Annexure – II

Proforma for Registration of subject for Dissertation

1. / Name of the Candidate & Address / DR.RAVI KUMAR
PG Student Department of Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Philosophy
h.k.e. Society ’S Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital, GULBARGA- 585105.
2. / Name of the Institution / H.K.E’s Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Gulbarga – 585104
3. / Course of Study of subject / M.D (Homoeo) in Organon & Philosophy
4. / Date of Admission to the course / 15th JUNE 2009
6. / Brief resume of Intended work
6.1 / Need for the study / Nephrolithiasis or Urolithiasis is the formation of stones in kidney & urinary tract respectively. Kidney stones are developed from crystals that separate from the urine in the urinary tract. Normally, urine contains chemicals that inhibit crystals formation,when these chemical do not work, crystals are formed. These crystals can grow through a process of accretion to form a kidney stone. Stone formation is also related to decreased urine volume or increased excretion of stone forming components such as calcium, oxalate, urate, cystine, xanthine & phosphate. Kidney stone may contain various combinations of chemicals like oxalate or phosphate of calcium. Struvite stones are formed by infection in urinary tract. Uric acid & Cystine stones are rare.
A study was done in the University College London to study the epidemiologyof the renal stone disease in the tropics. The results revealed that Bladder stones which were very much common in the children in the 19th & 20th century has been decreasing. This may be due to the improvements in the standard of living. As the standards of living increase, the incidence of the upper urinary tract stones has been increasing. The stone problem in the tropics may be compounded by low urine volumes resulting in some areas from poor drinking water which cause chronic diarrhea & in others in the hot climate & fluid losses through the skin.
ItalianUniversity conducted a study to find out the association between the drinking water& stone formation. It showed that drinking mineral waters containing high calcium content carries the risk of stone formation. The calcium content of waters used for hydration may vary from very low to relatively high & is an important factor in prevention or additional risk of stone formation.
The incidence of Renal calculi is very common in Hyderabad Karnataka region, which has similar climatic condition as said above. Existence of high content of Calcium, Phosphate & Flourine in drinking water & the environmental factors like high temperature & humidityleads to formation of acidic & concentrated urine, eventually resulting in formation of calculi.
In Homoeotimes a homoeopathic health journal said that homoeopathic medicines have immense scope in treating the case of Renal stone. We can find long list of homoeopathic medicines in our literature, books. Now cases of renal calculi which are much frequent in our daily OPD’srequire constitutional anti-miasmatic of achieving complete cure. To decide miasmatic involvement is necessary to analyze the peculiar nature of the disease including its cause, clinical feature & pathogenesis of the disease condition. Even recurrence of stone can only be limited & prevented by such treatment.
Hence there is the need for the detail study & utility of Homoeopathic medicines to remove & to prevent the reoccurrence of tendency of Renal Calculi.
6.2 / Review of Literature / 1)Prof P.B.Chaterjee (1)
Pain is the most important presenting symptom; typically the pain is felt in the loin. It is aggravated exercise, especially jolting of a bus ride on a rough road, renal angle is tender. A stone in the kidney usually does not produce any radiation & the pain is known as “fixed renal pain”. The pain is usually in the loin, but it may occasionally be felt anteriorly in the hypochondrium.
2) Samuel Lilienthal (2)
Lycopodium: Renal colic pain extending down (Right) ureter to the bladder with frequent urging to urinate, red sandy sediment, haematuria.
Ocinum Cannum: Turbid depositing a white & albuminous sediment urine saffron in color, cramp pain in kidney, renal colic with vomiting, discharge of large quantity of blood with urine.
Sarsaparilla: Urine dribbles away when sitting, on standing passes urine freely, passes gravel or small calculi blood with last of urine, sand in urine.
3) J. N. Shinghal (3)
Calculus prevention, formation & dissolving the stone.
i) For preventing formation of stones & storing uric acid in those who have gout & uric acid diathesis give Urticaria Urens – Q.
ii)Cardus mar will prevent further formation of stones.
iii)Epigea Repens – Q – Dr. Bell says that this medicine is very effective in dissolving stones
4)R.C.G.Russell (4)
Dietic:Deficiency of vitamins A causes desquamation of epithelium.
Decreased urinary citrate: The presence of citrate on urine 300 - 900 mgs 24h Altered urinary solutes & collides: Dehydration leads to an increased concentration of urinary solutes & tends to cause them precipitate for the formation of Renal calculi.
Renal infection:Infection favours the formation of Renal calculi. Both the clinical & experimental stone formation is common, when urine is infected with urea splitting streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli. favours the formation of renalcalculi.Inadequate urinary drainage & urinary stasis: Stones are liable to form when urine does not pass freely.Prolonged immobilization: Paraplegia is liable to result in skeletal decalcification & an increase in urinary calcium favouring the formation of Renal calculi.
5) Dr. Prafull Vijayaka (5)
Sycotic constitutions have an innate & predominant tendency to fight all the invasions whether they are pathogens, toxins or mental plane. The constructive, defensive responses of the cell & the tissue. These people are bound to get easy construction, easy growths thickenings, tumors, depositions & accumulation may be due to excess regeneration. Ex: Hypercalcification, Calcium oxalate stones, renal calculus, ureteric calculus, warts, moles, keloids thrown out externally gives us an indication that the patient has entered the sycotic defensive stage.
6) Dr. Girish Gupta (6)
Kidney stones form when there is a decrease in urine volume or an excess of stone forming substances such as calcium oxalate, urate, cystine, xanthine & phosphate in the urine. The most common type of kidney stone contains calcium, in combination either oxalate or phosphate. Dehydration due to reduced fluid in take or without adequate fluid replacement increases the risk of kidney stones.
7) Dr. Smitha Brahmachari (7)
Renal stones or calculus or lithiasis one of the most common disease of urinary tract. It occurs more frequently in man & does have a familial predisposition. Urinary calculus is stone, composed of urinary salts bound together a colloid matrix of organic materials. It consists of a nucleus around which concentric layers of urinary salts are deposited. Homoeopathic medicine show great efficacy for treatment urinary stone & prevent its reoccurrence.
8)John H Clarke(8)
Agonizing pain twist about screams & groans red urine with brick dust sediment. Conium Cannon – 30.
Writing with crimpy pains must move about
Diaspora – Q.
Violent sticking pains in bladder extending from kidney into urethra with urging to urinate, Berbers Val – Q, Pereira – Brava - Q.
9) descrirtion1.htm (9)
(1)Hyperexcretion Of Relatively Insoluble Urinary Constituentssuch as oxalates, calcium, uric acid, cystine and certain drugs.
(2)Physiological Changes In Urinesuch as Urinary pH, Colloid content, Decreased concentration of crystalloids, Urinary magnesium/calcium ratio.
(3)Altered Urinary Crystalloids And Colloidseither there is an increase in the crystalloid level or a fall in the colloid level, urinary stones may be formed. If there is any modification of the colloids e. g. they lose their solvent action or adhesive property, urinary stones may develop.
(4)Decreased Urinary Output Of Citrate
Renal calculi: A common cause of blood in the urine and pain in the abdomen, flank, or groin. Occurs in 1 in 20 people at some time in their life. Development of the stones is related to decreased urine volume or increased excretion of stone-forming components such as calcium, oxalate, urate, cystine, xanthine, and phosphate.
11)Phyllis Speight(11)
Painful spasm affecting urethra & bladder, gout of the bladder, gouty concretions in urethra of young babies, when born to sycotic parents.
6.3 / Objective of Study / i)To evolve the miasmatic background.
ii)To establish the efficacy of Homoeopathic treatment.
iii)To study the utility of Homoeopathic medicines, inannihilatingthe tendency of reoccurrence of Renal calculi.
7. / Materials and Methods
7.1 / Source of Data / Patients attending at IPD, OPD’s of H.K.E’s Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Gulbarga.
7.2 / Methods of collection of Data (Including Samples, Procedures if any) / 1)By interrogation of individual cases.
2)By physical examination of patient.
3)By routine lab investigations where ever necessary.
4)Sample size: 30 cases are to be studied.
5)Sampling Procedure: Samples collectedusing simple random sampling technique.
6)Statistical Data Analysis: In the study mainly qualitative data are analyized by non-parametric tests like chi-square test(χ2Test).
7)Inclusive criteria: Cases in between age group of 10 to 60 years of both sexes with renal calculi are taken for study.
8)Exclusive criteria:Renal calculi below 10 years & above 60 years, above 15mm calculi, (Staghorn calculus), Hydronephrosis, Pyonephrosis, impaired renal functions are excluded in the study.
9) Duration of study:01.10.2009 to 30.11.2011
7.3 / Does the study require any investigations or intervention to be conducted on the patients or other human or animals? If so, please describe briefly. / Investigations when ever necessary.
i)X-ray plane KUB.
ii)USG of Abdomen & pelvis.
iii)Blood investigations: TC, DC, ESR, Serum Calcium phosphate level.
iv)Urine: Microscopic examination of urine, acidic ph.
v)IVP/IVU (Intravenous Pyelogram/Intravenous Urogram)
7.4 / Ethical clearance has been obtained from your institution in case 7.3.
Yes: - Ethical clearance has been obtained from our institution.
8. / List of references / 1)Prof.P.B.Chatterjee,Renal Stone,A Short Text Book of Surgery Vol – II, 2nd Edition Dec 1978.New Central Book Agency Publications, Kolkatta.
Page. No – 37.
2) Samuel Lilienthal,Calculi Renalis & Vesicalis, Gravel & Stone.Homoeopathic Therapeutics, Reprint Edition 2000, B. Jain Publishers (Pvt) Ltd.
Page.No – 110.
3) J. N.Shinghal, FRHSQuick Bedside Prescriber, 6th edition. Jain Publishing (Pvt) Ltd. Dec 2001
Page.No – 66.
4) R.C.G.Russell, Renal Calculi Bailey &Love’s,Short Practice of Surgery, 24th edition 2004, Edward Arnold LtdPage. No -1317.
5) Dr.Prafull Vijayaka,The End of Myasmtion of Miasms, Ist edition Reprint 2006.Mrs.Preeti Vijayakar Publisher, MumbaiPage.No – 113.
6)Dr. Girish Gupta,Evidence based Pilot Study on the Role of Homoeopathic Drugs in case of Kidney stones.Asian Journal of Homoeopathy, Vol – 3,No – 3.HFY Publication Pvt LtdD-56, Sector 5 Noida – 201307 (U.P)Page.No – 13.
7) Dr. Smitha Brahmachari,Nephrolithiasis & its Homoeopathic Management Homoeo Times, Vol-6, Issue-9.A.K.P Homoeopathic Clinical Research Centre,Chennai. Page. No –5.
8)John H Clarke, M.DThe Prescriber.Jain Publishing Co. Page .No – 104
9) descrirtion1.htm
11) Phyllis Speight, Urinary Organs, A Comparision of Chronic Miasms.Revised edition 1977.Health Science Press, Bradford, Holsworthy, Devon, England.
Page. No – 41.
9. / Signature of the candidate
10. / Remarks of the guide
11. / 11.1 / Name & Designation of guide
Prof, Department of Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Philosophy
H.K.E’s Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Gulbarga.
11.2 / Signature
11.3 / Co-guide (if any)
11.4 / Signature
11.5 / Head of the Department / DR. P. SAMPATH RAO
Prof & Head, Department of Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Philosophy
H.K.E’s Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Gulbarga.
11.6 / Signature
12. / 12.1 / Remarks of the Chairman & Principal
12.2 / Signature