYWL).Wearegenerally scheduled to have between 15 to 18 dual meets during the season. See the schedulefordetails.Theregularseason
Champion will earn a team trophy.Therearecurrently16 weight classes(NJGSWL) and 18 weight classes in (PCYWL). (NJGSWL)707580859095100107112119124132140150
175 HWT,
Afteryouhavesecuredyourspot,itisanticipatedthatthewrestler will make weight. There will be weight progression allowances on January and February 1st of