Raising Awareness about Cerebral Palsy and the Struggles of Students with Disabilities
Assignment Summary and Rationale:
You will research one of these three topics:
1. Investigate the problems of children with Cerebral Palsy, especially those that are of school age. How does it affect the child socially, academically, and personally?
2. Investigate the possible causes of Cerebral Palsy, and what preventative measures, if any, can be taken.
3. Research current laws for inclusion of children with disabilities into classrooms. What effect, if any, do such things have on a school community?
You will gather information from 3 credible sources. I will give you time in the library and/or computer lab to do so. We will learn how to organize our information and create an outline. From the outline, we will construct a 5-paragraph research paper in which you reference and cite 3 sources using MLA guidelines.
Throughout the course of your life, you will encounter topics that are unknown to you. The ability to find credible sources and organize information are important skills to possess.
Writer’s Purpose:
You will write an expository essay that describes and informs your audience of the issues of those with disabilities, specifically Cerebral Palsy. You are hoping to gain the support of your guidance counselors who will hopefully pilot your campaign to raise money to make the school more assessable for those with CP or other disabilities within your school population.
Writer’s Role:
You will write as if you are an advocate of someone who is afflicted with Cerebral Palsy.
Your audience is the counseling office. You are hoping to convince them to raise awareness of Cerebral Palsy and to begin a fundraiser to make the school more assessable for those with disabilities.
Research Paper
Final FCAs:
1. MLA format
2. 3 sources total (each referenced in the paper at least once)
3. Works Cited Page
Before writing your research paper, you will complete several activities.
o Type I: Brainstorm about your topic of choice. (What do you already know?)
o Type II: Gather information from 3 different, credible sources and create an index card for each source
o Type II: Organize your facts into three categories
o TYPE III: Create an outline for your paper (introduction, body paragraph 1, body paragraph 2, body paragraph 3, and conclusion) FCAs: MLA Format, Follow outline guidelines, Correct Capitalization
o TYPE III: Create a rough draft of your introduction. FCAs: Catchy opener, Clear thesis, word choice
o Revise: Read your paper aloud and check for confusing parts.
o Type IV: revise introduction. FCAs Sentence variety, Developed thesis, 4 strong verbs
o Type III: Create a rough draft of Body Paragraphs. FCAs: Transitions to start paragraphs, Topic sentence, 3 pieces of evidence
o Revise: Read your paper aloud and check for confusing parts.
o Type IV: revision of Body Paragraphs. FCAs(per body paragraph): Transitions between ideas, 3 supporting details (1 citation), concluding sentence
o Edit: peer-edit for the FCAs given by your teacher
o Type III: rough draft of conclusion paragraph FCAs: Transition, Tie up major points, Echo thesis statement
o Type IV: revision of conclusion. FCAs: transitions between ideas, evidence of original thoughts, tie in an element from the introduction that makes essay come full circle.
o Edit: peer-edit for the FCAs given by your teacher
o Type IV: Piece your paragraphs together into one cohesive essay. FCAs: MLA Format, 3 cited sources, Works Cited Page
o Revise: Read your paper aloud and check for confusing parts. Have a parent or an adult read your paper out loud to you and sign it.
o Final draft due on: ______