Raising Standards of Achievement and Developing a More Inclusive Education System Are

Raising standards of achievement and developing a more inclusive education system are cornerstones of government policy which apply to all pupils ...

The target setting for pupils with special educational needs or those who may be underachieving should be regarded as a strategy in the process of raising attainment and assisting individual pupils to make progress in curricular areas, including personal and social development. PIVATS offers the mechanism to achieve this.

What is PIVATS?

·  Performance Indicators for Value Added Target Setting (PIVATS) is based up on the revised performance criteria published by DfES and QCA (2001) in "Supporting the Target Setting Process - Guidance for Effective Target Setting for Pupils with Special Educational Needs

·  The performance criteria have become known as the P Scales

Who is PIVATS for?

PIVATS is appropriate for a wide range of pupils with needs that are additional to or different from other learners. This includes pupils

PIVATS is based upon attainment within the stated range but it is not disability specific, age-specific or linked to any type of provision.

PIVATS is an extended version of the revised P Scales.

·  Each of the level descriptions expressed as P1(i) to P8 and 1C to 4 has been differentiated into five stepping stones to lead to the P Scale milestone and national curriculum level 4.


In PIVATS, in English, we have chosen to develop two separate but complementary sections within speaking and listening to reflect the development of expression and comprehension skills within language and communication. The English elements of PIVATS are closely linked to the Framework for teaching the National Literacy Strategy and the National Strategy for key stage 3.

·  speaking and listening - comprehension (P1(i) to P8 and level 1C to 4)

·  speaking and listening - expression (P1(i) to P8 and level 1C to 4)

·  reading (P1(i) to P8 and level 1C to 4)

·  writing (P1(i) to P8 and level 1C to 4)


Similarly in mathematics, the PIVATS elements take full account of the Framework for teaching the National Numeracy Strategy and the National Strategy for key stage 3.

·  using and applying mathematics (P1(i) to P8 and level 1 to 4)

·  number (P1(i) to P8 and level 1C to 4)

·  shape, space and measures (P1(i) to P8 and level 1C to 4)


In the science elements of PIVATS, we have chosen to develop separate but complementary sections for scientific enquiry, life processes and living things, materials and their properties and physical processes.

·  scientific enquiry (P1(i) to P8 and level 1 to 4)

·  life processes and living things (P1(i) to P8 and level 1 to 4)

·  materials and their properties (P1(i) to P8 and level 1 to 4)

·  physical processes (P1(i) to P8 and level 1 to 4)

Personal and Social Development

We have also chosen to retain the original P Scales (1998) for personal and social development but extended them to take account of the criteria for measuring emotional and behavioural development published by DfES and QCA in 2001 in "Supporting school improvement - Emotional and behavioural development".

·  interacting and working with others (conduct behaviour) (PSD1 to PSD 16)

·  independent and organisational skills (emotional behaviour) (PSD1 to PSD 16)

·  attention (learning behaviour) (PSD1 to PSD 16)

Supporting Inclusion

·  by informing decisions, and monitoring effectiveness of pupil Placement

·  through offering a basis for comparing a variety of provision

·  by assisting schools and LEAs to target SEN funding linked to pupil achievement through Best Value

·  by providing a mechanism to inform Statement criteria linked to pupil performance

·  through focusing on pupil attainment rather than disability, learning difficulty or social status

Developing Pupil Profiles

·  to offer consistency in assessing pupil attainment at early developmental levels and up to level 4 in national curriculum whose performance is outside of national expectations

·  to support early assessment and identification of pupils with particular needs

·  to provide a graphical representation of pupil progress

·  to allow cohorts of pupils with similar attainments to be identified

Promoting School Self Evaluation and Improvement

·  by measuring the attainment of pupils operating below level 1 (P1i-P8) and up to level 4 in the national curriculum in language and literacy, mathematics, science and personal and social development

·  by assisting the target setting process at individual, cohort, school and LEA levels

·  through developing benchmark data based on pupil performance and attainment

·  through identification of areas of strength and areas for development in learning and teaching

·  by providing a focus for staff development and a mechanism to support Performance Management

Promoting Value-Added

·  by tracking pupils’ progress as well as their achievement

·  by offering a tool for headteachers, their staff, governing bodies and LEAs to use to analyse the extent to which they have effectively raised pupil achievement through teaching and learning strategies

·  through showing trends in value-added performance over time in relation to school improvement initiatives

·  by providing additional guidance in monitoring and target setting for individual pupils and specific groups of pupils, such as boys or girls, different ability groups or different ethnic groups

Sample pages from the PIVATS document

English - Speaking and Listening: Comprehension

Pupil can maintain a conversation with one other person modulating the tone, pace, volume and intonation that they use to optimise the listener's understanding. The pupil listens carefully in large and small group situations. They demonstrate this through making appropriate responses. / Pupil is able to express their thoughts and ideas both within small and large group situations to familiar and unfamiliar adults and peers. / Pupil can identify the main ideas from an oral presentation or argument.
e.g. at the end of a lesson pupils can recap the main points they have learnt as part of a group discussion supported by a teacher. / Pupil can ask questions in order to extend their understanding. Their questions may be prompted by an adult.
When reading aloud or talking in class discussions the pupil is able to modulate their tone, pace, volume and intonation appropriately. / Pupil is able to give detailed descriptions of abstract events using an extended variety of adverbs, adjectives, pronouns and conjunctions. With prompting the pupil can use and understand metaphor and simile in poetry and imaginative work. / 3 Pupils talk and listen confidently in different contexts, exploring and communicating ideas. In discussion, they show understanding of the main points. Through relevant comments and questions, they show they have listened carefully. They begin to adapt what they say to the needs of the listener, varying the use of vocabulary and the level of detail. They are beginning to be aware of standard English and when it is used.

Mathematics - Number Including Data Handling and Calculations

Pupil can relate numerals 1, 2, and 3 to the number of objects. / Pupil can join in with rote counting to 10. / Pupil can count at least 5 objects reliably.
Pupil can respond appropriately to the question 'How many?' / Pupil can recognise numerals from 1-5.
Pupil can demonstrate an understanding of 'more'/'fewer', in practical situations where the difference is less marked,
e.g. a plate with two biscuits on and a plate with 4 biscuits on. (Pupils do not need to know that 4 is greater than 2).
Pupil can in practical situations respond appropriately to 'add one', 'take one'
e.g. bring one more pencil or cup and take one book or take one biscuit. / Pupil can recognise numerals 1 to 5 and relate each numeral to the correct quantity, understanding that that numeral always represents that quantity.
Pupil can match the pattern on a dice to the numeral. / P7 Pupils join in with rote counting to ten. They can count at least 5 objects reliably. They begin to recognise numerals from 1 to 5 and to understand that each represents a constant number or amount. They respond appropriately to key vocabulary and questions, for example, 'How many?' Pupils begin to recognise differences in quantity, for example, in comparing given sets of objects and saying which one has more or less, is the bigger group or smaller group. In practical situations respond to 'add one' and 'take one'.

Science - Scientific Enquiry

Pupil can respond to suggestions about what will happen, when given a choice,
e.g. “Which one will bounce?” / Pupil sorts by a given criterion,
e.g. “Show me the red things.” / Pupil can match objects,
e.g. matches real objects with photographs. / Pupil can name simple actions and events,
e.g. push, dark. / Pupil can complete simple descriptions about what happened,
e.g. “The ball ....” (adult), “bounced” (pupil). / P7 Pupils actively join in scientific investigations. They understand some simple, scientific vocabulary and can communicate related ideas and observations using simple phrases, for example, indicate which food to give which animal. They sort materials reliably with given criteria, for example, hard or soft. They observe some of the simple properties of light, sound and movement, for example, shadows, volume or speed. They begin to record their findings, for example, pictorially. They begin to make suggestions for planning and evaluating their work.
Pupil requests actions and events,
e.g. “Squash it,” “Smell it.” / Pupil can describe characteristics of objects and events they observe,
e.g. can say “It's big,” “It's hard,” “It's shiny.” / Pupil describes something as it happens,
e.g. in response to question “What is the car doing?” Can say “It is moving.” / Pupil can communicate observations through drawings which can be recognised,
e.g. a plant with leaves, coloured green. / Pupil can respond to reminders about short sequences,
e.g. when asked “What did the cat do?” can respond, to say that "It meowed”, or “it ran away”. / P8 Pupils explore and observe similarities, differences, patterns and changes in features of objects, living things and events. They begin to make their own contributions to planning and evaluation and to recording their findings in different ways.
Pupils identify a range of common materials and know about some of their properties. They sort materials using simple criteria and communicate their observations of materials in terms of these properties.
Pupils make their own observations of changes in light, sound or movement that result from actions, for example, pressing a switch. They can describe the changes when questioned directly.

Personal and Social Development - Interacting and Working with Others(Conduct Behaviour)

Pupil shows intolerance to a range of sensory stimuli. / Pupil stills in response to a sound, voice, surroundings,
e.g. startled by sudden noise. / Pupil pays attention to surroundings.
Pupil accepts and is comforted by appropriate physical contact. / Pupil makes sounds, gestures to communicate basic needs,
e.g. quietens/stops crying at the sound of a familiar sound or voice or cessation of continuous sound. / Pupil interacts with people, turning to a voice.
Pupil looks/smiles at familiar adult.
Pupil follows object with eyes/touch/gesture. / PSD1 Pupils are beginning to show sensory awareness in relation to a range of people, objects and materials in everyday contexts. They show reflex responses to sensory stimuli, for example, startle response.
Pupil performs some actions using trial and improvement. / Pupil shows reactive responses to familiar people,
e.g. smiling. / Pupil shows reactive responses to familiar objects including reaching and holding. / Pupil makes sounds or gestures to express simple needs. / Pupil makes sounds or gestures to express simple wants or feelings. / PSD2 Pupils perform some actions using trial and error and show reactive responses to familiar people and objects, such as reaching and holding objects, smiling and turning to familiar voices. They make sounds or gestures to express simple needs, wants or feelings in response to their immediate environment, for example, protesting or requesting, using facial expression to enhance meaning.
Pupil communicates using different sounds and/or gestures. / Pupil communicates simple choices, likes or dislikes. / Pupil shows anticipation in response to familiar routines or activities,
Pupil recognises that being taken into the dining room indicates meal-time. / Pupil shows anticipation in response to familiar people and responds appropriately. / Pupil explores or manipulates objects, toys or equipment. / PSD3 Pupils show anticipation in response to familiar people, routines, activities and actions and respond appropriately to them. They explore or manipulate objects, toys or other equipment. They are able to communicate simple choices, likes and dislikes. They can communicate, using different tones and sounds and use some vocalisations and/or gestures to communicate.


Assessment Sheet

Date of Birth
Date of assessment
Year group at time of assessment / 8
Receives additional staffing support / Yes
Number of hours support / 0-5
How is majority of support provided / Group
PIVATS Elements / PIVATS level 2003 / PIVATS level
2004 / PIVATS level
Speaking & Listening: Comprehension / 1Ae
Speaking & Listening: Expression / 1Be
Reading / 1Cd
Writing / 1Cc
Using & applying Mathematics / 1Aa
Number / 2Cc
Shape, space & measures / 2Ce
Interacting & working with others / P5D5d
Independent & organisational skills / P5D9d
Attention / P5D9c

A copy of this table is given to each class teacher for each of their pupils. It shows the PIVAT scores for the previous year the teacher then enters their assessment. It is then entered onto the PIVATs web site.

Then a Pupil Profile is generated which shows any progress.