New Statutory Duties – guidance out for consultation now

Raising Standards and Improving Outcomes for children under 5 and their families

The Childcare Act 2006 contains three principal duties for local authorities:

•  to improve the well-being of children under five

•  to secure sufficient childcare for children of working parents; and

•  to provide information, advice and assistance to schools and settings providing services to children, and directly to parents and carers on how to access these services.

The draft statutory guidance (*) sets out a vision for future services where

“ Parents, from the time they know they are expecting a baby, see a coherent pattern of accessible child health, early years provision and family support services ahead of them”

The Local Authority is required to work with the Strategic Health Authority, Primary Care Trust and Jobcentre Plus to plan and develop services.

Implications for Oxfordshire

In Oxfordshire the Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership, under the Umbrella of the Children’s Trust arrangements, plans and co-ordinates services for Under 5s and their families. Services to young children and families are offered through a whole range of partners and teams – schools, private, voluntary and independent childcare providers, outreach services, family support and health service teams.

There are 4 main developing strands of work in Oxfordshire in order to implement the Act and the new guidance:


1.  New Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum

Briefings for heads and governors, training and support for the introduction of the new Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum from birth to 5 is being led by the Early Years Advisory Team throughout the autumn of 2007 and spring and summer of 2008. The team is also developing a new Quality Improvement Strategy. This will include targeting the work of advice and support schemes to those schools and settings that need it most. There will be more support for schools and settings to analyse their data and to in undertake Foundation Stage Profile assessment.

Contact The Early Years Advisory Team: 01865 428 095

  1. The Children’s Centre programme

There are 14 centres designated so far in Oxfordshire and a further 15 to be designated by March 2008. Phase 3 (2008 – 2010), should enable all areas of the Oxfordshire to be covered by children’s centre services. Children’s centres are good models of integrated services – providing or sign-posting parents to the range of early education, childcare, parenting support and health services they might need. Contact 01235 549331

  1. Childcare development

In order to ensure sufficient childcare places for all parents who need one, the County has commissioned a comprehensive childcare market analysis to be undertaken over the summer and autumn of 2007. This will enable the County to support sustainability and respond to demand by working closely with Oxfordshire’s private and voluntary childcare sector including childminders. Childcare is also part of the core offer in extended schools. Contact: 01235 549331

4.  Information for parents

Developing the information and advice available to parents and also to providers of services – especially those in the private and voluntary sector and childminders. Oxfordshire Children’s Information Service is contracted by the County Council to provide many of these service for parents and providers of early learning and childcare services. Contact: 0845 262 636

* Reference:

Raising Standards, Improving Outcomes: Draft Statutory Guidance on the Early Years Outcomes Duty