Raising Achievement Plan 2015-16
Executive Summary
Raising Achievement Plan – Summary (Year 2015-16)
Strategic Priorities(2015- 2018) / Key Objectives1. Outcomes for all pupils will be very high, with substantial and sustained progress, irrespective of their starting point.
OUTCOMES FOR PUPILS / 1.1 The academy will meet its whole academy headline targets as agreed by Governors.
1.2 All pupils will achieve their minimum expected grades (MEG) across all of their subjects, making better than expected progress.
1.3 Pupils’ achievements will be celebrated.
1.4 The gap will close between Disadvantaged (those in receipt of pupil premium funding) and Non-Disadvantaged pupils.
1.5 The gap between Disabled and those with SEN pupils and Non Disabled/SEN pupils will narrow.
1.6 The most able pupils will be making progress towards attaining the highest standards and achieving as well as they could.
2. Pupils will develop excellent attitudes to learning. They will be proud of their success, well behaved and have full respect for themselves and others.
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, BEHAVIOUR AND WELFARE / 2.1Pupils will have good punctuality and attendance.
2.2Pupils will be rewarded for their success through the e-praise and house systems.
2.3The behaviour of all pupils will be very good and reflect the academy’s strategies to promote high standards of behaviour. The strategies will be supported through the academy’s pastoral support systems.
2.4The academy’s behaviour policy will deal effectively and consistently with any behaviour which impacts negatively on learning and the academy environment.
2.5Pupils’ from all backgrounds will have the opportunities to go on educational trips and visits to extend their knowledge and understanding across a range of skills.
2.6Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development will equip them to be thoughtful, caring and active citizens in Haughton Academy and the wider community.
2.7Pupils will be able to explain how to keep themselves healthy and safe. They will make informed choices leading to improved physical and mental well-being.
2.8There is strong impartial careers guidance programme that helps pupils to make informed choices about which courses suit their academic needs and aspirations.
2.9 Pupils will have a highly effective transition from Key Stage 2 into Haughton Academy.
3. All aspects of teaching and learning demonstrate deep knowledge and understanding across all subject areas.
QUALITY OF TEACHING, LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT / 3.1 The quality of teaching will be consistently good in every area, with much outstanding.
3.2 The academy’s virtual learning environment (VLE) will support and enhance learning across all year groups.
3.3 All pupils will be confident and competent in using numeracy skills that they need in academy and in adult life.
3.4 Literacy skills will be fully embedded across all departments and year groups.
3.5 Teachers will use questioning highly effectively in lessons.
3.6 Pupils will complete challenging homework, in line with the academy’s policy.
3.7 Teachers will provide all students with high quality marking and feedback, consistently in line with the academy’s teaching and learning policy.
3.8 A new system of assessment, to replace national curriculum levels, will be embedded across KS3.
4. Leaders and governors will provide the highest quality leadership, promoting a culture of success and healthy well-being.
EFFECTIVENESS OF LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT / 4.1 Pupils contribute towards whole academy improvement through roles and responsibilities available through leadership in the House Council.
4.2 Department teams will display high morale and involvement in academy improvement and will purposefully achieve good standards of performance.
4.3 Staff will be valued through recruitment and retention processes and the development of the staff, having due regard to work life balance and well being.
4.4 Appraisal will adhere to the EVAT guidelines and be implemented consistently across the workforce.
4.5 Personalised programmes for individual and departmental developments will meet needs and performance.
4.6 Successful CPD programmes will be shared across the academy and wider educational communities, linked to the academy’s strategic priorities.
4.7 The curriculum will be designed, implemented and evaluated to ensure it provides breadth and balance and strong pupil outcomes.
4.8 Leaders and governors will ensure effective safeguarding.
4.9 Leaders and governors will raise awareness and keep pupils safe from the dangers of abuse, sexual exploitations, radicalisation and extremism.
4.10 All forms of equality will be promoted alongside respect for people of all faiths, races, genders, ages, disability and sexual orientation within the academy and the wider
4.11 Governors will challenge, support and hold the academy leaders to account.
4.12 Leaders and governors will actively engage with parents, carers and other stakeholders and agencies to support all pupils.
4.13 The academy will have a clear action plan, implementation and evaluation of its support for pupils identified as Disadvantaged.
Section / Aim / Success criteria / Lead / Resources and Budget / Monitoring and Evaluation
1.1 / The academy will meet its whole academy headline targets as agreed by Governors. / Pupil outcomes (cohort 2016) will be good.
The attainment and progress targets as set by FFTA will be met in the summer 2016.
The progress team will support disadvantaged pupils. / SCL / Cost of PiXL
Cost of SISRA Analytics
1.2 / All pupils will achieve their minimum expected grades (MEG) across all of their subjects, making better than expected progress. / Pupils will exceed their minimum expected grades in as many subjects as possible.
Attainment and progress will be good. / SCL / Use of FFT Aspire
1.3 / Pupils’ achievements will be celebrated. / The e-praise rewards system will be fully embedded across the academy.
Staff will be fully utilising the system to motivate students.
Pupils will be motivated to do well, make good progress and achieve. / SGI / £7260
1.4 / The gap will close between Disadvantaged (those in receipt of pupil premium funding) and Non-Disadvantaged pupils. / Disadvantaged students will make very good progress and feel fully supported in their studies.
1.5 / The gap between Disabled and those with SEN pupils and Non Disabled/SEN pupils will narrow. / The SENCO and SEN intervention team will fully support all Disabled and SEN pupils so that they make the best possible progress and achieve good outcomes, relevant to their situation.
1.6 / The most able pupils will make progress towards attaining the highest standards and achieving as well as they can. / The more able students are provided with appropriate stretch and challenge and make better than expected progress.
Section / Aim / Success criteria / Lead / Resources and Budget / Monitoring and Evaluation
2.1 / Pupils will have good punctuality and attendance. / Pupils will be punctual to the academy and have an attendance rate of >95%.
The PA% will show an improvement and the students identified as PAs will have individual support and intervention in place. / SGI / Cost of PCSO (already in budget)
2.2 / Pupils will be rewarded for their success through the e-praise and house systems. / Staff and students will both fully use the e-praise system of celebrating success across the academy. / SGI / Cost: please see 1.3
2.3 / The behaviour of all pupils will be very good and reflect the academy’s strategies to promote high standards of behaviour. The strategies will be supported through the academy’s pastoral support systems. / An appropriate curriculum will be in place for all pupils across the academy.
Behaviour of all pupils will be very good with the Behaviour Intervention Team fully supporting pupils ‘at risk’.
Staff will be highly effective in dealing with all types of negative behaviour. / SGI / Possible CPD costs
2.4 / The academy’s behaviour policy will deal effectively and consistently with any behaviour which impacts negatively on learning and the academy environment. / Staff and students will be able to recognise and understand the expectations and standards required to achieve good behaviour. / SGI / Resources - £450
2.5 / Pupils from all backgrounds will have the opportunities to go on educational trips and visits to extend their knowledge and understanding. / There will be an increase in the number of pupils attending educational trips and visits, particularly those from Disadvantaged backgrounds. / JBE / Funding - £5 000
2.6 / Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural, (SMSC), development will equip them to be thoughtful, caring and active citizens in Haughton Academy and the wider community. / SMSC will be evident throughout the formal and informal curriculum across the academy.
Pupils will be caring and active citizens. / PBA
2.7 / Pupils will be able to explain how to keep themselves healthy and safe. They will make informed choices leading to improved physical and mental well-being. / Pupils will have very good knowledge of how to keep themselves healthy and safe. They will make informed and correct choices. / SGI / £210
2.8 / There will be a strong impartial careers guidance programme that helps pupils to make informed choices about which courses suit their academic needs and aspirations. / Pupils will have access to a very good careers programme.
They will make the correct informed choices about post 16 provision. / CLA
2.9 / Pupils will have a highly effective transition from Key Stage 2 into Haughton Academy. / Students transferring into Haughton Academy from KS2 to 3 will have a seamless and successful transition. / LBA / £500
Section / Aim / Success criteria / Lead / Resources and Budget / Monitoring and Evaluation
3.1 / The quality of teaching will be consistently good in every area, with much outstanding. / There will be a consistent approach to teaching, learning and assessment across all departments within the academy. The quality will be high and will demonstrate students making at least the expected levels of progress.
Assessment systems will be in place from Year 7 through to Year 11. / SCL / £3 500
3.2 / The academy’s virtual learning environment (VLE) will support and enhance learning across all year groups. / Teachers will use the new VLE to provide high quality resources to support learning.
Students are engaged and actively using the VLE to enhance their learning experiences. / SCL
3.3 / All pupils will be confident and competent in using numeracy skills that they need in academy and in adult life. / Pupils are developing essential cross curricular numeracy skills that they can use across all subjects in the academy. / JDE / £500
3.4 / Literacy skills will be fully embedded across all departments and year groups. / Pupils are developing essential cross curricular literacy skills that they can use across all subjects in the academy. / ENG
3.5 / Teachers will use questioning highly effectively in lessons. / Pupils’ learning is being accelerated and enhanced by high quality questioning within the classroom.
Teachers know when and how to use questioning highly effectively in lessons across the academy. / SCL / £4800
3.6 / Pupils will complete challenging homework, in line with the academy’s policy. / Teachers in all departments across the academy are setting appropriate and relevant homework that is providing stretch and challenge for all students. The homework is directly linked to learning and enabling pupils to make better than expected progress. / SCL
3.7 / Teachers will provide all students with high quality marking and feedback, consistently in line with the academy’s teaching and learning policy. / Marking and feedback are consistently used across the academy, with www and ebi, used by all staff.
Students are receiving high quality feedback from their work, which they can then act upon and show further improvements. / SCL
3.8 / A new system of assessment, to replace national curriculum levels, will be embedded across KS3. / A new assessment system will be in place that tracks pupil progress from entry into the academy with KS2 SAT scores through KS3 and onto KS4 GCSE levels/grades.
The system will be used successfully and understood by all staff, students and parents. / SCL / Doddle
1 yr price - £6 900
3 yr price - £15 900
Printing costs of reports every 9 weeks - £1050
Section / Aim / Success criteria / Lead / Resources and Budget / Monitoring and Evaluation
4.1 / Pupils contribute towards whole academy improvement through roles and responsibilities available through leadership in the House Council. / A successful House Council will meet and contribute throughout the year to current issues in the academy and to help drive academy improvement. / SGI
4.2 / Department teams will display high morale and involvement in academy improvement and will purposefully achieve good standards of performance. / All departments across the academy will have very strong leadership that will self evaluate strengths and areas for improvement aligned to the key strategic priorities.
EVAT will be awarded the platinum Arts mark for 2015-16
The Haughton Academy Arts Department will lead a range of collaborative arts projects across the Academy trust. / SCL
VGO / £1500
To cover the cost of application and teacher cover
4.3 / Staff will be valued through recruitment and retention processes and the development of the staff, having due regard to work life balance and well being. / The academy will recruit strong new staff, as and when is required.
Existing staff will be retained, feel valuedand have a strong sense of well being.
An audit of staff voice will be successfully carried out. / JLU / £3000 French advert
£250 well being fund
£2000 questionnaires
4.4 / Appraisal will adhere to the EVAT guidelines and be implemented consistently across the workforce. / There will be a consistent, robust whole academy appraisal system that provides challenge through aspirational but achievable performance targets. / JLU / On-going cost of SchoolIP system
4.5 / Personalised programmes for individual and departmental developments will meet needs and performance. / Individual and departments’ needs will be met through the high quality CPD programme that is provided across the academy, aligned to the academy’s strategic priorities.
Assistant Headteacher to complete the NPQSL qualification / LFO
LFO / CPD budget
£ 1500
4.6 / Successful CPD programmes will be shared across the academy and wider educational communities, linked to the academy’s strategic priorities. / The best practice that is identified across the EVAT partnership will be shared across the wider community. All training will be closely aligned to the strategic priorities.
A very successful training event for the whole EVAT trust, linked to the trust’s strategic priorities. / LFO / CPD budget
£7 500
4.7 / The curriculum will be designed, implemented and evaluated to ensure it provides breadth and balance and strong pupil outcomes. / An audit of the current curriculum will take place and any refinements will be made to ensure the curriculum is fit for purpose and providing the best possible student outcomes. / PBA
4.8 / Leaders and governors will ensure effective safeguarding. / All of the necessary members of staff will have received the necessary safeguarding training that is needed across the academy.
All safeguarding concerns/issues will be logged using the correct data system. / SGI / Cost of Safeguarding training.
Training on CPOMS data system
4.9 / Leaders and governors will raise awareness and keep pupils safe from the dangers of abuse, sexual exploitations, radicalisation and extremism. / All staff will be trained and know when to recognise any dangers that pupils may be in from sexual exploitations, radicalisation and extremism. / SGI / Staff Training cost
4.10 / All forms of equality will be promoted alongside respect for people of all faiths, races, genders, ages, disability and sexual orientation within the academy and the wider community. / All pupils will have full considered and developed full respect for people from different faiths, races, genders, ages, disability and sexual orientation. / SGI
4.11 / Governors will challenge, support and hold academy leaders to account. / High quality governance will hold all leaders to account; where necessary the governors will receive training. / JLU